Next Door Man

It's been 2 weeks since Kris and Yixing officially date.

Yixing whose boyfriend is so damn popular, is now being more popular at school. He's glad that he can interact with more people at school now. But, actually, being Kris' boyfriend is really a hard thing.


These 2 weeks, Yixing has learnt that he's dating a person who can't just date to a certainly person; he needs two or more boyfriends at the same time. And yes, Yixing is not Kris' one and only boyfriends, he has some other boyfriends, or maybe girlfriends too. Worse, Yixing, whose boyfriend lives next door, still often hears those moans from his boyfriend's house. And, yes, Kris still often makes love with his boyfriends or maybe girlfriends even Yixing lives next door. It's unfair for Yixing cause he hasn't even gone out with Kris yet. Yeah, they say they're dating.


Yixing sits on his usual seat in the library, reading some English novels with an English-Chinese dictionary right beside the novels. All of sudden, Jongdae comes out of nowhere, kinda surprising Yixing.


"J-Jongdae? What are you doing here?" Yixing asks in surprise. "I thought you don't like going to library."


"Yeah, I do." Jongdae sits right next to Yixing as he grabs one of Yixing's novels and opens it. "You read these s? Oh God, Yixing, why are you so boring?"




"Why would Kris date you?"


Yixing freezes.


"Hey, I was just kidding. Don't be that upset, Xing Xing!" Jongdae giggles as he mumbles. "We all know you both are fated, everyone just can see it."


Yeah, fated.


"Yeah." Yixing forces a smile. "Oh, why are you here anyway? Needs to talk to me or something?"


"Oh, yes, I need your help, Xing."


"What's up?"


"It's now autumn!" All of sudden, Jongdae shouts, making all the people in the library send him a very unfriendly glare.


"Hey, can't you not talk so loud?!" Yixing whispers in frustration.


"O-Oh, okay." Jongdae replies with a whisper. "It's now autumn!"


"Yeah, everyone just knows it, okay. So, what?" Yixing rolls his eyes.


"Don't you remember that Minseok hyung will graduate before this winter?!"


Oh, yes, Yixing is really a forgetful person.


"Oh God, how could I forget it?! Oh, I know, you want me to accompany you to find something like.....present for him, right?" Yixing guesses.


"Yes, you smartie!" Jongdae pinches Yixing's cheek. "You're not going on a date with Kris after school, right? Can we go after school?"


Going out with Kris? Only happens in Yixing's dream.


"No, don't worry, we're not going anywhere." Again, Yixing forces a relieved smile. "So, today? After school?"




"Okay, then." Yixing grins, a real one this time. "I'm going to class now. Coming with me?"


"Yeah, let's go."





"The heck, Kim Jongdae, we've been walking around this area for three times and you still haven't got any ideas what to get for Minseok hyung?! It's ing the same place we've been walking around!"


Jongdae almost can't believe what he heard. Yixing curses?


"H-Hey, your language." Jongdae widens his eyes, well, cutely. He doesn't even know why he does it, so do I, okay. "And, yeah, I don't have any ideas, you noisy human. Why don't you just follow me, stop arguing, and give me any ideas?"


"Why don't you just give him a ring with your initial on it and get one for you with his initial on it? Be romantic."


"Zhang Yixing, that's a wonderful idea!" Jongdae shouts, making everyone who passes by them send him a glare.


Yeah, getting people glaring at him is a normal thing for Kim Jongdae.


"Do you learn how to be a romantic guy from Kris?" Jongdae teases, but only makes Yixing freezes.


"Uh... Uh, y-yes, hehe." Yixing rubs the back of his head.


"Awh, our cute Xing Xing is still shy to talk about his new perfect boyfriend, hm?" Jongdae pinches Yixing's both cheeks. "That's great that Kris treats you right."


But if only Jongdae or anyone else knew.


"H-Hey, Y-Yixing..." Jongdae, all of sudden, grabs his Chinese friend's arm tightly. Confused, Yixing turns his head to face Jongdae and finds him freezing. Then, he looks at where Jongdae is looking at.


Yixing freezes, more frozen than Jongdae is.


"I-Isn't that K-Kris?"


