Chapter 4



Niel woke up surprisingly early, next morning. 
“Aaaaahh” he yawned ”What time is it?” He checked his clock.
Seven. It’s really early. Why Am I up? he thought.
He got himself comfortable on his bed and tried to fall asleep but couldn’t.
”Ahhhh this is useless.....Hey I still have that book to read”, he muttered.
He got up and dug in his bag for the book.
He found it and started reading.
The book seemed to be very interesting because he never moved from his bed, for quite some time
He finished at ten and was excited to get the next book of the series.
He decided to have breakfast and head straight to the library. He suddenly felt his bed vibrate.
It was a text from Ricky. 
Ricky: Hey hyung. Wat r u doin tday? XD
Niel: Im goin 2 d library........ 
Ricky: O..well I’ll come by wen ur done 
Niel agreed in reply.
He showered, got dressed and went downstairs.
His parents weren’t home. They always go to the grocery on a Saturday.
So he just ate some cereal and milk. 
Niel got his bag and started walking to the library, it wasn’t so far from his house.
He would get there in like 10 minutes. He was so excited. This is why Niel liked reading so much. It was like an escape from the world to another one. Where he could be normal for once.
Then to ruin Niel’s mood, the clouds started turning grey. 
After a minute or so, the rain started drizzling, Niel didn’t get that far. He cursed in his head and started walking even faster. Then he had to stop because he was running and the rain was pouring hitting his back like needles. He ran to the nearest place to shelter, a candy store. 
Niel flopped his hands down, in disappointment but his bag ended up falling to the floor. He stuff came out, “ ” Niel said bending down to pick his books and pens up. He was about to pick up the last pen on the ground but, the next guy reached for it at the same time. They both held the pen in their hands. Niel looked up at the guy and recognised him, he blurted with a gasp, “It’s YOU”.
The guy let go of the pen and replied calmly, “Um hey?” the guy smiled a little.
“Yeah hi” Niel said nervously, looking away, thinking about what happened in the library.
“ So… are you heading to the library?” asked the guy noticing that Niel was a bit jumpy so asked the first question that came into his mind.
“Yeah......manga.......” Niel said quietly.
“Cool...I was on my way too…till this rain…totally killing the mood right” he nudged Niel, while laughing but stopped when he noticed that he wasn’t laughing with him.
Niel was really uncomfortable and thought the guy was really weird. 
How could he talk to me? Someone he doesn’t even know...But he looks harmless so...thought Niel. He just took a few steps back, to be sure.

He thought he might as well talk to the guy since the rain looked like it wasn’t about to stop any time soon, “Well...I just hope it stops soon...I’m soaking already,” Niel tried joking.
They guy replied, “Yea you are...I’m Chunji by the way” he held his hand out.
Niel just smiled but didn’t shake his hand, just replied with his name.
“Cool....Niel....why are you acting like this? I’m not gonna hurt you.........” Chunji stepped closer to Niel.
Niel took a little step back, that came a bit automatically, “How do I know you won’t? ...I’m just shy ok...leave it alone” 
“ you live near here?” Chunji stepped closer, trying to make Niel feel more comfortable, surprisingly Niel didn’t move he just sighed.
“You ask too many questions.....” Niel muttered while playing with the zipper on his bag. He didn’t really want to make eye contact with him.
“Sure...because you are acting so I-----”
Niel cut Chunji off,“You heard me and I am not nervous!” 
“I did get you to look at me so... whatever I’m doing is working..”
“But I’m not nervous...I could care less about you being here” Niel folded his arms
“Sure......” Chunji poked Niel’s arm.
He did it again.
“Chunji stop...”
When he was about to do it again, Niel gave him a death glare.
“You see, what I’m talking about....what’s your problem?” Chunji smirked.
This guy is really starting to annoy me but I’m still talking to him Niel thought. The rain stopped falling, it was drizzling a bit now.
“Oh look! It stopped raining…see ya!” Niel walked off quickly.
“Wait!!” Chunji shouted after him.
Niel ignored him and kept walking but Chunji caught up to him.
“Leave me alone!” Niel yelled at him.
“Well we are both going in the same direction need to relax, your so up- tight, aish” Chunji chuckled.
This guy is seriously talking to me?

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Yuki0710 #1
please, please update soon! >.<
Wow, I love the story. Update soon! ^^
Niel to really tell you!
Babies actually come from clouds that make us then are brought to homes by a stork! Same goes to other living animals! It's whatever a cloud makes!!!
Wkawka...Niel is a honest person..that little kid xD
Aww Chunji's so cute. <3
Niel too, being such a sweetie. But with the kid omg Niel. XD
Galdy42 #6
Thank you for the lovely update!
woww sweeeeeet :))
jojo0330 #8
yeojaNiel #9
this story really good xD<br />
i like Niel, Chunji and Ricky character in this story.<br />
Update soon, please :)
Awww poor Ricky :c