kwangmin's first love pain.

ice cream. [on hiatus]

The girl jumped in shock and gave Minwoo a look.

                “Uh, hi.” Minwoo stood up, scratching his head and silently cursing Youngmin.

                “You scared me.” She sighed and turned off the music. “Who are you?”

Minwoo was taken aback for a second.

                “Uh, Minwoo?” His voice rose to a question.

                “Oh, right.” She flopped onto the bed. “Well, I’m Sooyeon. Nice to meet you, oppa.”

                “HI!” Kwangmin couldn’t wait any longer so he also walked in, dragging Youngmin.

                “Uh, hey.” Sooyeon looked at all of them weird. “What are you guys doing here?”

Kwangmin was pretty shocked. She was being so calm and… normal?

                “This is my room.” Minwoo told her.

                “I know, but don’t you guys have schedules and stuff?” She yawned and bounced on the bed.

                “No our schedule is done...” Youngmin replied, trailing off.

Kwangmin was confused. Was she their fan? How could she not know this?

                “How come you don’t know this?” Kwangmin blurted.

                “Know what?” Sooyeon asked, looking at them in surprise.

                “That our thing is done." Minwoo answered, sitting next to her. "I htought you were our fan."

                “Um, sure I guess I’m your fan.” She slowly nodded.

Sooyeon looked really confused.

                “But you know, just because I’m your fan doesn’t mean I know every single detail.” She added.

Kwangmin was relieved. She wasn’t one of those crazy fans.

                “You know us, right?” Youngmin gave her a huge smile.

                “Yeah.” She replied.

Kwangmin couldn’t take his eyes off of her. His heart thumped and he could feel his stomach twisting. Why was he feeling like this? He swallowed uneasily as he watched her lips twist into a smile, smiling at something Minwoo said. Kwangmin was too dazed by Sooyeon and didn’t hear what Minwoo said. Their gazes met and Kwangmin’s heart took off like a race horse. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. It felt like he was plunging into the depths of her eyes. It felt like she was pulling him in. Drowning deeper and deeper…

                “Who do you like the best?” Youngmin asked, breaking the little eye-thing Sooyeon and Kwangmin were having.

Sooyeon tore her gaze away from Kwangmin to Youngmin. Kwangmin silently cursed Youngmin for doing that, but his heart slightly jumped at the question. He waited for her answer, his stomach doing cartwheels.

                “I like—“ Sooyeon paused and looked at all three.

Kwangmin bit his lip, nervous for her answer.

                “Dinner time!” Minwoo’s mom called.

                “Yay, food!” Sooyeon eagerly exited the room, wanting to escape the question.

                “We didn’t get to hear who she likes the most.” Minwoo pouted.

Kwangmin stayed quiet as the three boys went downstairs for dinner. Sooyeon… He thought, his heart pounding. Has he fallen for this girl he barely even knew? Kwangmin shook his head to clear out his thoughts. Youngmin touched his twin brother’s shoulder and was concerned when Kwangmin flinched.

                “Are you okay?” Youngmin asked, earning a confused look from Minwoo.

                “Is something going on?” Minwoo walked up to the twins.

Kwangmin shook his head and walked over to the table slowly. Minwoo and Youngmin took their seats, still giving looks to Kwangmin.

                “Kwangmin oppa, come sit here.” Sooyeon called.

Kwangmin’s heart thumped and his stomach churned uneasily. His heart was dancing a lot today. He took his seat, the chair legs scraping against the wood floor as he pulled it out from underneath the table. Kwangmin could feel his face starting to burn and get red as he sat next to her.

                “Kwangmin, you don’t look so good.” Minwoo’s mom observed.

                “Are you okay?” Sooyeon turned to Kwangmin, her face expression puzzled.

Kwangmin was speechless as he faced her. Sooyeon’s face had a sort of milky complexion and her eyes were big and bright. She had a bit of eyeliner on and her lips were plump and light pink. He wouldn’t dare look into her eyes like last time. Kwangmin’s heart was too weak to experience something like that again.

                “Oppa? Are you okay?” Sooyeon repeated.

                “I’m fine.” Kwangmin replied quickly. “Sorry.”

He managed to calm down and sipped his soup as he watched Youngmin and Sooyeon bicker already. Jealousy fired up in the pit of his stomach, but he pushed it down. It was partly Kwangmin’s fault for not initiating the conversation like Youngmin did. Instead, when he has the chance, he clams up and wouldn’t say anything. He couldn’t stop feeling jealousy towards Youngmin and his skills to get what he wanted. Ever since they were little, Youngmin always got what he wanted and was first-picked. Kwangmin pushed the bitter thought out of his mind. Youngmin was his brother. It’s not like he would want Kwangmin to feel like this. It’s not like he did that on purpose. Kwangmin sighed, poking at his food.

                “You can’t wink! I saw on Mpick!” Sooyeon accused.

                “I too can wink.” Youngmin shot back, winking with his right eye.

                “How about your other eye?” She challenged.

