Chapter 2

Young Love

Saturday 7:30 AM


As soon as Minki got out of the shower, she looked for a dress appropriate for shopping. Knowing that Jungkook's hyungs might come and join them later, she tried to look nice so she would look pleasant to BTS ____ or just Taehyung. She wanted to look pretty for Taehyung to like her back. After she got dressed she picked up her bag, and checked if everything she need is already there. She checked her phone, so she would know where to go. But when she read the last part, the last part where Jungkook called her idiot, she frowned. "This guy is going to get a piece of me."

"Mom I'm leaving!" Minki shouted and ran downstairs. "Oh then just have this slice of bread. Eat breakfast okay? Take care." Mom gave her a slice of toasted bread and bid goodbye. Minki munched the toast as she walked to the park. 

When she arrived at the entrance, she looked here and there but saw no Jungkook. So she went inside and walked slowly, turning her head right and left. She didn't know why she can't find Jungkook when there are only a few people there. "Jungkook? Jungkook~" she called softly. She thought Jungkook might have tricked her, but she doesn't see a reason why he would do that. So she just sat somewhere where she could be seen if ever Jungkook is looking for her too.

Jungkook just sat there at the further side with his back on a tree. He waited there for almost 1 hour, waiting for a text message of where Minki could be. He even thought Minki wouldn't come because why would she? She isn't his girlfriend. But they're friends, and she said wait for her. So just kept a positive mind and waited. He was about to fall asleep when he heard someone calling his name. He stood up and searched for that someone, and found Minki. He smiled, and walked towards Minki. He saw her sat there, so he planned to sneak behind her and cover her eyes. "Ah! Who's this?" Minki asked and and tried to remove Jungkook's hands. "Guess who." Jungkook replied with a very deep voice. "You think you can fool me? I know who you are! And how dare you call me an idiot? I'm going to get you this time! Gaaaah!" Minki stood up and looked at Jungkook. Jungkook's eyes widened and laughed, because his plan worked. He ran around and of course Minki chased him, trying to get him and tickle him. "Kyaahaha! Catch me if you can idiot!" Jungkook shouted as he ran and laughed. Minki just got madder and ran faster, this time she got him. They fell on the soft grass and she tickled Jungkook. "Ha.. haha! Stop it already Minki! We're wasting time!" Jungkook said as he sat up and looked at Minki in the eyes. He felt himself blushing, as they were so close too each other, so he looked away. He stood up and offered Minki a hand. She grabbed it too hard that it made Jungkook stumble. She put her tongue out and 'bleh-ed' Jungkook. Jungkook finding this so cute, he just can't help but fall in love more. He don't know what to do anymore he thinks his heart will explode.

As they walked outside the park and went for the market together, they talked a lot and knew each better more. He knew that Minki disliked make-ups, which is a turn-on for him. He liked natural beauties. She also like the color black, which made Jungkook smile because he likes black too. He kept thinking that this might be destiny, which made him smile like an idiot. "Why are you smiling?" Minki asked him as she saw Jungkook smiling continuously. "Huh? ah.. ah it's nothing." Jungkook replied and smiled at Minki. "Oh we're here! Come on let's go inside." he changed the subject fast before Minki could notice that he likes her. He went inside and Minki just followed. 

"So, what are you going to buy?" Minki asked him as they stand in front of the entrance. "Uh.. aren't you.. hungry?" Jungkook looked at her while rubbing his tummy. "You didn't eat breakfast? Minki looked at him and dragged him to the Food Court. "Where are we going?"  Jungkook asked as he just followed Minki. "We are going to eat." Minki smiled and went for the escalator going down. "Are you serious? We're going to eat there?" Minki looked at Jungkook who has his other eyebrow up. "What? I know you're rich okay but I don't care. I want you to taste some of these delicious food even just for once in your life."

"Can't we just eat at a resturant? My treat."



9:00 AM


They ordered food and sat somewhere where there are only few people so it wouldn't be that noisy. While they waited for food, Jungkook asked things about her. And Minki asked why does he keep asking. He just laughed and said "Is it bad to ask?"


9:30 AM


"Taehyung? Taehyung someone's looking for you." Taehyung's mom knocked at his door. "Who is it?" Taehyung said in a lazy voice. "It's your favorite hyung downstairs. Come out." His mom said while waiting outside his room. "Favorite hyung? But I don't have any favorite hyung. I'm not coming down eomma. It's too early~ tell him to come up." Taehyung lazily said as he still laid on his bed. Taehyung's mom went down and talked to his favorite hyung. "He won't come down, why don't you just go up? I'm sure you can make him go down." Taehyung's mom smiled at him. "Yes, eomma." Taehyung's favorite hyung went upstairs and knocked on his door. "Taehyung? Taehyung let me in." When Taehyung heard this he stood up and opened the door. 

"I knew it I knew it I knew it! Why would eomma say you're my favorite hyung? When I don't really have one.." He sat at the edge of his bed. "It's because you're closest to him and I know you love him very much." Taehyung's mom also went upstairs, and he's behind Taehyung's favorite hyung. "Yeah we're closer than anyone else, Tae. Aw and I love you too." He sat beside Taehyung and looked at him. "Ew hyung stop it."

"Stop being so stubborn and get dressed. We're going to get all our members."

"Then why'd you come here first hyung? You should have came here last so I can still sleep."

"Taehyung my house is just 5 blocks away from yours. So go on and get dressed."

"Fine. Why are you doing this anyway?"

"We are going somewhere."

