Next Door Man

Yixing's eyes crack open as the sun shines through the window. The rectangular-shaped thing on the drawer beside his bed shows some numbers of 08:13 in red and bold. He rubs his eyes lightly before sitting up on the bed. A shy smile all of a sudden grows on his morning face, not to mention his cheeks go slightly pink. His mind won't stop replaying what happened yesterday now; his and Kris' first ever date. He remembers holding hand with Kris yesterday. He remembers going to the cinema with Kris yesterday. He remembers his hand being shaky when Kris asked him to feed him while having lunch yesterday. He remembers Kris buying him an ice cream but he ended up wanting the ice cream too so they shared one for them two. And most of all, he remembers Kris placing his lips on Yixing's gently, making him melt down into a boiling water. The scene was getting Yixing tense but he couldn't lie it made him relaxed and feel loved. Now, Yixing can feel the heat on his cheeks spreading to the tips of his ears.


Oh come on, Zhang Yixing. It's too early to drown in your own feeling now.


After ((kind of really)) struggling to get Kris and yesterday's event out of his mind, Yixing finally gets up of the bed and walks to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. He looks at himself in the mirror to do his hair, but he stops when his eyes meet his reflection's.


"You're so ugly," He mumbles while the mirror, as if trying to his own reflection. "Does your boyfriend even really love you?"


Yixing frowns at his own question.


"A-Ah, I should just make breakfast for Kris," Yixing smiles awkwardly to his reflection before running away to his kitchen. Then, he takes some ingredients out of the fridge and put them on the counter. "He must be still asleep."


Yixing starts cutting some ingredients he has taken very well. Yep, very well. Cooking has actually been Yixing's passion since he was young, just like dancing and playing piano. And yep, Yixing dances, but not so many people know it though. His best friends are the only ones who know he dances, and he doesn't want the others to know so yeah. Yixing is much different to Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo, even he looks shy, he's always brave to show people what his talents are. No wonder he's choosen to be the lead vocal of the school's choir club because of his conf-


Wait, Kyungsoo.....


"P-Please, i-it's about K-Kyungsoo a-and that guy called J-Jongin..."


The phone call between him and Joonmyun that night replays in his mind. Yixing is accurately sure that Joonmyun mentioned about Kyungsoo and Jongin that night. And he was sobbing. Yixing frowns and freezes at the thought.


Why did Joonmyun cry and sob so hard while mention Kyungsoo and Jongin? 


"Kyungsoo? Didn't you tell me you were going to Taemin's house to do your English project? Why are you here? Who is that guy?"


"W-Well, I went to Taemin's house b-but he wasn't home. T-Then, I chose to meet this friend of mine, h-his name is J-Jongin.


Why did Kyungsoo look nervous when Joonmyun asked him who Jongin is? Why did Jongin leave after he and Joonmyun appeared?


"N-No, it couldn't be..." Yixing throws the knife he have just used onto the counter, then quickly walks to his room, take a hoodie, and wears it. "Th-There's no way Kyungsoo would do that..."


And there Yixing runs as fast as he could, letting his heart leads him to a place where he knows he really should be there right now; Joonmyun's side. Yixing swears he gets a heart attack at the thought of Kyungsoo cheating on Joonmyun with Jongin, then how does Joonmyun, the one who's being cheated on feel? Yixing knows he must be so late now but at least he comes, right?


No, he doesn't. As usual, Yixing will stop finding Joonmyun when it comes to something related to Kris.


His steps are stopped when he hears some loud noise from the apartment next door; Kris' apartment. Well, it's not some moans like usual, it sounds more like screaming, in pain. And Yixing surely knows the scream doesn't belong to his boyfriend. There, Yixing frowns at the thought of Kris being with his another boyfriend ((this time it's a boyfriend because Yixing knows the voice is a guy's voice)).


This time, Yixing himself doesn't understand why, he manages to knock Kris' door unhesitatingly. Inside, Yixing can hear the screams has finally stopped and now all he can hear is someone's stepping to the door, until the door is finally open.


"Kris, I-"


"Who are you?"


