Chapter 9


Chunji took the bus to Niel’s school and waited outside of the gates for him.
“They have a really cool uniform”, He thought, “Well at least…not as ugly as mine” He nodded and kicked a rock that was on ground, sighing and wondering what was taking Niel so long….
“Yah, you hurt that poor, innocent, defenseless rock….poor rocky”
Chunji heard a familiar voice and looked up to see Niel walking towards him
Chunji ran up to him a little and basically “glomped” the younger guy, while smiling like a fool.
“Annyeong” He said
“A-Annyeong” Niel replied back a bit nervously….actually he was really nervous.
“Gomawo, again for coming with me, I hate dentists,” Chunji smiled trying to make it less awkward for the two of them. He started walking.
“No problem” Niel nodded and walked beside him, looking down.
Chunji put his annoying personality on, seeing that Niel was acting like his old awkward self again,
He said, “So…..Nieeeeelll how was school today??” Chunji poked his dongsaeng.
Niel looked up at Chunji and smiled while poking him back, “Fine hyung….and yours?”
Chunji frowned and looked down, “Fine.”
Chunji smiled again, “Don’t worry about it….” He started walking faster,” C’mon I’m kind of late…”
They got to the dentist’s office, which was in the mall, fifteen minutes later.
Niel sat down next to this 5 year old boy, who was asking his mother a lot of questions. Chunji sat next him.

Chunji’s teeth were chattering and his hands were rubbing against his thighs repeatedly.
Niel noticed and said “Hyung, relax it’s just the dentist...”
Chunji just smiled at him and laughed nervously.
“Yeah....I guess”
“LEE.....CHUNJI!!” the clerk called his name out.
“Yea I’m over here” Chunji stood up, the clerk led him into the dentist’s office. Chunji stopped to look back at Niel, he looked like he was about to go to his death, Niel looked at him and gave him a friendly smile mouthing the words ‘You’ll be fine’. 
While Niel waited, he decided to pick up one of those boring magazines that no one reads.
“Hmm....this is pretty good actually....woah everyone’s dyeing their blonde these days.....” Niel silently talked to himself
“YAhhhh” the little boy tugged on Niel’s shirt
Niel flinched a bit but then noticed it was the boy “Neh....what is it?”
“Umma won’t tell me where babies come from...would you..pweassee??” the boy looked up at him with pleading eyes, while his mother was signalling him not to say a word.
“Well little boy.....a baby....comes from your mother’s ” Niel smiled at the little boy who was in awe, and then he brightly smiled at the mother who looked like she was about to punch Niel in the face.
The little boy repeated what Niel had told him, until his mother covered his mouth and cursed at Niel.
“What? You would have to tell him at some point in time....” Niel said while walking off towards a window.
“People these days...”he muttered while looking out at the sky
Then suddenly someone tapped him on his shoulder, he shifted away then looked around to see the clerk standing infront of him.
“Chunji wants you in there” she said
“Me? Waeyo??”
She shrugged and led him towards the doors of the dental operating room.
When Niel walked in he saw Chunji sitting or laying the chair.
“You called...”Niel said in a sarcastic tone
“P-Please... normally umma holds my’s just I-I’m afraid of dentists.....s-so could you?” Chunji said shaking in his seat
Niel sighed and thought to himself “ I don’t normally hold or touch anyone’s’s gonna be hard holding his”
“Look......hyung you’ll be fine...I can just stand here..instead of----- “
“God, no wonder why Chunji’s afraid of this place.....”Niel thought
“Fine....Fine....” Niel hesitantly interlocked Chunji’s hand with his.
“Just breathe hyung....breathe”
Chunji then took a deep breath and let the dentist continue.
There were points in time when Chunji would squeeze Niel’s hand tightly...but after a while it didn’t really matter to Niel. He was happy that he was so trusted by Chunji....that he was allowed to see his new hyung at his weakest point.
Finally it was all over and Chunji got out of the chair, thanked the dentist and walked out of the room a little too quickly.
He talked to the clerk again...then both of them left.
There was a long awkward silence while they were walking, Niel broke it.
“Hyung...wanna get some icecream? I know you probably feel ashamed but it’s okay...dentists are really scary” he nudged Chunji
Chunji gave Niel a half smile and said, “That’ll be nice....yeah but the bad thing is...I can’t eat until another hour” 
Niel pouted “Awww”
“We can go to the arcade?” Chunji suggested
“Arasso” Niel nodded in agreement
“Let’s go then....” Chunji grabbed Niel’s hand, making Niel tense up then blush a little.
“You’re a good friend....”
The two of them then ran off together.

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Yuki0710 #1
please, please update soon! >.<
Wow, I love the story. Update soon! ^^
Niel to really tell you!
Babies actually come from clouds that make us then are brought to homes by a stork! Same goes to other living animals! It's whatever a cloud makes!!!
Wkawka...Niel is a honest person..that little kid xD
Aww Chunji's so cute. <3
Niel too, being such a sweetie. But with the kid omg Niel. XD
Galdy42 #6
Thank you for the lovely update!
woww sweeeeeet :))
jojo0330 #8
yeojaNiel #9
this story really good xD<br />
i like Niel, Chunji and Ricky character in this story.<br />
Update soon, please :)
Awww poor Ricky :c