Definitely Not

Forever ... Longing



I waited for something to be said, for something to happen because the silence was hard enough to get through. Not being able to know what Donghae was thinking at the minute was hard and just knowing that JaeJoong were taking part of this, listening and hearing wasn't making this thing easier for me. I'd prefer to do this while I was alone. .

"Feelings... cannot be controlled Yuna" Donghae said and looked up

I sighed

"Donghae.. I.. just.."

"Why him? What can he give you that I can't? What's so great with him? Every girl is freaking in love with him and you've already seen his ugly side and yet you STAY BY HIS SIDE?!"

His sadness was turning into anger. I couldn't blame him for that. Someone he liked said that she had feelings for someone else. If he was going to be angry, it should be at me of course.

"I fell in love with him" I said, trying to end the discussion.

There was nothing more to say because the damage was already out, breaking Donghae, breaking me. I couldn't take this back and I would regret whatever that I was saying at the moment but there was no way turning back right now. All I could do was to stay quiet, listen and hoping that he was going to forgive me.

"Are you afraid that I will not be able to make you happy?"

Something finally happened and Donghae took a step forward, closer to me and while crying, he grabbed my hands as he said those words

"No Donghae. You have to open your eyes... I don't see you in that way.." I mumbled

I instantly let go of his hands, taking a step backwards as I was holding back a sob. Great, I couldn't even hold his hands now which I was able to do for so many years, so many times before. Is this ever going to stop?




I was pretty much at lost, not knowing what to say or do. Just standing at the sideline, watching how much both of them were suffering just because of the sake of their friendship, I was starting to regret what I had forced to put Yuna through. It was hard to see her cry, to see her so sad and yet I was able to feel anger and be furious at Donghae.

"Have you ever considered to give me a chance?" Donghae asked, still determined, somehow hoping that he was able to convince her that he was the one for her. How I felt punching him to the other side of this planet

"I can't and I don't think I will ever be able to do that"

"WHY?!" Donghae screamed

"YAH!" I shouted, finally being able to utter something.

I got in between the two of them. Standing in front of Yuna, blocking Donghae's way to her

"Move" Donghae said angrily


"Move or else I will make you regret it"

"Don't you dare lay a finger on her or even hurt her" I Hissed angrily

Donghae chuckeld sarcastically

"You really think you've won? You really think you have her heart right now?" He asked

I raised an eyebrow

"I think I did" I smirked

Donghae chuckled once again and rolled his eyes at me

"I have half of her heart. You think you will be able to erase such a deep friendship as ours? I doubt it"

I was speechless, not seeing this coming and just him threatening me by taking the advantage of what he has with her reached my limit.

I punched him across his face and another one as he fell down onto the ground.

"JAEJOONG!" Yuna shouted

Donghae was quick and got up again, immediately taking out his revenge and punched me as well. The right side of my face was starting to get numb and I felt the blood oozing and mixing itself inside my mouth with the saliva.

I was about to punch him again as he punched one more time, this time on the left side and another round of blood could be felt. I straightened myself and another punch was thrown at him.

"It's JaeJoong!"


"It's JaeJoong"

Suddenly I felt someone taking me away from Donghae and someone was grabbing onto Donghae as well.

"LET ME GO!" I shouted angrily, furious


Suddenly cameras were allover the place, flashes going on and off constantly with no pauses and I felt myself stumble backwards at the sudden situation that appeared. The people who had separated us was the security of the restaurant and of course, the media was now allover the place, taking pictures of this incident. I was surely going to be on the first page tomorrow

Suddenly I felt someone grabbing my arm and dragged me out of the crowd of the medias and she hurried, going through my pockets as she was running with me, holding my hand towards my car.

She unlocked the car and both of us got in and in the speed of light, we raced our way out of there, hurrying down the road in order to get away from the media.

No words were spoken during the entire 15 min drive home and I kept wiping away the blood with the sleeve of my brand new jacket.


When we finally arrived at home I stomped my way into the house angrily, taking off the jacket on my way and threw it on the floor and hurried into the livingroom to sit down. A glass of alcohol would probably kill all the bacteriums in side the mouth so I was quick with the alcohol, sweeping down a shot instantly

I then walked over to the open fireplace, rested both of my hands above the fire place and stretched out both of my arms as my head was hanging down


Yuna's voice forced me to spina round and she was holding a box of a first aid kit as she had taken off the coat and the scarf.

