Chapter 8

I'm Sorry That I Left You
While you and Hana is using hands to hide your eyes before something pops out, you suddenly hear a familiar voice beside you. You take a quick peek at the person beside and saw Jungkook is beside you.
"Omo ! Isn't that Jungkook-ssi beside me ??" You mumbled to yourself.
Jungkook heard a girl mumbled to herself and took a quick peek at her and he found out it was Hyejung, he was shocked too.
*Oh ! Isn't that Hyejung-ssi ?* Jungkook thought as he is trying to hide himself carefully.
Jimin saw Jungkook trying to act weird, he asked Jungkook softly without disturbing others.
"Jungkook-ah, what are you doing ??" He asked softly.
"Ah hyung nothing ! Continue with your movie. And be quiet." Jungkook said softly.
"Arrasso. But can you please sit properly ?" He asked and narrow his eyes back to screen.
As Jimin narrowing back his eyes back to screen, he noticed a familiar girl with her side view as the screen went bright.
*Where did I see this girl ? She looks familiar. Hmm* Jimin thought as he continue watching the movie. 
After the movie is ending, the light in the cinema light up, first thing Jimin did was to tell Jungkook that the movie has ended since he sat weirdly but before he could tell Jungkook, he saw Hyejung and she was sitting beside Jungkook. He looked at the two of them and smirked.
"Oh ! Annyeong Hyejung-ssi." Jimin greeted.
You then turned your head and see Jimin "Oh Jimin-ssi annyeong." You greeted back.
"You are alone ?" Jimin asked as he didn't see Hana because Hana was busy packing up while her hair covered her face.
"Oh nope. Hana is here with me." You said.
The other guys were shocked "Oh ! Hyejung-ssi and Hana-ssi annyeong !" They greeted.
"Oh annyeong guys ! You all came here to watch Insidious 2 too ?" Hana greeted.
"Yup. Jin hyung suggested to watch this as he wanted to watch and since we all are bored too." Rapmons said.
"Ahh so what you guys think about this movie ?" Hana asked.
"Kinda okay ? Hahaha how about you ?" Jimin asked.
"Oh it was okay too." Hyejung replied shyly because Jungkook is beside her.
The staff who is to people out "hello there ! It's time for you guys to leave. Thankyou !" The staff said abit loudly and smiled.
Rapmons replied back loudly, stood up and bowed "Ahh ! Joesonghamnida !" and turned "Let's go guys, let's talk after we left here." He said.
You guys stood up and walk to the exit door and exit. 
Jimin suddenly went near Hyejung. Jungkook saw it and suddenly felt upset.
"Guys, it's about dinner time. Dinner together ?" Rapmons asked.
"Yes !" Jimin replied happily "Hyejung, Hana. Come dinner with us ?" Jimin asked.
"Uhmm mian. My mum is cooked dinner for me at home so I gotta go home." Hana said sadly.
"Ahh it's okay. So Hyejung-ssi, coming with us ?" Jin asked.
"Mianhae. My mum cooked too. I have to go home." Hyejung apologized.
"Ahh. Hyung, why not we go Hyejung house for dinner ? We could ask Hana mum to bring food over so we could eat together ?" Jimin asked.
"That's a great idea !" Rapmons agreed. "Hana-ssi, could you ask your mum to bring food over so we could have it together ?" Rapmons asked.
"Hmm sure. Why not go over my house first to help my mum ? I scare she could carry herself." Hana said.
"Sure. Let's go !" V said.
*Aish. Why is Jimin hyung standing so close beside Hyejung-ssi.* Jungkook frustrated thought.
You guys walked together to Hana house to help her mum. While on the way, you called your mum asking her to make more food since they are coming over. 
After 45mins, you guys reached Hana house and went in.
"Omma. I'm homed !" Hana said.
"Omonim ! Annyeonghaseyo !" You guys greeted.
Hana mum came out from the kitchen and greeted back.
"Omma, we are going over to Hyejung house for dinner. Let's bring food over." Hana said.
"Ah why didn't you gave me a call earlier ? I could cook more to bring over." Mrs Kim said.
"Ah mian omma. I forgotten." Hana smiled to her mum awkwardly.
"Omonim sorry for interrupting but I have called my mum to prepare more. So don't worry." You smiled.
"Oh Hyejung ah, mianhae. Next time come over my house with your mum and I will cook some food for return." Mrs Kim smiled.
"Ah ne kamsahmnida omonim !" You replied and bowed.
After prepared the food to bring over, you guys and Mrs Kim got out from her house and off to Hyejung house.
You guys suggested to take cab to your house. 
"Me, Jin and Suga hyung will take a cab. The rest of you settle yourself." Rapmons said and flag down a cab. Hyejung told the driver her address and the cab went off.
"So how now ? Hmm Hyejung-ah, can you take a cab with Jungkook and V ? Me, my mum, Jimin and J-Hope will take a cab." Hana asked.
"But Hana ! It's gonna be awk-" you got cutted by Hana.
"No but !" Hana signal you with her eyes secretly.
"Arrasso. You know my address right ?" You asked.
"Yup." Hana smiled. "See you guys later !" Hana flagged down a cab and went off. 
You, Jungkook and V are waiting for another cab awkwardly as you guys didn't know much. V saw a cab coming and he flagged down. The cab stopped infront of you guys and you went for the front seat. V went to you and let you have the back seat with Jungkook as he know it is dangerous for a girl to sit infront. After that, you guys went off and it was totally silence in the cab.
Rapmons they reached first and then Hana they reached and you guys reached last. They are waiting for you guys outside your house. 
"Joesonghamnida ! We should have came here in the first cab !" You apologized.
"It's okay ! We didn't think of that." J-Hope said.
"Come, let's go in my house, you guys must be feeling very cold." You welcomed them to your house.
You opened the door. "Omma, we are here !" You shouted.
"Omo welcome to our house !" Mrs Lee welcomed.
"Annyeonghaseyo omonim. Sorry for informing you last min !" Hana said.
"Aniyo it's okay ! Oh who's mum is she ?" Mrs Lee asked.
"Oh omma ! She is Hana mum. She is Mrs Kim." You introduced to your mum.
"Omo Annyeonghaseyo Mrs Kim !" Mrs Lee greeted.
"Annyeonghaseyo Mrs Lee ! I brought some food over." Mrs Kim said.
"Ah komawo ! Come, just feel that you are in your own house." Mrs Lee said smiling.
"Ah ne ! Mrs Lee, do you need help ? I could help you." Mrs Kim offered.
"It's okay Mrs Kim. You can relax in the living room." Mrs Lee rejected.
"Aigoo it's okay I will help." Mrs Kim smiled. "Kids, bring the food to the kitchen okay ?" Mrs Kim said.
"Ne~~~~ !" You guys brought the food into the kitchen.
i tried to update this chapter at this timing because I'm happy ^^ I losted one of my best friend and she suddenly whatsapped me just now we had a wonderful chat :') I guess she's the only friend who I can always count on but our relationship is no longer close as we were in the past. :( and I missed her.
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