Next Door Man

Kris is nowhere to be found at school today.

Yixing drowns just by thinking Kris has been wounded teribbly since he doesn't attend school today.

And more unbelievable for him, Amber attends school today, like, why doesn't she take care of Kris? Didn't Kris choose Amber to take care of him than Yixing?


Oh, this girl. Yixing rolls his eyes when he sees Amber laughing out loud with Kibum like a lovey-dovey couple. I need to take care of Kris, then.


Yixing walks towards the library, wanting to enjoy his break time like usual, reading books in the corner of the library. But he stops right on the doorstep of the library when he sees Joonmyun sitting alone on his usual seat.


What makes him in the library? He doesn't like reading book, does he?


Yixing can clearly see from Joonmyun's face that, though his eyes are locked into a thick book, his mind isn't there. Joonmyun seems so depressed, unlike Kim Joonmyun yesterday who by chance bumped into the crying Yixing and comforted him. Yixing, who's really curious about what happened to Joonmyun, walks towards Joonmyun, but is stopped when a familiar voice comes out of nowhere, calling him.




Yixing stops walking and turns back to face that person who has just called him. Then, he finds Minseok standing up right behind him.


"O-Oh, Minseok hyung?" Yixing smiles, well, awkwardly as he notices this investigating face of Minseok. "Wh-What's up?"


"What happened to you and Jongdae?" Minseok's sudden burst threatens Yixing. Will Minseok be mad at him and not talk to him as well? "Why did you choose Kris than Jongdae who was trying to help you?"


Yixing frowns.


"H-Hyung, I-I'm sorry, I-"


"You should be." Yixing bows his head, knowing that Minseok is very mad at him. "Be sorry to Jongdae, not me, Xing-ah."


When Yixing hears Minseok voice softens, he dares to face Minseok again.


"Better ask him for an apology, Xing. He does really care about you." Minseok places his hand right on Yixing's hand. "I don't to see your friendship broken apart just because of that stupid young man."


Again, Yixing bows his head as he knows that Minseok just referred his boyfriend as a stupid young man.

And, it all is not Kris' mistake, but Yixing's. Yixing himself chose to prefer Kris than Jongdae, not that Kris had forced him to choose him than Jongdae. So, Kris is not the one to blame. At least, that's what Yixing thinks.


"Yes, hyung. I'll go ask for an apology to him now."


"Alright, follow me. I'll walk you where he is."


Then, Yixng follows Minseok behind, not remembering about Joonmyun who seems like he needs someone to share with.





"J-Jongdae," Yixing starts talking to Jongdae nervously. Being too nervous, Yixing even bows his head, doesn't dare to meet his eyes with Jongdae's. "I-I'm sorry about yesterday. I-I didn't mean to choose Kris than you. I-I just... didn't want you guys to fight b-because y-you two m-mean so much for me."


All of sudden, Yixing can feel someone tightly hug him. This familiar scent of the person makes a good smile grows on Yixing's lips. It's Jongdae hugging him.


"Xing-ah, you don't have to apologize, I've forgiven you already!" Jongdae giggles while his fingers are being buried in Yixing's brownish hair. "I can understand why you chose Kris, because however, he's your boyfriend, right?"


Yixing smiles even wider.


"Thanks, Jongdae. I'm glad I have a friend like you."


"But, however, Yixing, you still need to talk about what happened yesterday with Kris." Jongdae looks serious now. "You can't let him hurt you anymore."


Yixing smiles softly as he's being touched that his friends care about him a lot, even he dates the person that -seems like- they don't like.


"Yes, Jongdae. I won't let him."





The clock strikes 4 in the afternoon.

Yixing, who just got back from school, is right now standing in front of Kris' doorstep, not daring to knock the door.


Be a good boyfriend for him, Zhang Yixing.


And Yixing finally dares himself to knock Kris' door. Not long after that, the door is opened. There, Yixing's eyes meet Kris' who just limped to walk towards the door.


"Yixing? What are you doing here?"


Not caring about Kris' question, Yixing keeps looking at Kris' face. His wound is untreated.


"N-No one took care of you?" Yixing can't help. That question just come out of his mouth.


"Uh, well, I-" Kris stratches his head that is actually not itchy as he doesn't know how to answer Yixing's question.


"C-Can I come in?" This time, Yixing asks it cause he really means it. "I-I want to treat your wound. Oh, no, I need to."


Kris' eyes widen after hearing what Yixing just said, like, how can he so brave to say that? Oh, well, yeah, he's blushing, but that was brave of Yixing!


"O-Okay. Come in, Xing." Kris tugs Yixing hand before he closes the door.


Yixing can't help smiling and blushing. It's almost a month since they officially date each other and that was the first skinship they've ever had.


"So..., do you want to go to my room?" Kris asks, limping from the doorstep to where Yixing is standing. Gently, Yixing helps him to walk normally though Kris' body is bigger than his.


"C-Can I?" Yixing ensures. "Well, I'd like to."


"So, here is my room. Sorry, it's a mess. Uhm..., you know, last night, I-"


"Yeah, I know." Yixing cuts before Kris continues. "I heard it, oh, well, I hear it almost every night, Kris." Yixing forces a smile. "Why would you do that last night?"


"E-Excuse me?"


"Why would you do that last night?" Yixing repeats. "No, it's not that I'm jealous. I'm okay, really." Of course, that's a big lie. "But, look at you, Kris. Your wounds haven't even been treated yet, and you made love? How could that person you made love with not treat your wounds?"


Yixing spills some alcohol on cotton, then he rubs it on Kris' wound. Kris moans in pain. Yixing stops for a while, waiting for Kris to stop , then continue rubbing the cotton.


There, Kris realizes something. No one has even been as caring as Yixing to him.


"Xing," All of sudden, Kris grabs Yixing's hand which is holding the cotton, stopping Yixing from rubbing his wound. "Thank you."


Yixing doesn't know anything anymore, as he feels Kris' lips on his jaw. Then, it moves down to Yixing's cheek until it finally meets Yixing's lips.


Yeah, Kris is kissing Yixing. For the first time. And it's also Yixing's first kiss. His first kiss from his first love.


Yixing can't be happier anymore.


"Thank you for everything." Kris whispers when he lets go of Yixing's lips.


Yixing, though his red feels so hot, keeps smiling. Well, he's sure that he's as red as a tomato now.


"A-Anything for you, K-Kris."


May this be a good new start for me and Kris.





A/N : Again, a short chapter TT-TT

I'm being busy with school lately since I'm going to take final exams soon~

Well, hope you like this chapter, everyone~!<3

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[20140611] update for the 9th chapter done! hope u guys enjoy it~ sorry it took so long to update i was kind of in a writers block era back then lols ;~;


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Chapter 8: I just can't justify a relationship based on cheating. Ughhhh my poor suho baby, no one loves you.
IcyKeroro #2
Chapter 12: I hate someone like Kris...i don't know why but Sulay should be together rather than Kray...Kris such an ...he doesn't deserve Yixing -.-
Chapter 12: sulaaaay ; u ; ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 12: OMG That came!!!! :fangirling: Well... Kris should crawl a lot!
minrawrs #5
Chapter 11: Thank you for the new chapter!! Wow junmyeon moved on fast lol. I cant wait to see the confrontation between him and kris. Kris is going to get so jealous when he finds out
New ep?? really!! Come on thats so exciting!!
Lurkerderp #7
Chapter 8: ...*still bitter about kaisoo*
*whispers* I hope the break up
Hmph lol
yujingugue #8
Chapter 10: Update soon!!!