When Taehyung finally got dressed, he and his favorite hyung left already and fetched other members. They all went to he last house, to fetch Jungkook. When Seokjin knocked, Jungkook's mother opened it. "Oh hello there boys. Do you need anything?" Jungkook's mother smiled at them. "Oh, is Jungkook there?"Seokjin asked politely. "Oh he left early this morning. I thought he was going to see you guys? No? he said he'll be shopping for the things he will need in the market." Jungkook's mother said with a thinking face. "Oh. No he isn't with us. But thanks anyway eomma. We'll just call him. Bye." Seokjin bowed and smiled. "Take care boys!" Jungkook's mom waved at them and closed the door.

"What is Jungkook doing at the market now? All by himself?" Taehyung asked as they walked to the market. "I don't know but we'll know soon." Seokjin replied.

When they arrived at the market, people kept looking at them, mostly girls. Sqealing and blushing here and there. "Hyung look we are so handsome." Taehyung whispered to Namjoon. "I know right." and they both laughed. "Come on let's just find our maknae." Seokjin said as they searched for him in the market.


10:00 AM


Their food arrived 30 Minutes earlier but still they're not done eating. Jungkook keep asking her if it's safe to eat it or not. Minki kept laughing and kept saying yes because Jungkook is so weird and cute. Jungkook kept asking and Minki kept laughing. 

The boys planned to search on the Food Court as they were hungry too. While they were ordering, they heard laughs on the far side corner of the court. "Wow they're so noisy" Yoongi said while looking for where it's coming from. "Yeah don't mind them." Hoseok said in return. When Yoongi finally knew where it was coming from, he kept on shaking his hyungs body. "What is it now Yoongi?" Seokjin asked. "Look over there. I found our maknae." Yoongi pointed at where Jungkook was. "Oh. Nice job Yoongi. Let's just order up first before sitting with him.. them?" Seokjin saw that Jungkook was with someone. So when they finished ordering, they went to Jungkook's table. 

"Heey Jungkook. How's it going-" Namjoon sat beside Jungkook and was shocked to see Minki there. "Uhm, hi." Minki managed to smile and looked down. Everybody sat down and Minki was shocked to see Taehyung sit beside her. Taehyung looked at her, and smiled. She smiled back, and looked away. 

"So you're having your date here without even telling us? Our baby is keeping secrets from us already~" Namjoon joked and all laughed. "Hyung I'm not on a date. I'm just.. eating. How did you know I'm here anyway? And why are you here?" Jungkook looked at his hyungs. "We were supposed to be shopping altogether but I guess you already found your shopping girlfriend___ I mean buddy." Seokjin told him and smiled at his dongsaengs. Minki stayed silent and listened to the boy's conversations. Taehyung noticed that she was being placed out so he did something. Being playful and everything, he did something that made Minki's heart beat fast. Taehyung placed his arm around Minki's shoulder and smiled at her. 

"So since when did you liked this girl Jungkook?" Taehyung asked Jungkook. "Hyung! What are you talking about? We're only friends okay?" Jungkook looked mad because he's jealous. How can Taehyung do that easily to Minki? Put his arm over Minki's shoulder? He can't even do that.

"Our order's here guys let's eat up so we can shop. Don't worry Minki we'll take you with us." Seokjin smiled at her. "Uh, thank you but you don't have to do that. You can take Jungkook along. I didn't asked him to come anyway.." Minki smiled and looked down. "Aw no. We'll take you with us." Taehyung told her and removed his arm around her so he can eat. "Yeah we can all be good friends. We're not as bad as you think." Namjoon smiled at her. "Oh! I don't think you guys are bad, no." Minki smiled and waved her hands, gesturing no. "Oh that's nice. Thanks for not thinking bad like anyone else does." Namjoon smiled and ate. He must have been feeling bad because of their haters, he's the leader after all. Minki thought. "Go and eat. Do you need drinks? I'll get you some." Minki offered cheerfully. Wanting for BTS to feel loved and not hated. Everybody smiled at her and nodded. "Do you have to do this? Let me." Jungkook stood and told her to sit down. "Yes. No. I'll get the drinks. You can help if you want." Minki smiled and went to the counter get drinks. Jungkook followed to help her. The other members looked at each other and smiled.

Minki and Jungkook got back and distributed the drinks. She placed straws in every glass for them. "Thank you Minki-ya~" Everbody said which made Minki feel happy. Finally Taehyung's friends find her nice, and even Taehyung. She feels so happy that she's smiling the whole time.

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Hello everyone! I have decided to update this story. Stay posted ✨


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12345678910 #1
Chapter 12: Update please.
Your story is very good.
lysleiC #2
Chapter 12: No more update? Only chapter 12? Ouch. TT I should've not read it at all. It breaks my heart~
Chapter 12: aigoo typo i mean Baby Boy xD mian.. Agagaga
Chapter 12: update Juseyo.. Ahaa.. I suggest when read this fiction, better we listen to Teen Top Changjo feat. Ljoe ''Jealousy'' XD.. It sound so good ahaa,because Jongkook and Taehyung showed a lots of jealousy ahaa..Hell Yes I really Love Rap Monster,because he so lovely ahaa.. He even called Jongkook ''Baby Girl'' so many cute moments.. I like it..!! Kyyaa.. Palli palli update..!! Author-nim ..!!
KThantO #5
Chapter 12: Hoping to b updated by the author ~~. ReAlly great and wish to write many!!!
Chapter 12: Whuh- why when what happened to kookie teehee
miparkland #7
Chapter 11: i’ll be so happy if minki falls for jungkook ><
i love this story! it's getting complicated so that i have no idea what will happen next.
keep the good work authornim!
i'll wait for next chapt.
update soon okay. hehehe
Chapter 11: Let Minki and Jungkook be tgthr ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 11: Tae like minki and minki like him too XD
actualy i want it endup with tae ^^
But it doesn't matter