Chapter 2



Niel cried himself to sleep and woke around midnight. Aish I slept the whole night why didn’t umma wake me? He thought. She probably wanted to leave me alone for once. He got off the bed and went to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror and started remembering what happened the day before. Niel started getting frustrated at the whole incident and started washing his face. People don’t just fall on you like that? Do they? He was still worrying.
He went back to his bedroom and lay down on his bed. Then his phone started vibrating, he picked it up,
Niel: Yoboseyo
Ricky: Niel, You picked up!!
Niel: Yea, I just got up actually
Ricky: I called and texted you like a HUNDRED TIMES!!! Where were you?
Niel: I was......busy.
Ricky: Really?? You’re never.....BUSY. Kinda hard to believe.
Niel: Well I was busy today. You ask too many questions.
Ricky: It’s not my fault,  I was worried because you always answer your phone so when you didn’t, I called your home and your mom told me you were sleeping........but now your awake and we can talk!
Niel: Yup but since its midnight, I think I’ll just go back----------
Ricky: NO!! We just started talking and you didn’t tell me why you acted like that in the library!!
Niel: What! Who told you that? What did you hear?!
Ricky: Well, some guy told some other guy‘s brother and then he told the other guy’s cousin-
Niel: Aish! Get to the point!
Ricky: I’m getting there so, the other guy’s cousin told Changjo and he told me that.........
Niel: That??
Ricky: That you started spazzing and screaming in the Library cause some guy did something to you, but nobody knows what. SO....what happened between you and the guy?
Niel: Nothing happened 
Ricky: Sure....and I’m an idiot! C’mon Niel I’m your best friend, you can tell me.
Niel hanged the phone up on Ricky. He couldn’t take the questions. He wondered if anyone actually knew what happened between the bookshelves. That guy ruined everything, he thought. He hoped that he wasn’t going to get teased again at school. Everybody thought he was a freak.
He rested on his back and he looked up at the bedroom’s ceiling. He eventually fell asleep.


Next morning, He woke up at 6. His phone was beeping. It was a text from Ricky.

 I can’t believe you hung up on me, anyways I have something important to tell you!! CALL ME NOW!!

 I wonder what’s so important, he wondered. He didn’t have enough money to call so he would wait till school to find out.
He got ready and went downstairs to have breakfast. His mom cooked pancakes,

“Niel hurry up its 7 , you’ll be late. Eat your breakfast, your father is almost ready to go and you know how he gets.” Said his mother. He sat down and gobbled down his pancakes. He kissed his mom goodbye and headed to the car, his father was waiting. 
They drove halfway in silence then his father started talking, “Daniel are you alright? Your mother told me you came home a bit flustered yesterday and I haven’t had a chance to talk to you about it.” 
“Everything is fine Appa,” He answered, staring out the window, just thinking.
“But your mom said you looked like you ran home”
“I felt like running.......” He said trying to get out of the conversation
“Was someone chasing you?”
“NO DAD no one was chasing me...jeez” he starting to get a bit annoyed now
“ Watch that tone with me young man, me and your mother just want the best for you and you can’t just lock us away because we will never know what’s-------“
Niel rolled his eyes, he couldn’t take the lectures so he tuned his father out and continued staring out the window until they got to school.
“Well I hope you understand now, son” his father said
“Yea sure dad,” Niel said not having a clue about what he was talking about.
“Okay well good bye, have a nice day at school.”
Niel got out of the car and walked towards the doors of the school. He saw Ricky waiting there waving. He thought, How did I end up with a friend like that?
“You’re a little late” said Ricky.
“Umm....yea took longer at home. What’s this important news you have to tell me?”
“What? I don’t have------ohhhhhhh”
Niel looked at him patiently.
“Yea I don’t have anything to tell you I just said that for you to call back but you didn’t”
He pushed him slightly and nagged. “Ricky..... I don’t have any money on my phone to call.”
They started walking into the school down the hall ways,  people were staring at them, some pointing and laughing. Niel knew this would happen, he frowned. 
“Hey!” Ricky nudged Niel, “You still haven’t told me what happened in the library” He poked.
Niel took the books for his next subject out of his locker.
“Yeah and like I said before nothing happened”
Then some students passed by giving Niel looks of disgust.
Ricky saw and said, “What you looking at huh? Here’s an idea get a camera, take a picture then you could stare at that how much you want. Now move the hell along”
They rushed off. Niel always appreciated Ricky for backing him up but Ricky annoyed him sometime.
“If nothing happened why were you screaming, huh?”
Then the bell rang, he smiled and said to himself, “Saved by the bell”
“Let’s get to class” said Niel and Ricky nodded
During Math class, he asked the teacher to go to the bathroom.

Niel left the classroom and headed to the bathroom. 
On his way there he ran into two guys. They were obviously much bigger than him. Niel pass through them but one of the guys grabbed Niel’s wrist and yanked him back. 
What the… thought Niel and he was now face to face with the two guys.
Niel gulped and his heart started beating fast. He was so scared. 
The two guys noticed that and smirked. 
One of the guys got closer to his face. 
Niel’s breathing became heaver, just like last time. 
The guy smirked again and placed his one hand on Niel’s waist. 
Niel flinched at the sudden touch. He thought that his head was going to explode and quickly pushed the guy off of him. 
“Freak” that guy made a sickened face. 
“You should just leave this school” said the other guy and started to walk away. 
“YAH Where are you going? We’re not done yet!” yelled the first guy. 
“Hyung let’s go! We’re just wasting our time with this freak” said that guy and they both left. 

Niel was just standing there, listening to what they were saying. 
He thought and slowly leaned on the wall behind him and slid down. 
He covered his face with his hands and tears falling from his face. 
Sure people were calling him freak around the school but no one ever said that to his face.
They all give him disgusted looks but he’s used to that now. 
It’s been two years since he started going to this school.
Niel stayed there in the hall way for a while and then stood up and whipped his tears. 
When he opened his eyes he saw Ricky standing there with a worried expression on his face.
“Niel-ah… the teacher sent me to find you… Were you crying?” said Ricky and placed his hand on Niel’s shoulder. Niel flinched at the touch and shook his head. 
“Nothing… I’m okay” he faked a smile and started walking back to his classroom. 
“Niel!” called Ricky. “I know there’s something wrong and I will find out soon!” said Ricky. “You have to trust me, I can help you” 
“Actually no, you can’t help me… no one can” said Niel and went back in the classroom.

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Yuki0710 #1
please, please update soon! >.<
Wow, I love the story. Update soon! ^^
Niel to really tell you!
Babies actually come from clouds that make us then are brought to homes by a stork! Same goes to other living animals! It's whatever a cloud makes!!!
Wkawka...Niel is a honest person..that little kid xD
Aww Chunji's so cute. <3
Niel too, being such a sweetie. But with the kid omg Niel. XD
Galdy42 #6
Thank you for the lovely update!
woww sweeeeeet :))
jojo0330 #8
yeojaNiel #9
this story really good xD<br />
i like Niel, Chunji and Ricky character in this story.<br />
Update soon, please :)
Awww poor Ricky :c