Not the same person

Forever ... Longing



I think I've been lying in the bed, just tossing my head to the sides several times but not being able to fall asleep. My head wasn't aching but it was sure as hell sore..

I gave up about my several attempts to fall asleep and opened my eye to see it was already broad daylight outside. I looked at the clock on the wall to see it was getting close to lunchtime..

I looked down on my left to see JaeJoong sleeping quietly, his head resting onto the bed edge of mine and the rest of his body was sitting on the chair. That must be a very uncomfortable position..

I was about to touch him when I heard something ringing and I noticed it was JaeJoong's cellphone. He slowly woke up, groaning and rubbing his eyes before his hand started to search for the cellphone.

"Not now..." He mumbled




"Whatever, cancel it, I'm not able to have any meetings today"


He then hung up and his head fell down flat on the edge of the bed once again and I couldn't hold myself back as I started to laugh at his cuteness. I never thought I would see the gorgeous designer being so.. I don't know.. morning monster?

Seems like he heard me laughing because he then turned himself, his head still resting on the bed and he opened one eye and smiling at me

"You're laughing. I must be really funny.." He said

"You seem tired though" I said and stopped laughing

He sat up, stretched his entire body and yawned before looking around

"What time is it?"

"It's lunchtime already"

"No wonder my stomach was having a fight with my brain" He chuckled

Suddenly a knock could be heard by the door and both of us looked at the door to see the doctor and a nurse enter.

"You're both awake. How are you feeling Yuna?" He smiled

"I'm feeling great" I said

He nodded

"Good! The test results didn't show any signs of damage but it was a hard hit you got there. So please be careful and do not stress yourself up for the time being, take it easy alright?"

"Are you saying I can go home now?"

He nodded

"Although, we'd like you to come back for a checkup .. in 2 weeks. That's alright with you?"

I nodded happily

"I just need you to sign some papers then you're free to go" He said

The nurse handed me the folder with all the papers and then they left us alone

"Seems like he wasn't telling you the truth Yuna" JaeJoong said


"You're discharged and yet you have to be careful, not stressing yourself up and you should take it easy, not work too much or anything that could make the wound worse.. and you need to come back in a few weeks. Does that mean that.. there is a possibility that you have a damage inside of your head?" He said seriously, worrying

I smiled

"It's completely normal for the doctor to observe. Not to mention that it's for my own sake to come back in two weeks time to get a check up. Just to see that everything's normal, which I believe it is so don't worry"

"You should stay at my place for the time being then. At least for 2 weeks" JaeJoong said

It hit me like bullet as he said that and I looked up, shocked as he was staring at me with a serious expression.

"Moving in.. with you?" I stuttered

He nodded

"You don't have to worry about anything there. The staff will take care of you, you have your own room and.. that would also make me feel... a bit more at ease. You scared the soul out of all of us.. and I guess I don't want to feel that..... again" He said slowly as he turned his head down, not looking at me

I was abit unsure about the protection he was giving me but yet I felt flattered. How was it possible for me to NOT be ?

After a few minutes of silence he looked up and looked into my eyes deeply before giving out a sigh and moving the hair out of my face

"I'm serious Yuna. Stay at my place at least for 2 weeks. After the check-up... if he says you're fine.. then you can move out again. Well technically, all you need to bring is your clothes. My point is... If you're home alone, there's no one watching you and taking care of you.. and it would be hard to reach you on the phone if you're down on the floor, past out. But if you're at my place, I can have someone checking up on you all the time.. I'm sure all the guys would want that.. All we want is the best for you.." JaeJoong said as he caressed my cheek

Taken by surprise of his sudden move, his sudden words, I felt myself having a hard time to breathe and also talking. I was speechless. Never did I ever thought about JaeJoong caring for me in this way, especially when I first met him and got to know the rumors, and then meeting him in person..

JaeJoong might be cold on the outside but once you got to know him, overcoming the high wall that was keeping people away, you could actually see how wonderful he was..

"You're sure about this?"

"Are you sure?" He smiled

"Well.. I don't mind.. a big heavenly bed with breakfast served every morning.. Well you know.. all girls would love to live in a mansion like yours and..." I started to rabble as JaeJoong started to laugh

"Good, I'll go and make a few phonecalls and I'll come back soon okay? Finish those papers"

He then left me and went outside the room and I started to go through the papers. A foolish smile was plastered on my face as I was happily signing the papers

"Seems like someone is really happy"

I looked up to see Donghae coming over and he looked a lot more better than a few hours ago. He smelled wonderfully and not only was he looking great, he had brought me flowers..

Not just any flowers but loving white and purple orchids..

"Donghae!" I smiled

"Hey there"

He came towards me and sat down on the chair and handed over the flowers

"Feeling better hospitalgirl?"

I rolled my eyes

"I'm actually getting discharged" I said and pointed at the papers

"Oh, seems like I was in a good timing. I can take you home then" He smiled happily

I stopped sniffing the flowers and turned myself to him, looking a bit apologetically..

"JaeJoong is taking me home Donghae" He said

"Mwoh? Jae? Is he still here?"

I nodded slowly as I saw the expression on Donghae change as it went from Happy to anger. I thought they were friends.. what happened?