Yixing remains in silence. He thinks he should be the one who asks that. Who is this guy? This guy stares intensely at Yixing, not even bother to care that he's right now half and only wears a polka dot boxer. And Yixing swears it's really embarrassing and that makes him sure this guy has no embarrassment.


"Who's coming, ba-? Oh, Yixing!" Kris appears right behind the guy. "Come on in, Yixing!"


This guy keeps looking intensely at Yixing, especially when Yixing's and Kris' fingers being connected to each other when Kris asks Yixing to come in.


"Well, you must want to know who this guy is right, Yixing?" Kris smiles softly at Yixing, then he turns to see the still-half- guy. "And I know you already know who Yixing is, right?"


Yixing tilts his head and confusedly looks at Kris. How could this guy know him already? Did Kris tell about him to this guy? Then, Yixing turns his head to see the guy, but only finds him glaring intensely at him.


"Yixing, this is Huang Zitao, but you can just call him Tao." Kris taps this guy called Tao's shoulder. Still, that won't make him stop glaring intensely at Yixing though. "And, Taozi, this is Yixing."


"I know," Tao answered, well, coldly. "This is your boyfriend you always tell me about, right?"


"Yes. I'm glad you remember, then." Kris nods. "Oh, Yixing, you haven't had breakfast, right? Let's have breakfast together, then! The three of us."


The three of us.


"You guys wait here, ok? I'm gonna go get some milk for us."


As Kris disappears, the tension between Yixing and Tao is getting more awkward. At least that's what Yixing thinks because it seems like Tao doesn't think it's awkward at all. More like, it's so annoying at all.


"Go away." And that's the first ever sentence Tao has said to Yixing, yet that is so rude. Why the hell is Yixing getting asked to go away in his own boyfriend's home?


"What do y-"


"He doesn't love you. It won't be worth it if you keep struggling to get his love. He won't ever love you."


Yixing starts to get annoyed at how rude this Tao is. "How dare you say so?!"


"If he loves you, he won't ever sleep and even others!" Tao manages to answer, sounding like challenging Yixing. "You guys went on a date yesterday yet he ed me last night and that's what you call love? What a stupid definition of love."


"Shut your mouth up!" Yixing tries to sound as calm as he can, but he can't. He really can't.


"What? Does that mean you declare your lost already?" Tao smirks. "Just get ing away from here and-"


For the first time in his entire life, Yixing finally slaps someone, and that someone is Tao, the one who he just met and being rude to him.




Both Yixing and Tao look at the voice direction and find Kris standing on the doorstep. Anger is shown clearly on his face.




"K-Kris, i-it's not what it l-"


"Kris gege!" Tao starts crying and runs into Kris' embrace. "I-I was trying to be friendly to Yixing, b-but he seems like he doesn't like me. He even slapped me, ge."


No, Kris. No.


"Is that true what Tao has just said, Yixing?"


"Kris, it's not like that, I swear! I-I mean, yes, I slapped him, but it was be-"


Yixing pauses as he's being slapped for the first time. Yes, Kris has just slapped him.


"That's what you got for slapping an innocent person." Kris said as he released Tao from his embrace. "Now, apologize."


Yixing can't believe what he has just heard. Apologize? Apologize?! Why would he apologize when he's actually the one who should be asked for an apology?


"Kris, listen to me, I-"






Yixing feels as if lightning strikes right above his head when Kris says his name so coldly. And the fact that Kris believes Tao more than he does to Yixing aches his heart a lot.


Yixing is done. Yixing is done with the always-cheating Kris. Yixing is done with the never-caring Kris. And now, Yixing is done with the believe-others-but-Yixing Kris. He's totally done with all of this. So, Yixing rises up from his sit, head bowing as he tries to hide his redden face and teary eyes.


"I won't apologize for something I didn't do wrong, Kris. I won't ever." Yixing said before finally going away, leaving Kris and Tao alone.


Kris doesn't understand it, but this doesn't feel right. He feels like something's missing when Yixing leaves. He's feeling mad, lose, disappointed, sick, unhappy; all in one at the same time, until he loses his strenght to stand upright. His knees hit the floor hard yet he feels nothing but this ache in his heart.