"J-J-Jongdae, I-"


"Yixing!" Jongdae yells at Yixing's face as he turns to face Yixing. "That's Kris, your boyfriend!"




"He's kissing Amber, don't you see?!"


Yes, Amber is one of Kris' girlfriends and right now they're kissing, right in front of Yixing and Jongdae.


"Aren't you mad?!"




"You're supposed to be mad!"


"Jongdae, just let him-"


"What?!" Jongdae yells, almost can't believe what he just heard. "Just let him?! Yixing, don't be stupid! Your boyfriend is cheating on you, and you're letting him be?!"


Jongdae runs towards Kris and Amber who are still busy lovey-dovey-ing.


"No! NO!!! Jongdae, wait!"


"Kris!" Too late, Jongdae has reached Kris and Amber. "Wow, you're just kissing Amber, huh?"


"Jongdae, what are you-" Kris startles as he sees Yixing who struggles to stop Jongdae behind him. "Y-Yixing?"


"Yes, this is Yixing, your boyfriend, and you're kissing Amber right in front of him. Congratulations for breaking my best friend's heart, you rascal!"


Jongdae lets his innocent hands hit Kris perfect face until he falls down to the ground, not caring about the people who are watching them now. Hits and kicks keep being sent to Kris, but he doesn't even fight.


"Jongdae, stop it!" Amber tries to stop Jongdae, but no use.


"Jongdae, please-"


"No, Yixing!" Jongdae says as he keeps hitting Kris, cutting Yixing's before he could finish his sentence.


"Jongdae, I say, stop it!!!" Yixing shouts as loud as he can. This time, Jongdae stops. He turns back to face Yixing. His heart is weakened as he sees tears stream down Yixing's face.


"Y-Yixing, I-"


"Please, just don't do it to Kris. I-I don't need you to help me in my love life, i-it's none of your business. P-Please, mind your own business."


And Jongdae's heart falls down to the ground.


"Y-Yixing, I was just helping you. I don't want anyone to break your heart like this, I-"


"That's not helping at all."


Jongdae doesn't say anything this time. He just clenches his hand in anger. The way he stares at Yixing is now full of anger and disappointment.


"Fine. I won't care anything about you anymore, Zhang Yixing." Jongdae goes away, leaving Yixing with Kris and Amber who currently hugging each other. Amber is rubbing Kris' back, calming him from what just happened. Yixing is jealous, how he wishes that was him hugging and rubbing Kris' back to calm him.


"K-Kris, a-are you okay?" Yixing doubted to ask, but now he's brave enough.


Not as expected, Kris sends him a glare.


"Do you think I'm okay after being hit and kicked by that best friend of yours?" Kris answers coldly, that it can freeze Yixing's heart. "I have Amber with me, you can just go."


"T-Take care, K-Kris."


And so, Yixing goes away with tears keep streaming down his face, leaving his boyfriend in Amber's hug.


"K-Kris, wh-why are you letting him go? A-Aren't you supposed to ask him to stay and let me go?" Amber asks as she rubs Kris' face that's bleeding in some parts.


"No. I know, he loves me. He'll stay even if I dumps on him."





A/N : Wow, been a short chapter!

Sorry for a short update, I'm having so many tests at school lately TT-TT

More SuDO next chapter okay~

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[20140611] update for the 9th chapter done! hope u guys enjoy it~ sorry it took so long to update i was kind of in a writers block era back then lols ;~;


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Chapter 8: I just can't justify a relationship based on cheating. Ughhhh my poor suho baby, no one loves you.
IcyKeroro #2
Chapter 12: I hate someone like Kris...i don't know why but Sulay should be together rather than Kray...Kris such an ...he doesn't deserve Yixing -.-
Chapter 12: sulaaaay ; u ; ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 12: OMG That came!!!! :fangirling: Well... Kris should crawl a lot!
minrawrs #5
Chapter 11: Thank you for the new chapter!! Wow junmyeon moved on fast lol. I cant wait to see the confrontation between him and kris. Kris is going to get so jealous when he finds out
New ep?? really!! Come on thats so exciting!!
Lurkerderp #7
Chapter 8: ...*still bitter about kaisoo*
*whispers* I hope the break up
Hmph lol
yujingugue #8
Chapter 10: Update soon!!!