In the airplane

Stuck in my Heart

 Eun Mi's Pov:

Oh great, why cant I sit by normal people! My heart feels like exploding everytime I happen to take a glance at him. Just when I thought he was sleeping, Jonghyun opaa nudged me.

"Ummm..... excuse me, but do you mind if I put the arm rest up? I really hate feeling crowded." He said, blushing. Aaah! He is sooo adorable!! His voice sounded so heavenly in my ears. How could I refuse to that?

"uu-h-h... Sure, no problem" I said, not able to meet eyes with him.

Suddenly, I felt a rush of wind brush my skin. The air conditioner was on, and man was it freezing! I felt like I was in the snow. The coldness was completely unbearable. Where was my blanket and pillow?? I scanned my surroundings to see if I could find it, I found Min with 2 pillows and taking out my folded blanket. What was she trying to do?

"Min!!! Give me my blanket! I'm so cold! I don't even have a jacket! Please, give me back my blanket! Or, can you at least give me your jacket?" I said sounding desperate. Well, it was true, I was.

"O-h, this is Unnie's! I stole it fro-m he-r... uhhh….yea…..sorry, share with jonghyun oppa!” Min said giggling. Did she reaaallly think I was stupid?? I can clearly see Unnie(Sunmi) covered with HER blanket, and sleeping on HER pillow. Ugh, please don’t tell me those two set this up JUST so I can share a blanket with Jonghyun oppa. Although, I didn’t really hate it either, just didn’t want to sound weird to him. I couldn’t ask him now. I would only ask him when I was SUPER desperate. While I was thinking of what I should do, a notebook covered with words sat on my lap.

It was from Christine and Biyoun. I read it nervously.

Hey Eun mi! Sorry, but I’m afraid non of us could help you! Please just share a blanket with Jonghyun oppa! I reeeallllyyy want you guys to be together. It could be like that one drama whe-

I stopped reading and began to skim the page and stopped to read this.

Min and Sunmi said to not give it to you because they want you to ask him. They said you’re sooo lucky and we don’t want this experience to come to a waste. You wished to meet SHINee, and you did. Now all is left is for you two to be together! Plus, if you guys go out, we could go to Music Bank, Music Core, and all of those places for free! AND we could meet other korean idols like BEAST!!! WOO!! Please my super awesome cousin!

P.S. This is why we call you spoiled. lol

As I finished reading, I looked up to see 4 pairs of eyes staring at me with their ‘kindest’ smile. UGH. Why? They all looked at me pleading. I sighed, and nodded my head in surrender. I felt another rush of wind come my way, and felt like was already frozen. I attempted to warm myself, but it didn’t affect me at all.

Jonghyun’s POV:

I took a quick glance at the beautiful girl sitting next to me and scooted myself over. I don’t know why, but I felt like my ‘wall’ broke. Usually, I was kind of a jerk to my fans, but she…… she was different. As I stared at her, she looked much more pale than before I laid eyes on her. I looked over at her, and realized her cousin or whoever sat across from us took her pillow and blanket. I leaned to see what she was reading, and slightly brushed my skin on hers. She was FREEZING. I swear I felt like I just touched a block of ice. Not thinking, I quickly took off my jacket and looked at her again. She was attempting to warm herself, but it looked like it didn’t help. I gathered all the courage I had, and asked her to take my jacket.

“Hey miss, Here’s my jacket. You look so cold. Here, take it.” I said happily, giving her my smile-to-die-for.

“Oh, n-o, it’s ok, I’m fine, really.” She said. Like I was buying it.

“Come, turn around.” I said, holding her in my arms, putting the jacket on her. She turned around, and thanked me. I smiled, and sat back in my seat. I glanced again towards her, and she was blushing because her friends or sisters were screaming and going crazy over what I just did. Just then, the lights turned off. I guess it was time to sleep, but she didn’t have a blanket? I can’t just let her sleep without one, and I couldn’t just tell her she could share one with me, so I stood up, and hit Taemin.

“OW! Hyung! What was that for!” Taemin said, rubbing his head.

“Sorry, sorry! Hey, Taemin-ah…help your Hyung pleeease!” I pleaded, holding my hands together, making me look so innocent. I knew Taemin would say no, but before he could say anything, I used my last battle weapon. My puppy eyes.

“Hyung! Come on! That’s not fair~ You can’t use your stupid cute puppy eyes on me!” Taemin complained. I stayed as I was.

“Aish! Fine! But I’m only helping you this one time k?! What is it?”

I smiled. Taemin was always easy to manipulate.

“Ok, here’s the plan. Key, you lie down and put your legs on Taemin’s seat. Taemin, you ‘pretend’ that you can’t sleep, and Key is taking up both seats, so you ask to sit with her. Then, if she says no, then say that Key already knocked you off his seat, and you have no where to sit. That’s where I come in. I’ll say that you are a heavy sleeper, and might ‘hurt’ her, so she should sit by me. That’s where I will make my move! Ok, got the plan? But, let me sit down first k?” I said, sounding convincing.

“Ok hyung! If you two are not together sooner or later, your dead!” Taemin said while hugging his stuffed toy Pikachu.

Eun Mi’s POV:


10 minutes later

I felt like I was about to die. Jonghyun oppa gave me his jacket and hugged me! aaaah!! I thought. My eyes were finally able to shut, almost falling asleep when, Taemin oppa came standing in front of me, whining.

“Noona!! Is it ok if I sleep with you?? Key hyung took my seat and now I am seatless! PLEASE!! He just woke me up, and pushed me on the floor! I tried to move him, but he didn’t budge! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!” I stared at him with a blank expression. I was speechless. Then, Jonghyun oppa leaned closer to me and whispered something in my ears. Is this what it felt like to be in heaven??

“Hey, sleep here with me. I don’t mind. Besides, you don’t want Taeminie to stand there all night do you? He hasn’t slept so if you could give him your seat, then I’ll let you sleep with me deal?” Jonghyun oppa said, a grin appearing on his face. 

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Waiting for your update :)
teeny94 #2
Omfg jessica that ! <br />
She needs to stay away from jjong!<br />
Lol @ christine and biyeon. Stealing who knows what<br />
Thanks for update and please update soon :)
teeny94 #3
ooooh what happened? <br />
why was eunmi stuck in the closet with jay?<br />
im very curious... hehe<br />
i know how hard it is to update when you have school. ill be patient. but dont stop the story ok? keep going! ^^<br />
anyways thanks for the update!
cupcake_2pm555 #4
@enitx13: Keke You'll find out soon!! I hope it's not confusing!! lol and thank you for commenting~ lol<br />
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@teeny94: thank you for commenting!! hehe and really?? I'm glad you liked my story~ I thought no one would get my Pre-party thing!! keke <br />
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@shineegirl557: Ikr?! Same here!! He's so cute~ and yes!! No worried! There will be more moments Eunmi and Jonghyun share!! =) Thank you for commenting!! ^^<br />
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@superfishy: I shall update as soon as possible! Promise! keke =)
what the?? what happened? who locked her up?<br />
daaaang! what happenedddd??
teeny94 #6
heyyy great story!<br />
LMAO @ the pre-party! it reminds me of something i had with my cousins.<br />
keep it up! :)
AAAWWWW! I want a boyfriend like Jonghyun!!! He's sooo freaking cute in this story!!! I love his confession and his little event he did!!! haha, i hope they have more moments like this!<br />
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please update soon! :)
please update. i was a silent reader before, btw. =]
Superfishy #9
update soon ^.^