"Gege! Are you okay?" Tao asks worriedly.


"I'm okay." Kris says, trying to give him a reassuring smile but fails.


"A-Are you sure you're okay? A-Aren't you supposed to not let him go?"


"N-No," Kris whispers as he can't breath the way he normally does; all of a sudden it feels like the world has run out of oxygen for him. "He loves me, I know. He will..., he will stay even if I dump on him."


For the first time in entire life, Kris is being unsure of what he has just said.





Yixing runs out of the building as fast as he could, wishing that the wind will wipe his tears away. Never once in his life Yixing had his heart broken. Well, he had when he watched some angsty movies, but this time is different. It's real, really happening to him. And he's now done. He's totally done with the boy who looks like a man who lives next door to him. He wants to be far away from him, he totally doesn't want to meet him. He should have just gone to Joonmyun and not minded the noise from Kris' room. But now what else can he say? Nothing, right? So he just runs, wishing that it would take him away from the heartbreaking reality he has.


Yixing finally stops running when he hits a wall -well, not really a wall- and falls down to the ground.


"Why is a wall here?" Yixing sobs, not getting over with his heartbreak yet so he keeps sobbing.


"Are you calling me a wall?"


Yixing freezes. No, it's not because he hits the wall, but the wall's voice sound so familiar to him. The fragrance of this wall also smells familiar to him.


"Yixing-ah, why are you crying?"


The wall sits down to let his eyes meet Yixing's. When their eyes finally meet, the wall gives him a comforting smile that Yixing swears he had missed a lot.


"It's me, Joonmyun." He whispers.


"Myunnie!" Yixing's cry finally reaches its once again as he hugs Joonmyun tightly and buries his face in the crook of Joonmyun's neck, meanwhile Joonmyun there rubs his back, trying to comfort him.


"Yixing-ah, don't cry, ok? I dislike seeing you crying like this. It's so heartbreaking." Joonmyun keeps trying to comfort Yixing while burying his fingers in Yixing's hair. "Please smile. You look good when you smile."


"Joonmyun-ah, I-I'm so sorry. I didn't know y-you and Kyungsoo... a-and J-Jongin-"


"Hush, it's ok. I'm not mad at you. Well, at least, not anymore. Now please, don't cry anymore. I'm here with you, you won't get hurt anymore now, ok? You're safe with me." Joonmyun released Yixing's hug to wipe Yixing's tears. Then, once again, he gives him a comforting smile.


"Thanks, Joonmyun-ah." Yixing gives him a small smile as the payback. "A-And, I'm sorry."


"Don't be," Joonmyun says as he combs Yixing's hair with his own fingers. "Now let's go to my home and tell me what happened with you."


Yixing nods and lets himself be dragged by Joonmyun, because that way he feels safer. And Yixing swears, when their chests met in their hug earlier, he could feel Joonmyun's heart thumped and strangely, it comforted Yixing. A lot.





A/N : I'm finally back here yeay!

Did you enjoy this chapter??? I'm sorry if you don't really get the feeling because amateur author here lmao sobs unattractively~~~

But I promise to keep doing my best for this fic! Thanks for reading this everyone!


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[20140611] update for the 9th chapter done! hope u guys enjoy it~ sorry it took so long to update i was kind of in a writers block era back then lols ;~;


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Chapter 8: I just can't justify a relationship based on cheating. Ughhhh my poor suho baby, no one loves you.
IcyKeroro #2
Chapter 12: I hate someone like Kris...i don't know why but Sulay should be together rather than Kray...Kris such an ...he doesn't deserve Yixing -.-
Chapter 12: sulaaaay ; u ; ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 12: OMG That came!!!! :fangirling: Well... Kris should crawl a lot!
minrawrs #5
Chapter 11: Thank you for the new chapter!! Wow junmyeon moved on fast lol. I cant wait to see the confrontation between him and kris. Kris is going to get so jealous when he finds out
New ep?? really!! Come on thats so exciting!!
Lurkerderp #7
Chapter 8: ...*still bitter about kaisoo*
*whispers* I hope the break up
Hmph lol
yujingugue #8
Chapter 10: Update soon!!!