Youngmin tried, but he failed, earning a laugh from Sooyeon. Kwangmin felt the familiar jealousy fire up in his stomach. Why couldn’t he make Sooyeon laugh like that? Oh yeah, because he’s a loser compared to his almighty brother. He smacked himself for thinking that. Kwangmin felt defeated as he poked at his rice once more.

                “Minwoo oppa, can you do it?” She asked, turning to our chimpmunk maknae.

Why didn’t she ask me next?Kwangmin thought miserably. Minwoo succeeded and Sooyeon clapped. Youngmin’s pride flared up again.

                “Wait, I can do it!” Youngmin yelled and he tried.

His face scrunched up as he winked with his left eye.

                “There. See?” He proudly smiled to himself. “I can do it.”

Sooyeon started to laugh hysterically along with Minwoo.

                “What?” Youngmin demanded, looking at both Sooyeon and Minwoo who were laughing their heads off.

                “Your…face…” Sooyeon gasped between breaths. “Constipation…”

That got Youngmin mad and Minwoo to laugh even more.

                “You try then!” Youngmin huffed, drinking his ice water.

Kwangmin eagerly looked at her face, seeing if Sooyeon could do it.  She winked cutely with her right eye and she winked with her left eye. Her nose kind of scrunched up and was turned up into a huge smile.

                “I can do it!” Sooyeon pumped her fist in the air in celebration.

                “I did too.” Youngmin argued.

                “But you had a constipation face on.” Sooyeon replied back.

                “Constipation face?!” Minwoo and Youngmin both exclaimed.

Minwoo started to laugh and eventually fell off the chair.

                “Hey!” Youngmin yelled. “It’s not funny.”

                “Lies. It is funny!” Sooyeon laughed. “Right, Kwangmin oppa?”

Youngmin gave Kwangmin a look that said “you agree, you die”.

                “Yeah, it was funny.” Kwangmin smiled at Sooyeon.

                “See?” She stuck her tongue out at Youngmin.

The famous jealousy crept up on Kwangmin again, his ears turning red. He bit his lip and looked at Youngmin. He looked irritated, but suddenly smiled again.

                “Don’t be mad. It was cute.” Sooyeon gave Youngmin a shy smile.

That did it. Jealousy started to burn his stomach, anger rising from his chest to his throat. A hot flush started to creep up his neck and his eyes were hard as he looked at his brother. Youngmin’s smile vanished as he met eyes with Kwangmin.

                “Are you okay?” Youngmin asked, worry written all over his face.

Kwangmin remained silent as he poked at his food.

                “You’re so quiet today.” Minwoo added.

                “You barely ate anything.” Sooyeon commented, turning to him. “What’s wrong?”

He didn’t want to look at Sooyeon. He hated this. He hated Youngmin for being to win over Sooyeon’s heart so easily. He hated Minwoo for even introducing him to Sooyeon. He hated Sooyeon for making him feel like this. He, most of all, hated himself for acting and feeling like this. Kwangmin felt tears forming in his eyes.

                “I’m going to go sleep.” He sighed and stood up.

                “Kwangmin oppa!” He heard Sooyeon call.

                “Where are you going?” Minwoo’s mom asked.

                “To sleep.” He mumbled to Minwoo’s mom. “Thanks for the food.”

He bolted to Minwoo’s room and collapsed on the bed. Kwangmin buried his face into the pillow, hot tears stinging his eyes. The picture of Youngmin and Sooyeon laughing together suddenly formed in his head again. Pain stabbed in Kwangmin’s heart.

                “It hurts.” He whispered, a tear sliding down his cheek.


ugh, this chapter breaks my heart ; - ;

my bias is kwangmin :) hehe. how about yours?

plz comment & subscribeee~ <3

(isn't the picture super adorable TT)

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winniechu #1
I liked the story its nice :)
janine9144 #2
i stayed up all night to read this! errrr!!!>.<<br />
janine9144 #3
there should be a movie for this! with the actual members of boyfriend... i think thts their band name:)<br />
aw ; - ; thanks jen. sorry that you can't keep going with this fanfic. i really liked it though.<br />
hehe thanks for putting me up ther ethough :D <br />
hope you return sooooon <3
CrimsonHazel #5
Waah!~ <br />
Please continue! I want to see what heppns nxt!<br />
Btw ur a good writer! ^^
what jjongeuleejjongjjong said! don't give up :) <br />
i like your fanfic toooooooo.<br />
hehe. kwangmin <3
jjongeuleejjongjjong #7
don't give up <3 i love your fanfic :)<br />
kwangmin ftw. <br />
but poor youngmin..
NEW READER! <br />
god i swear your fanfic makes my day! <br />
poor kwangmin :'( *sniffs*
My bias is Kwangmin too~ <3 Does she end up with him? Please say yes. :D Hehe, I love the brotherly love. It's soo gaah cute. And that GIF was just the best to fit the last chapter. :D Update soon.
Minthepanda #10
AH OMG SO CUTE!!!!! ^~^<br />
I love it~!~!!~! :D<br />
Update soon please!! ^_^