Chapter 7

I'm Sorry That I Left You
there ain't much show for you to watch and you decided to ring Hana up.
~Ring Ring~
"Hello Hyejung. Why are you calling ?" Hana asked.
"Oh hello Hana. I'm bored ! Can we go out somewhere today ?" Hyejung pouted.
"Ahh where do you want to ?" Hana asked.
"Hmm let's go watch a movie ? I want to watch Insidious 2 !" Hyejung said happily.
"Hmm okay ! Where should we meet at ?" Hana asked.
"Let's meet at xxx cinema." Hyejung said.
"How about time ? Have you checked the timing for the movie ?" Hana asked.
"Oops haven't check yet haha I gonna check now." Hyejung laughed.
"Aigoo pabo !" Hana said.
"Let's watch the movie at 3:30pm." Hyejung said.
"Okay ! Do you want to meet for lunch ? Then we could go shopping awhile then movie." Hana suggested.
"Ah great idea ! But before we go for lunch, let's go buy the ticket first !" Hyejung said.
"Okay ! So let's meet at 11:30 at xxx cinema." Hana said.
"Okay ! See ya later !" You finished and hung up.
You went for a shower and after 15 mins you came out. You went to your wardrobe and choose a white flowery dress. You wore it and went to your mirror table and combed your hair and wore a cute headband. You went to your parents room to find your mum.
*knock knock* you knocked the door.
"Oh come in." Your mum said.
"Omma, I'm going out with Hana." You said.
"Oh okay. Will you be back later for dinner ?" Your mum asked.
"Hmm I guess ?" You said while thinking.
"Omma gonna be alone today uh ?" Your mum pretended to be sad.
"Hahaha omma, what are you going to cook for dinner ?" You laughed out.
"Hmm some vegetable, fish, soup and taking out some kimchi for side dish. Why ?" Your mum asked.
"Ani. I guess I'm gonna bring Hana home for dinner. I will ask her later and will give you a call." You said.
"Okay. Remember to give me back a call." Your mum laughed.
"Arrasso omma. I'm going out now." You said and pecked your mum cheeks.
"Ahh. Be careful alright." Your mum gave a peck back.
You went back to your room and get you bag and head down to living room and wore your shoes and opened the door. 
"OMMA ! I'M GOING NOW ! TAKE CARE !" You shouted from living room to your mum room. 
You went out to your car and hopped in. You started the engine and went out of your house. You called Hana.
"Oh Hana. I'm now on my way. Have you gone out ?" You asked.
"YOU ARE FAST ! I haven't go out yet !" Hana screamed as she is far away from her phone.
"Then do you want me to go fetch you ?" You asked.
"Hmm I guess ? Hehe." Hana laughed cutely.
"Arrasso. Get yourself ready any minute. I will be there soon." You said.
"Okay ! Hanging up now." Hana said and hung up.
You then drove to her house instead. After 15 minutes, you arrived in front of her house. You decided to sent her a message instead of calling her.
To : Hana 
"Ya. I'm here in front of your house already. Faster come out !" 
You sent the message and rested while waiting for her. You on some music to listen while waiting. 
-after 10 minutes-
Hana finally came out and knocked your car window. You unlocked the door lock and let her in.
"YA ! WHY ARE YOU SO SLOW ?!" You asked angrily.
"MIANHAE HYEJUNG-AH ! Let's go now please." Hana smiled cutely.
You then step on your acceleration pad and drove off.
"What took you such a long time to get ready ?" You nagged while driving.
"I suddenly had stomachache and went to the toilet." Hana said.
"You failed inside the toilet while ting ?" Hyejung asked.
"Aniyo. I was lazy till the time you called me, I wanted to go to shower. After that, I had stomachache and went back to the toilet. Hana talk back.
"What did you had in the morning ?! Do you need to go to pharmacy to get medicine ?" You asked.
"It's okay. I ate medicine at home already. So what are we going to have for lunch ?" Hana rubbed her tummy.
"Let's have our lunch restaurant." You suggested.
The boys met up because they are bored. So Jin suggested to go catch a movie.
"Guys, why not we go catch a movie ? It's been quite some time we catch a movie together. And I wanna watch Insidious 2." Jin suggested.
"Hmm why not ? I heard that movie is kinda okay. How about you guys ?" Rapmons said.
"Hmm okay. Let's go !" The rest agreed.
"Wait. Let me check the timing first. Hmm, let's choose the timing 3:30pm okay since other timing the seats is kinda separated ? Only left 3:30pm that has 7 seats together for us." Jin asked.
"Okay sure. We can go shop for awhile too." Jimin said.
"Okay. LETS GO BUY OUR TICKETS !" V happily said.
As you and Hana having their lunch, you asked Hana.
"Hana, do you want to come my house for dinner tonight ?" You asked.
"Ah mianhae. I'm gonna accompany my mum tonight as she's alone at home." Hana said.
"It's okay. So I will give her a call now. Wait a minute." You said.
You guys done with lunch, paid the bill and went out of the restaurant. 
"Let's go for some shopping !" Hana happily pulled you and you nodded happily too.
As time passes, it's time for you and Hana to go in for the movie, you are excited. Hana gave the tickets while you holding on the popcorn and drinks. You guys went in and found your seats and sat down. 
The movie slowly starting but the boys haven't get in yet. After 10 minutes after the movie started, the boys went in quietly, found their seats and sat quietly.
i hope it's not boring tho :/ and I kinda only update it in the middle of night haha since I have no school till mid dec to get my result. Do comment :) dun be quiet :)
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