Chapter 6



"Niel tell me what happened back there?" Chunji was beginning to worry.

"Just forget it, okay?" Niel started walking.

Chunji shook his head but wouldn't give up in finding out what that whole incident was about, " Please Niel tell me what's wrong, if you don't I can't help you" Chunji pouted, thinking it would work.

Niel sighed, " Just drop it please, it's getting dark so let's walk a little faster"

Chunji nodded and picked up the pace.

It was silent again after that for some minutes.

Chunji broke it. He felt like he should break the awkwardness and start a conversation

"So.....when are you going to the library again?"

"I don't know......." Niel's voice cracked

He isn’t gonna cry again is he? Why doesn't he just let his feelings out....he can trust me...but I'm not gonna bring that up again Chunji thought

"Oh okay...errr well I live in that peach house over there" Chunji pointed to the two-storey house. "Do you wanna come in for a drink..maybe something to's really dark and I can get my dad to drive you home..."
Err what's the worst that could happen? Hmm I could use a drink.... Niel thought

"Yeah okay..." he agreed.

They walked over to the house. Chunji got his keys out and unlocked the door. They entered into a hallway.

"I'm home" Silence.....

"Hmm they are probably busy....."

Niel felt a bit hesitant he didn't move one spot while Chunji started walking towards the stairs.
Maybe this was a bad idea...I don't even know this guy and yet I'm in his house he thought

"Busy doing what?"

"In the office....doing some important stuff or whatever.."

Chunji turned around and raised an eyebrow. What's wrong with this guy? Looks like a lost cute...but so helpless

"C'mon It's fine..its safe here.....really safe" He talked to Niel as if he was really a dog.

It worked and Niel started walking towards him.

"I'm just gonna put my stuff in my room you stay right here...Arraso?"

"Can't I come with you?"

Chunji smirked, "I don't want you in my room..." He said teasing

Niel rolled his eyes," What do you think I'm some kinda ?" He scoffed," Well go on then go.." Niel shooed him off.

Chunji ran upstairs quickly.

It gave Niel a chance to check the house out.....Seems harmless...comfy he thought.

Then a woman walked in, middle aged, black hair, slim and much shorter than Niel, had glasses on and seem stressed.

"Oh hello" She seemed surprised, "Umm are you one of Chunji's friends?"

Chunji came back down.

He just nodded and smiled. She gave him a great big smile and clapped her hands together and muttered “My baby has a guy over...finally”

What’s that suppose to mean? Niel thought and took a step back for safety...his mom look like he was about to hug him.

Chunji came back down, “Annyeong umma...this is my friend Niel he’s just here for some snacks ,”

“OK no problem there’s some ramen on the stove” then she just walked off.

Chunji shouted after her, “Umma! Ask Dad to drive him home,please”

“Why don’t you ask yourself?”

“Because you’re closer..pretty please” He pouted. so—hey! What am I thinking? He shook the thought off.

“I’ll take him home okay, call when you’re ready am in the—“

“Office I never anywhere else” Chunji frowned.

Chunji turned and walked towards the kitchen, Niel followed.

He took some ramen and put in a bowl for him, he passed it to Niel.

Niel just stared at it. 

“C’mon, I know you’re’s good” Chunji smiled and opened the fridge, took out the juice.

Niel tasted it then started gulping down the ramen.

Chunji handed him a glass and poured himself some. He sat beside him.

“See you’re almost finished,” Chunji poked Niel’s arm. Suprisingly he didn’t spazz or slap his hand away.

Then Niel noticed someone peeking behind the wall near the living room. His mom? He thought.

“Umm...I think your mom is spying on us or something” Niel chuckled. 

Chunji looked at him confused and then turned around to see his mom giving him thumbs up?

“Go away MOM!” Chunji yelled..sending his mother hurrying back to the office.

“Aish...she’s so annoying...anyways hurry it’s getting late almost 7...actually to think about it we spent the whole day together” Chunji ruffled Niel’s hair.

Niel fixed his hair and checked his phone. There was 10 missed calls from Ricky. Oopss he forgot to turn his phone off of silent.

“Sorry Ricky...” he muttered

“What was that?”

“OH nothing could I go home now...thanks a lot for dinner” Niel got up off his chair.

“OH yeah okay...wait can I have your number or something are you on KChat?”(I know it’s lame)
“So I can........ask you when you’re going to the library again,” Chunji scratched his hair nervously and smiled.


So I can call it so hard to say? Chunji thought.

“That was a lame excuse....ummm....I’ll take your number and I’ll call you when I go again”

Which may be never because of what happened today Niel thought.

“Ok fine that could work...” Chunji said sounding a bit disappointed. He gave Niel his number and then went to call his mother.

He came back with her, “Ok Niel honey let’s get you home,”

Niel smiled at the name. Ha Honey....kinda like my mom.

“Chunji you stay here your dad needs help with something and you guys need some bonding time”


“No buts stay here okay “

Chunji immediately stumped up the stairs to his room.

Niel and Chunji's mom went in the car. Niel sat in the back. 

"So Niel... how did you and my son met?" she smiled. 

"Um... we met at the library a couple of days ago..." said Niel shyly. 

"Oh that's nice. I'm really glad he has a friend now" 

"What do you mean?" asked Niel. 

"Well since he was little he never had any friends. And when he did they would disappear quickly. He would be all alone again. But i'm glad he met someone like you" she smiled again. 

"Oh... well we're not that different either then... All the kids thought i was weird and i started to lock my feelings in until my best friend came" Niel smiled when he thought of Ricky. "He kind of helped me" 

"I hope you'll help like that Chunji too. He really needs someone right now.. Even if he doesn't show it, he's really lost inside."

"... I will" nodded Niel and the car stopped. 

"You said you live here, right?" Chunji's mom looked at Niel. 

"Yes" he smiled. "Thanks for the ride" he went out and she drove off. 
I wonder why Chunji hyung is like that... thought Niel before entering his house. 

"Where have you been?" his mother attacked him. She was obviously worried about her son. 

"I was at ...the library" 

"Then why didn't you call us? Ricky said that you didn't pick up his calls" 

"Sorry mom... my phone was on silent" sighed Niel. 

"It's fine... just call us the other time" she hugged him. "I was so worried" 

“I’m sorry” he whispered while hugging his mother.

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Yuki0710 #1
please, please update soon! >.<
Wow, I love the story. Update soon! ^^
Niel to really tell you!
Babies actually come from clouds that make us then are brought to homes by a stork! Same goes to other living animals! It's whatever a cloud makes!!!
Wkawka...Niel is a honest person..that little kid xD
Aww Chunji's so cute. <3
Niel too, being such a sweetie. But with the kid omg Niel. XD
Galdy42 #6
Thank you for the lovely update!
woww sweeeeeet :))
jojo0330 #8
yeojaNiel #9
this story really good xD<br />
i like Niel, Chunji and Ricky character in this story.<br />
Update soon, please :)
Awww poor Ricky :c