Stalking them is Fun!

I Like My Creepy Crush!

Kyuhyuns POV


"Wha-?" I mumbled confused.

She let go of my shoulders and sighed. "Don't you see? We could get them back. We could do what they are doing to us...but be even creepier!" She exclaimed as if her plan was the smartest thing ever said. "Yep it's official, you've lost it Tae!" I said shocked. "C'mon, it's perfect! Don't tell me you don't get creeped out a little at what they do!"

"Well..." I began. 

"See told ya! C'mon lets do it!" She said excitedly. I sighed. "Fine, what's your plan?"

She gave me the most evilest smirk and rubbed her hands together.

"Oh, you'll see..."



I was at Taeyeon's house for a sleepover because she had to tell me all the details to her oh so evil plan. "Uh, yes you are! You can't back out now!" I sighed. "C'mon, all you have to do is sit at his table at's not like I asked you to kiss the guy." She yawned and laid her head on her pillow.

I blushed at the word kiss.

'Kiss him?'

Taeyeon snapped me out of my daze. "So, you wanna do it?" I clasped my hands together. "Okay Tae, I will but don't embarrass me!" I nearly whined. She chuckled. "Don't worry, all you have to do is sit there and look pretty while I creep them out." She smiled proudly.

'What in the world have I agreed to?'

"Oh that reminds me, he was talking about you in class today." She began. "Really?" I said too happily. "Ya, he said there is this cute boy named Kyuhyun who has classes across the hallway. I felt my heart flutter.

'He thinks i'm cute?'

I was in a daze apparentaly till Taeyeon nudged me. "Stop daydreaming love bird, we still have to get him back." I sighed.

'He thinks i'm cute for shishus sake's! How can I not daydream?'




"Hey Tae..." I began.


"How are things going between you and Tiffany-shi?"

I saw her freeze and her cheeks redden.

'Aigoo, so in love.'

"G-Good, she talks to me in P.E everyday now..." She trailed off. "You should invite her to sit with us at lunch." I said sleepily and rubbed my eyes. I saw her frown. " She eats lunch with her boyfriend everyday." She then became quiet. "Oh, i'm sorry Tae." I smiled sympathetically. "It's okay, lets just sleep okay?" She murmured.

"Night Tae."

"Night Kyu."

Off to dreamland we go.....


'The Next Morning at School'

Taeyeon and I were sitting at a bench when I noticed one of Changmin's friends sit down right next to us. I immediately froze. He stared at me till Taeyeon spoke up, "Um, hello Yunho?" He glanced at her and quickly took his attention back to me. "Hey." Was all he said. Taeyeon went off again. "What do you-" He cut her off. "Kyuhyun, right?" He asked. I was taken aback. "Um, yeah..." I looked down at my lap. My cheeks flushing red. I heard him chuckle. " Now I can see why he likes you so much, you're too cute." I gave him a twisted look. "Who are you talking-" He cut me off. "See you guys....around." He then walked off. Taeyeon and I looked at eachother confused. "Tae, what was that?" I asked. "I told you they just keep getting creepier." She said. I sighed.


"See you at lunch Kyu, don't forget the plan!" She said before running off to class. I gulped at the thought.


I hurriedly ran to class, my stuff sliding out of my hands nearly. The halls were empty...atleast I thought they were. I ran so fast that I didn't see the book that was lying on the ground and slipped on it.

"AH!" 'Welp floor...get ready to meet my face.' I closed my eyes and was ready for the floor to hit my face.

But it never did.

Instead my face hit something hard and warm. I felt a pair of arms around my waist to keep me up. I looked up and nearly fainted when I saw who I had landed on.


My head was on his chest with my hand gripping his shirt for support. "I'm s-sorry." I said while still in his embrace. "It's okay...are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asked worriedly. I couln't help but blush even more for his concern for me. "I'm f-fine, but could you um..." I blushed even harder. Then he realized he was still holding me and quickly let go. 

'Why do I already miss his warmth already?'

