Too much too handle

Forever ... Longing



I stared at him as he was standing there. He did look somewhat better, as if the medicine had been some sleep and he had cut his hair shorter, dyed it into the color of chocolate brown and he was wearing black jeans, along with a white tee and a marine blue cardigan. I couldn't really tell if he just got away from his work and went straight to the office to see me or if he just changed himself entirely to feel.. better?

I had managed to avoid him for 2 days already and when JaeJoong told me about that they were going to try to get him to the pressconference, I certainly didn't expect to see him here at this time of hour since I was probably sure that they would just talk it over on the phone or something but I never imagined that he was going to show up here...

"What are you doing.. here? Jae is not in" I stuttered, feeling how smaller I became by the minute he had stepped inside the office, closing the door behind

The familiar smile that I had seen for several years, that I already knew appeared and he just slowly walked towards me. Although, he stayed on the other side of the couch and just looked at me. I guess he saw how I flinched at the sight of  him approaching. I had no idea why I even was acting like this, it wasn't like he was going to hurt me or something. He just.. had feelings for me.. that's all

"I'm not here to see Jae Yuna" He replied softly

I swallowed hardly as I looked straight into his eyes that was displaying concern and anxiety.

"You're here about the pressconference?" I asked slowly

He shook his head once again

"Yuna.. I need to talk to you"

"Don't start, don't even go there" I started, feeling myself getting worried about what was going to happen. I rounded the couch and was heading for the door but his hand soon took a hold of my arm, gently and refused to let me go

"Donghae.. Please.."

"Yuna, I just need you to hear me out" He said

I faced him and saw him looking at me dead serious but at the same time trying to get me to understand how important this was.

"Donghae.. I really have to go"

"You can't avoid this forever Yuna.." Donghae said

"But maybe enough until you've settled yourself down and come to your senses.. or something. I don't know" I mumbled

"What if i had reached a conclusion?"

"Are you lying to yourself or have you really thought about it? 2 days are .. amazingly short Donghae" I said and looked at him

His grasp around my arm loosened up and he let go of my arm as he sighed.

"I just need you to hear me out. This is the only thing I ask for"

"Don't go there.. Please. It's unnecessary to both of us. You're making yourself suffer, hurting yourself and it is already enough with the heartache you have already been suffering from.." I said

"You have to suffer someday. Endure things someday. Truth is..there will always be someone hurting you... we just have to find the person worth suffering for.."

I sighed

I guess he was trying to tell me that it was worth going through all of this since it was me.

"Donghae, you should go.. we can talk.. another time.. when we.."

"No, YUNA LISTEN! I just need you to hear me out okay? and I promise I will never.. ever talk to you again, if that is what you want.." Donghae said

I stared at Donghae as he said that and I felt like my heart was breaking allover again.

"Is that what you think? That I don't ever want to see you again?"

"I've considered that thought"

"I thought you knew me better than that.." I said, letting a tear fall down my cheek

"Yuna.. I didn't mean that.. I just.."

I let out a heavy sigh

"Maybe we should postpone this talk to another time"


"YOU WERE THE FIRST PERSON TO PUSH ME AWAY !" I screamed at the top of my lungs, back at him

He stared at me


The tears refused to stop. How did I manage to speak so steadily while screaming at him?

"I never meant for anything of this to happen Yuna. You have to trust me.."

"Why did it happen then?"

He looked at me bravely, and I saw a tear falling from the corner of his eyes

"I fell in love with you Yuna.." Donghae whispered sadly

I sobbed

"I couldn't stop it and I wasn't sure how to manage it either"

"Did you ever plan on telling me, to confess to me about this?"

Donghae took a step closer

"I think I was..When I understood how deep my feelings were for you.."

I sighed

"But I never saw it coming... that You and JaeJoong.. were going to happen.." Donghae whispered, letting out a hurtful sigh

I looked at him and not only did the look of him, make me feel guilty, I felt like I was the one who had been wrong in all of this.