I sighed heavily as I walked over to her and sat down on the couch.

She was quick and started to immediately take care of me. She wiped away the blood that had dried onto my skin and she ten put some ice bags on the swollen lip and cheek I had, as well as my jaw.

"Hold this" She said softly

She started to take care of the bruise on my forehead and I started to wonder why she wasn't screaming at me, why she wasn't cryin gor taking out her frustration about me hitting her friend..

"You're not angry?" I asked, sounding a bit dumfounded, as if I was a little boy, waiting for his mother to be scolded at

She shook her head

"Not even a little?" I asked, just to assure myself

She let out a sigh

"I guess.. both of you wanted to do that. And also, it kind of helped me as well to get an end of the discussion" She sighed heavily, sounding very.. worn out

"I'm sorry Yuna. I shouldn't have pushed it.." I said, feeling guilty as I stopped both of her hands as she was taking care of the wound I had

She looked at me for a second and shrugged

"I was.. a little prepared actually to tell you the truth. Although I never expected Donghae to be so.. I don't know.. straightforward" She said

"Me neither" I rolled my eyes

"But in a way it was good to have you pushing me like that"

"Good? How come?" I asked confused

"I think.. it would have taken me days in order to confront him. And now when that is done.. I can finally be with you again" She said with relief

I took her in my arms immediately and hugged her tightly as I laid back on the couch, both of us lying down and she was resting her head onto my chest as I was holding her tightly in my arms

"You have no idea how much I've suffered ever since I decided to leave you alone" I said seriously

"Same here" She said and looked at me

I smiled at her



"The thing.. Donghae said.. about having half of your heart" I said as I tried to sit up. Yuna sat up as well

She nodded

"Hmm.. yes?"

"Why did he say that?" I asked

She shrugged and then sighed

"He's probably trying to scare you.. But the thing is that.. he doesn't know that he only have my heart.. as a friend and not as a lover" She mumbled

"That's... a relief" I said, the expression of relief being displayed allover my face

She caressed my cheek carefully and softly, smiling at me

"I just hope he will be able to understand this.. since it felt like he was somehow trying to convince himself that there was a chance for us to happen" She said

"Then.. is there a chance?" I asked

"No.. Definitely not.."

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Chapter 2: This reminds me of the Devil wears Prada for some reason.....
Chapter 75: The couple started planning for their wedding! I like how Yuna didn't pressure Jaejoong to decide immediately if they'll invite his Mom but instead give him time to think. She's really a caring and understanding person that Jaejoong is lucky to have her as his soon wife :)

Will surely wait for your next update so update soon :)
Chapter 74: So glad seeing you updated! I have missed this story of yours and this is one of the stories I subscribed to that I'm hoping for updates every time I'm checking my AFF account for story updates :) The boys especially Yunho is really right that Jaejoong must stop from thinking too much and enjoyed first his present life with his friends and Yuna. They are getting married and they are already started planning! I'm so excited for the two to finally be together as a married couple!

I find Jaejoong cute after getting jealous that Yuna choose Yoochun to be her fellow designer for her wedding dress!

I'm so curious on this story so will read the next Chapter you updated :)
AmyDick #4
Chapter 75: Ah finally updates for this fic, it's been so long time since my last time read this and now they're going to have wedding.. It'll be happy moment... But i wonder with jae's mom but it's good if she come... About donghae, it's hard for him to come on their wedding, he is still in anger...
Anyway i'll wait for the next update ^^:::
Chapter 75: Im new reader and i hope you will update soon authornim
loveydovey #6
HOMAIGOD u update??!!
ok i feel like i'm crying... i cant believe this.
i always hope u will update all ur jae fics one day.
my wish come true!!!
come lemme hug u.....
CassieIndo #7
Chapter 74: OMG you update it =O i thought u already abandon all ur story here T___T
thank yu thank yuu~~ . i really like all of your story... please update the other story too like "soul of the damned" . that one is my favourite..please update that too..pretty please , i beg u authornim T_____T
dawnxiamara #8
Chapter 74: Welcome back. Hope you be here in AFF for good. So the big W is coming?
Khab71 #9
Chapter 74: Thanks for the update. Hope everything is ok for Jae & Yuna.
AmyDick #10
Chapter 73: It's not the end right? Author-nim please update this story soon...