He helped me pick up all my papers and handed them to me. " Thank you, my face probably would've hit the floor..." I looked down embarrassed. I felt his hand ruffle my hair. "It's fine, i'm just glad you're okay." I blushed even harder. He bid me goodbye and started to walk, but before he did he shouted, "Oh and Kyuhyun, stop being so cute!" He than ran back to his class.

'Heart, please stop beating so fast! Oh, and cheeks, stop being so red! Oh who am I kidding....I'm on cloud 9 right now!'


At lunch I waited for Taeyeon but even more nervously this time, because of what she has planned. I saw Changmin and his friends sit down before Taeyeon arrived. Changmin smiled at me and sat down at the table right next to me. 

I saw Taeyeon finally come from the P.E room with a piece of paper in her hand. She had a gigantic smile on her face. I will have to ask her about that later. Because as soon as she saw me, she grabbed my hand and dragged me straight to his table. (Which was like, right there.) We sat down across from them. They looked up at us surprised. Changmin had his eyes on me the whole time. 

"Hello boys!" Taeyeon said creepily.

"Uh, hey?" Jaejoong said confused. 

"So how is life?" Taeyeon asked randomly.

Jaejoong and Yunho looked at her weirdly.

"Good?" They both said in unison.

Changmin was too absorbed in Kyuhyun to even notice Taeyeon was there. Kyuhyun, the oblivious person he was, kept his head down the whole time. His cheeks turning a light pink color. Taeyeon stared at them the whole time they ate. Yunho and Jaejoong shifted uncomfortably in their seats. While Changmin was unaffected and just kept his eyes on Kyuhyun.

"Gotta go boys!" Taeyeon said and grabbed my hands to drag me away...

Once we were outside Taeyeon broke out in to hysterics! "I creeped his friends out so much!" She giggled and clutched her stomach. "Ya, you sure did." I chuckled. She then frowned. "I still wasn't able to creep Changmin out though, he kept staring at you so he didn't notice me. She crossed her arms. "No he wasn't." I said obliviously. She flicked my forehead. "You're so oblivious Kyu, I swear." I frowned and rubbed my forehead. "But why would he stare? He dosen't even like me!" I exclaimed. I then heard a strong voice behind me say something as soon as I said that.

"How would you know?"






(A/N: Double update for tonight! Because I got 10 subs! BOOYAH! Thank you guys so much!)

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omg im back you guys! Thsi week was so busy! You guys deserve an update! ;)


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Chapter 9: Ahhhh I love it...Just perfect...Hehehe thank you...
Awww ChangKyu Couple and TaeNy Couple is sooo cute and sweet
All of it just perfect and most importantly the Creepy Crush now is the Creepy Boyfriend...^^
Kyung1Ari #2
Chapter 8: Ay Kyu, you know it's from Min.
Welcome back and thanks for the update.
Chapter 7: Kekeke Changmin will confess , and what is that important thing that fany will tell ? YA CLIFFHANGER UPDATE SOON XDD

Ps. Sorry from the spam , im probably annoying right now lol
Chapter 4: Dense...Kyuhyun is Dense /sigh/ Yeay Fany and her boyfriend broke up, go get your girl Tae !

ChangKyu <3
Chapter 3: I only read this because of that TaeNy tag but i found myself squeeling on ChangKyu interaction im only in 3rd chapter but i think i fell in love with this story (Ewww.. So cheesy /Lepukerainbows), Creeper Taeng and Fany has a boyfriend ? Let them brake up soon ;A;

ChangKyu and TaeNy is <3
Chapter 7: teheeheehee <3
Kyung1Ari #7
Chapter 6: A double update! I'm looking forward for Kyu's birthday.
Chapter 6: OHMYGOD I JUST READ ALL THREE UPDATES FOR TODAY ON OMFG I AM FEELING SO HAPPY I CAN'T STOP SPAZZING MY CHANGKYU FEELS IS OVERFLOWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AUTHORNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE HEAVEN-SENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kyung1Ari #9
Chapter 4: Ahhh, can we just knock a little sense into Kyuhyun. Why is he in denial?