"Yes.. he was actually here the entire night. He canceled all the meetings today" I said slowly

"Well.. it has its advantages of being a boss" Donghae rolled his eyes

"He's a nice person Donghae. He's been taking care of me all night"

"And you think I wouldn't?" Donghae snapped coldly

I was surprised by his words that I kind of leaned back, as if I was afraid of him spitting all the words at me. He noticed and his expression softened up as he took a deep breath

"I'm sorry.. I just.. don't feel so good about you being around him" He said

I swallowed hard as he said that. I knew I had to tell him about me moving into JaeJoong's place then. A voice inside of me was saying that I shouldn't but I didn't want to lie to him..

"I know.. but there's something else you should know... then" I said slowly, almost hiding behind the flowers

"What is it Yuna?" He asked softly

"I'm moving in with JaeJoong, for 2 weeks"

"WHAT?!?!?!" Donghae got up from his chair

"It's only for 2 weeks. He wanted me to have someone close and nearby if something would happen and he has his maids, butlers"

"Are you after his money now?!" Donghae said disbelievingly

"NO! OF COURSE NOT!!!!!!" I shouted angrily at him

"HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?!?!?!?" I shouted, feeling upset and hurt by his feelings

Donghae was breathing heavily and suddenly someone burst in through the door but I was the only one who looked at the door while Donghae was staring at me

"Yuna! I heard you screaming.. you're okaa...." JaeJoong quieten as he saw Donghae standing by the bed

"I'm fine" I said quietly

"So you're using her now?" Donghae said, his back still at JaeJoong as he was looking down at me

"Using who?" Jaejoong asked, coldly but in confusion

"Persuading her to move in with you"

"You've gone mad. Using Yuna? Are you still drunk?!" JaeJoong said angrily, probably feeling offended

"Well who knows. You're the guy with the money, you can get anything you want. You even use girls who's innocent and has no clue what you're capable of.." Donghae said

He then turned to JaeJoong and I was sensing that this was getting somewhere really... crazy

". leave the room" JAeJoong said cold as ice, I even got chills as he said that

"And who are you to tell me what I should do?"

"Well obviously you are upsetting Yuna and the doctor said that we should not upset her. She should be resting and from the way I see it, she's not getting any better by arguing with you"

"No one asked for your opinion" Donghae snapped

"Like I care, I speak anyway. Why do you think i got my mouth for?"

"I don't know, you tell me" Donghae raised an eyebrow

"Leave before I seriously make you end up here in the hospital" JaeJoong said coldly, his eyes dark as the night, the anger was rising, I could feel it in the atmosphere

"You touch a strand on her, I'll make sure you'll end up, not here but at the graveyard"

Donghae then turned around and looked at me. I could not just believe that DOnghae said that because his expression had changed and his loving voice was talking to me

"I'll see you okay? rest a lot" He said softly

He then leaned forward and gave me a kiss on the forehead before walking out of the room. JaeJoong didn't move an inch but he was irritated, I could see that just by looking at him, and he really looked like he wanted to punch someone..

But then something happened. The JaeJoong I knew wouldn't calm himself down so easily, he would probably punch the wall or something but just now he closed the door and he then faced me with a smile

"Finished the papers yet?"

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Chapter 2: This reminds me of the Devil wears Prada for some reason.....
Chapter 75: The couple started planning for their wedding! I like how Yuna didn't pressure Jaejoong to decide immediately if they'll invite his Mom but instead give him time to think. She's really a caring and understanding person that Jaejoong is lucky to have her as his soon wife :)

Will surely wait for your next update so update soon :)
Chapter 74: So glad seeing you updated! I have missed this story of yours and this is one of the stories I subscribed to that I'm hoping for updates every time I'm checking my AFF account for story updates :) The boys especially Yunho is really right that Jaejoong must stop from thinking too much and enjoyed first his present life with his friends and Yuna. They are getting married and they are already started planning! I'm so excited for the two to finally be together as a married couple!

I find Jaejoong cute after getting jealous that Yuna choose Yoochun to be her fellow designer for her wedding dress!

I'm so curious on this story so will read the next Chapter you updated :)
AmyDick #4
Chapter 75: Ah finally updates for this fic, it's been so long time since my last time read this and now they're going to have wedding.. It'll be happy moment... But i wonder with jae's mom but it's good if she come... About donghae, it's hard for him to come on their wedding, he is still in anger...
Anyway i'll wait for the next update ^^:::
Chapter 75: Im new reader and i hope you will update soon authornim
loveydovey #6
HOMAIGOD u update??!!
ok i feel like i'm crying... i cant believe this.
i always hope u will update all ur jae fics one day.
my wish come true!!!
come lemme hug u.....
CassieIndo #7
Chapter 74: OMG you update it =O i thought u already abandon all ur story here T___T
thank yu thank yuu~~ . i really like all of your story... please update the other story too like "soul of the damned" . that one is my favourite..please update that too..pretty please , i beg u authornim T_____T
dawnxiamara #8
Chapter 74: Welcome back. Hope you be here in AFF for good. So the big W is coming?
Khab71 #9
Chapter 74: Thanks for the update. Hope everything is ok for Jae & Yuna.
AmyDick #10
Chapter 73: It's not the end right? Author-nim please update this story soon...