"I'm so sorry.." I whispered

"Don't be.. Falling in love.. is not.. a forbidden thing to do.. and definitely.. not.. a shameful thing.." Donghae said, encouraging me

I looked at him. How could he be so .. understanding in this time of hour? This was not the right time to be like this..

"I'm sorry for making this.. so hard.. for you" Donghae whispered and took another step closer. I shook my head

"I never meant for anything of this to happen. I didn't know that it was going to be such a problem of it.." Donghae said

I quieten and looked up at him

He smiled at me, as if he was relieved that I faced him and he looked somewhat joyful, yet frustrated and sad.

"I just need you to hear me out.." He whispered and suddenly both of my hands were embraced and firmly grasped by him . I didn't know what else to do but just to stay still. I felt my heart beating faster than ever..

"I truly wish that all of my feelings for you would disappear Yuna.. but.. it can't. I don't have any control and if I was able to control them, I would have made them disappear a long time ago"

I stayed quiet, not being able to answer him

"But.. this is not how life works.. and I am so sorry for that" Donghae whispered

I took a deep breath

"I love you Yuna.. and I just need to say that. Just need you to hear it.."

"For what good...? Doesn't it hurt to say it out loud? Isn't it hard .. for you?" I whispered, while looking at him

"It hurts. You have no idea how much courage and will it takes to say that to you since I know that your heart is at another place" He mumbled

"Then why would you do that? So much effort and you don't get anything in return?"

"I get relief in return Yuna. That's the thing. I feel like.. the stones has fallen from my shoulders. All the hours of thinking how much I've wanted to tell you.. and the restless nights of not being able to fall asleep.. somehow.. it's a relief for me.. since I've said that now.. I just wish I could hear it from you too"

"I do love you Donghae.. but.."

"I know Yuna. You just have no idea how much I wished that was enough" Donghae said sincerely

I sighed

"I'm so sorry.." I whispered again

"No.. I guess it's.. my own fault.. for not trying to hold onto you.." Donghae said, chuckling and trying to lighten the mood a bit

I breathed in deeply and looked at him

"I love you Yuna and I won't tell you that I will stop doing that.. cause.. in that case.. I would be lying to you. But it would be selfish of me.. if I wished to not see you happy.. with the one that you love" Donghae said

"Donghae.. I really..."

"No.. Don't say that you're sorry. Pitying me is not what I need right now. If JaeJoong is the one that can make you happy, then you should be with him.."

"But I am happy with you too.."

"But it's not just enough.. and not.. in that kind of way" Donghae said

I felt like dying from guiltness at this moment

"I wish to see you happy Yuna. And if it is with JaeJoong, I'm sure he will be able to give everything that you need.." he said and looked at me

"Why does it feel like you will leave and never come back after this conversation?" I whispered

He chuckled

"Do you want me to be honest with you?" He asked

I nodded, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to hear it..though. But I knew that if I didn't.. I was going to regret this..

"I wish you to be happy. If it can't be with me then I'll just have to accept that. Just knowing that you're with the person that you love and care for, I do not wish that to be taken away from you.. but.."

He sighed and took another step closer

"I just can't.. stand aside and watching you being with him.. and knowing that person.. could have been.. me" He said

I've never seen Donghae vulnerable in my entire life, all of those years with him... This was my first time to see him like this

"I love you Yuna. I just wanted you to know that.. and for me to be able to say that. But yes, I will leave and I don't know when I'm coming back. You can't have your cake and eat it too. It's all or nothing.." He said

"Donghae I.."

"I'm pretty sure that this will be the best way for the both of us..I don't want to be a distraction to you while you're trying to build up your relationship with JaeJoong. Because you will be forced to think of me, care for me and not trying to hurt my feelings.. .. Do you see my point?"

