secret garden and chocolate ice cream.

ice cream. [on hiatus]

Youngmin heard a bang and he turned around.

                “What was that?” He asked Sooyeon, turning to her.

She looked confused.

                “What was what? I didn’t hear anything.” She replied, looking around.

Sudden pain shot through Youngmin’s hand.

                “Ow!” He shook his pained hand. “What was that?”

                “What was what? Are you okay?” She panicked and took his hand.

She started to massage and smooth out his hand.

                “Does that feel better?” She asked, looking at Youngmin with huge eyes.

Warmth and butterflies spread throughout his body. He couldn’t help but to grab her hand. Sooyeon looked startled for a second and then softened, a shy smile creeping up on her face.

                “It feels much better.” He murmured. “Thanks.”

                “N-No problem.” She stammered and looked away.

Youngmin entwined his fingers with hers and, earning another surprised look from Sooyeon, walked downstairs with her, hand-in-hand. He smiled to himself as he felt her hand get hot. He was always the braver and outgoing twin than Kwangmin. Youngmin stopped in front of the hallway where the parents were. Did he want to go over there and risk all the blah-blah talk from the parents? Or should he take her outside and talk with her there? He turned to Sooyeon who was looking at him. She looked away and almost looked embarrassed. Youngmin couldn’t help but laugh at her cuteness.

                “What?” She lightly pushed his chest. “Don’t look at me like that.”

                “From what I remembered, you were the one looking at me.” Youngmin edged closer to her.

She looked up at him with big eyes and a smile started to form on her face.

                “If I was looking at you, how would you know if I was without you looking at me?” She challenged, edging closer as well.

Youngmin paused and thought about it. She had a point.

                “You’re smart.” He commented teasingly, gripping her hand tighter.

A red flush started to form on her cheeks.

                “Let’s go get some ice cream.” Youngmin dragged her outside.

                “Wait, but what about Minwoo and Kwangmin?” Sooyeon asked, looking worriedly upstairs.

                “We’ll buy them some too. I’ve got money.” He pushed her outside and closed the door.

They walked down the street to the nearest ice cream shop. Thankfully Minwoo didn’t live anywhere big so no one was on the streets.

                “Uhm…” Sooyeon murmured.

Youngmin let go of her hand quickly and his heart squeezed suddenly.

                “Sorry.” He muttered.

Wait. I shouldn’t have let go. Should I hold her hand again? Should I be direct and straightforward? Should I just kiss her? Should I confess? What kind of guy does she like?Youngmin had all these thoughts running through his mind. I should ask her who her favorite member is first.

                “Who’s your favorite member?” Youngmin blurted out.

                “Honestly…” Sooyeon sighed. “It’s Kwangmin, but… he doesn’t like me. He hates me.”

Youngmin’s heart dropped. Maybe I should let Kwangmin have her, but the way he treated her… He must not like her then. I should ask what kind of guys she likes so I can change according to that.

                “Ah, I see. What kind of guys do you like? Let’s see if Kwangmin fits the description.” Youngmin tried to keep his voice light.

                “I like cute and romantic guys. Like, I like silly guys too.” She laughed. “Someone who could make me laugh. But most of all, I like guys who just love me for who I am. I think that’s enough.”

                “I see…” He replied slowly.

                “You know the drama ‘Secret Garden’?” Sooyeon suddenly asked. “I love Hyunbin. I like his character.”

                “Yeah, I do. Did you see our parody of Coffee Prince on M!Pick?” He answered.

                “Yup! I LOVED the part where it was you and Minwoo. The kiss scene. It’s the best. It was so cute and adorable. I was so…” Sooyeon started to spazz to Youngmin about… Youngmin.

Youngmin couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She was so beautiful, both inside and outside. Her laugh was so admirable and the way she was so comfortable with him was amazing to Youngmin. They arrived at the ice cream store.

                “I want this one!” Sooyeon pointed at the chocolate ice cream.

                “You like chocolate ice cream?” Youngmin asked, looking at the other flavors.

                “Yeah, it’s the best.” She giggled, taking the ice cream from the store worker.

Sooyeon got the chocolate ice cream on a cone and he got his vanilla ice cream in a cup. He didn’t like the cones. He doesn’t necessarily hate the cones, but he prefers the cup. They both sat down on a bench at a nearby park to eat it.

                “After we finish, we should go buy some more and give some to Minwoo and Kwangmin.” She suggested, her ice cream cone.

                “Yeah.” Youngmin smiled at her.

She wasn’t looking. She was too concentrated on her ice cream.

                “You really like ice cream, huh?” Youngmin laughed, noticing a smudge of chocolate ice cream on the corner of .

                “Yup.” Sooyeon continued her ice cream.

She looked like a little kid, but that ice cream smudge stayed there. Youngmin wondered if he should tell her and wipe it off .  He remembered that Sooyeon loved the ‘Secret Garden’ kiss the best. Well, here goes nothing. Youngmin put down his vanilla ice cream cup on the bench.

                “Sooyeon, why are you like this?” He asked with a shaky breath.

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winniechu #1
I liked the story its nice :)
janine9144 #2
i stayed up all night to read this! errrr!!!>.<<br />
janine9144 #3
there should be a movie for this! with the actual members of boyfriend... i think thts their band name:)<br />
aw ; - ; thanks jen. sorry that you can't keep going with this fanfic. i really liked it though.<br />
hehe thanks for putting me up ther ethough :D <br />
hope you return sooooon <3
CrimsonHazel #5
Waah!~ <br />
Please continue! I want to see what heppns nxt!<br />
Btw ur a good writer! ^^
what jjongeuleejjongjjong said! don't give up :) <br />
i like your fanfic toooooooo.<br />
hehe. kwangmin <3
jjongeuleejjongjjong #7
don't give up <3 i love your fanfic :)<br />
kwangmin ftw. <br />
but poor youngmin..
NEW READER! <br />
god i swear your fanfic makes my day! <br />
poor kwangmin :'( *sniffs*
My bias is Kwangmin too~ <3 Does she end up with him? Please say yes. :D Hehe, I love the brotherly love. It's soo gaah cute. And that GIF was just the best to fit the last chapter. :D Update soon.
Minthepanda #10
AH OMG SO CUTE!!!!! ^~^<br />
I love it~!~!!~! :D<br />
Update soon please!! ^_^