I nodded slowly

"I'm sure you'll be fine.. as for me.. Time heals wounds"

"I just never thought that there would be a second goodbye.. that soon" I whispered

"See it more as a.. see you soon.." Donghae smiled




As soon as the sound came off, I came outside the elevator and took off my sunglasses to see all of the guys in the hallway, Yoochun resting against his door, Changmin sitting on Yuna's chair, Junsu leaning against Yuna's desk while Yunho were just standing up

"What are you guys doing out here?" I asked

"Jae!" Junsu said and looked at me

"You're back" Changmin said and looked at me

"What's wrong? You look like.. something terrible happened..." I said and looked at them

I was about to head for the office but Yunho stopped me on the way

"What is it?" I asked

I looked at all of them but they just looked at each other, avoiding my gaze

"Spill it, I'm going to find out sooner or later" I said, feeling my patience subsiding

"Jae.. we didn't see it coming.. and.." Junsu started

"And we couldn't stop it.. " Changmin started

"And we hoped that .."

"Oh damn it.. Donghae is inside and talking to Yuna" Yoochun said, rolling his eyes

".. Say .. what?" I asked and stared at them

"We didn't see him coming.. and before we knew it, he closed the door right in Changmin's face and we didn't dare to step inside.."

"I can't believe this"

I didn't hesitate for a second before I spun around and burst right through the door with the guys right behind my back

I saw Yuna and Donghae immediately looking at me as I came inside and I saw Yuna standind not too far away from Donghae and to judge by the eyes, both of them had been crying.

"And you are here because?" I instantly shouted angrily at Donghae

"I'm not here to fight"

"But definitely here to pick one" I said while gritting my teeth

Donghae sighed

"I just needed to talk to Yuna"

"Well.. seems like you caused her to cry more than to talk" I said

"JaeJoong.. please.. he's.."

"I don't care that hell he's here for. I don't want him here" I shouted angrily, interrupting Yuna


Everyone turned to look at Yuna as all of us saw the blood

It was running down her nose and it seems like she didn't know it either and she even raised her hand to touch it to see if Changmin was lying. She touched it slightly and stared at us shockingly before I saw her eyes roll back




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Chapter 2: This reminds me of the Devil wears Prada for some reason.....
Chapter 75: The couple started planning for their wedding! I like how Yuna didn't pressure Jaejoong to decide immediately if they'll invite his Mom but instead give him time to think. She's really a caring and understanding person that Jaejoong is lucky to have her as his soon wife :)

Will surely wait for your next update so update soon :)
Chapter 74: So glad seeing you updated! I have missed this story of yours and this is one of the stories I subscribed to that I'm hoping for updates every time I'm checking my AFF account for story updates :) The boys especially Yunho is really right that Jaejoong must stop from thinking too much and enjoyed first his present life with his friends and Yuna. They are getting married and they are already started planning! I'm so excited for the two to finally be together as a married couple!

I find Jaejoong cute after getting jealous that Yuna choose Yoochun to be her fellow designer for her wedding dress!

I'm so curious on this story so will read the next Chapter you updated :)
AmyDick #4
Chapter 75: Ah finally updates for this fic, it's been so long time since my last time read this and now they're going to have wedding.. It'll be happy moment... But i wonder with jae's mom but it's good if she come... About donghae, it's hard for him to come on their wedding, he is still in anger...
Anyway i'll wait for the next update ^^:::
Chapter 75: Im new reader and i hope you will update soon authornim
loveydovey #6
HOMAIGOD u update??!!
ok i feel like i'm crying... i cant believe this.
i always hope u will update all ur jae fics one day.
my wish come true!!!
come lemme hug u.....
CassieIndo #7
Chapter 74: OMG you update it =O i thought u already abandon all ur story here T___T
thank yu thank yuu~~ . i really like all of your story... please update the other story too like "soul of the damned" . that one is my favourite..please update that too..pretty please , i beg u authornim T_____T
dawnxiamara #8
Chapter 74: Welcome back. Hope you be here in AFF for good. So the big W is coming?
Khab71 #9
Chapter 74: Thanks for the update. Hope everything is ok for Jae & Yuna.
AmyDick #10
Chapter 73: It's not the end right? Author-nim please update this story soon...