
The Crowd of Cho's
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"Done..." Kyuhyun wipe his hands dry and did a final check around the apartment before he sling his school bag onto his shoulder.  He still have roughly half an hour and it should only take him fifteen to walk over to school.  Smiling proudly to himself, he gave a small bow once more towards his parents picture and Kyuhyun wave bye to their family pet... Yeye: the turtle... and out he went.


Even though Kyuhyun is 19years of age, but due to his parents death two years ago. He decided to take a year off school back then and settle down his younger brothers and sisters first.  Knowing there isn't much relatives can watch over them while he completes high school cert. 


His school understand his condition, hence Kyuhyun's special arrangement: Kyuhyun should complete the rest of his high school in 4 years.  Dragging out the remaining 2, therefore he'll have time to work and study.  This was a very special condition that required many high level to acceptance and supports.  So when Kyuhyun first suggested this idea to the board of education and his school master Park Jeong-su-ssi, he was thinking there's not much hope.  Yet mid way through that summer. Park Jeong-su-ssi came back and agree to his terms.  Better yet he even inform the Cho's of a sponsor for their education.  Yep, their education, that includes him, and his four siblings. The school only told him, some rich family heard from the board and decided to help out.  And no matter how hard Kyuhyun tries to get even a name of his sponsor, the school only end up lagging him which always resulted in a refusal.  They told him the best way to thank this family is to complete their education and not let their knowledge go to waste.  Kyuhyun swear he'll find this sponor and face-to-face thank him/her when the day shall come.



Kyuhyun, the eldest of the Cho's surprisingly often get tease by friends.  But thats only when it comes to that "waste of energy" sports education crap.  Deep down Kyuhyun may not be the sportiest, but he sure wasn't a nerd bury in books and games.  Like now, same as the day before and always, he's taking the stairs instead of the lift but its not like he'll go around telling people he's a stairs master or show off his mega thigh power.  He does tries to find ways to exercise as much as he can, with maximum result and little to no money involve. After all its hard to have extra time while you are a high school student along three part time job's awaiting. Plus another advantage for taking the stairs, he could sneak a peep at the unwanted trash his neighbours throw out. He'll normally finds perfectly new/useable bowls, pots, clothing or even electric goods every now and than.  Too bad, this morning there wasn't anything useful. 


As Kyuhyun push open the glass door, he notice the black benz parked across the road and roll his eyes and scoff knowingly. Just like any other moment when a certain someone comes barging into his mind.   


"...i don't have time for this..." Kyuhyun mutter under his breath.  Making quick steps, he rush of to the pathway and start walking with his head down.  Hoping it's only his imagination that the benz just so happen to be following him...right next to him to be precise.


"Yo~ peasant!"


Frustration, anger, annoyance but most of all that damn defeated emotion comes rushing through the veins of Kyuhyun.  He knew that voice just far too well, and he hated himself for still being so affected by it. 


Stop in his stride Kyuhyun knew the guy wont leave him alone till he get his attention.  Promptly the benz slow to a stop right next to him.  The passenger window was half lowered and soon slide down completely as Kyuhyun tap his foot in irritation.  The other windows are deeply tinted yet Kyuhyun could still make out that the person in there has no intention to move at all.  It wasn't like he's expecting Kyuhyun would bend down to meet his eyes right? Kyuhyun tapped his foot louder, his only wish for this (whatever this is) to get going and be done with. 


Just don't say a word...let him bark what ever he wants... just not a word...shut up, shut up, shut up  KYUHYUN!!! The oldest of the Cho's chanted inside his mind.  It is similar to a daily chore this has become as the years.  But never can Kyuhyun truly master this particular chant. 


The door of the benz made a sudden loud thunk, swiftly the car door open as Kyuhyun takes a step back.  And his hand naturally reach up to his temple for the third time of the day.  Here comes trouble~~ brace yourself~


Damn freaking Choi Siwon, the pins in my needle, the rain on my wedding, the hair in my soup...not a word... not a single word... arghhh~  .Siwon, the grandson of the school co-founder which also happens to be Park's grand-in-law.  Hence also the only reason this richy rich is attending this high school instead of a private, super flashy, elite, prince and princess catered college.  The co-founder is a down to earth, lovely, friendly old lady whom always carry a shy smile.  And Siwon is to stay with his grandma like his brother staying with his other grandma till...well its not like Kyuhyun really care or knows.  He only wish Siwon would stop with this time wasting, juvenile, stupid, pathetic bully behaviour. 


The guy has everything plus a flawless background.  At the age tender age of 20, standing at 183cm taller than most students and teachers in the school.  His stand out features are something junior kids foot notes to their plastic surgeon.   More than Kyuhyun could count of the blatantly, daring, hair standing confessions he gets from both guys and gals (sometimes teachers as well).  His perfected hypnotizing smiles are something that makes anyone 'aigo' and 'woo' within 3seconds.  In his early teenage years, Siwon has already filmed and scored in a dozen international commercials and endless photo shoots.  The guy is only humble when ask about his acting or modelling career by the prez.  He'll charmingly reply with the typical, mind blowing dimples smiles


"I would very much like to concentration on my education"


Kyuhyun would uncontrollably feel nauseous, and make a puking expression as he rethink about the countless, mindless mumbles from the guy during school ceremonies and couldn't help but loath the guy even more.  Since when they put kids idol on stage, shouldn't it be the perfect student like himself.  Kyuhyun should be the one giving out encouragement speeches.  If only the

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Sweetxsiwon #1
Chapter 15: Please, I hope you update the story. I love it.
Sweetxsiwon #2
Chapter 15: Please, I hope you update the story. I love it.
Luhma1817 #3
Chapter 16: I miss your stories and your Wonkyu. Reading again and wanting to know where this would end: Siwon already has his memory back? Or is he never lost? It's just a little honesty to have a happy ending, pls, pls.
Chapter 16: awww why is it only now that I came across this bunch of cuteness???

hopefully we can see the end of this cute family story

knitapple #5
Chapter 16: I really love this story! I hope you can finish it :)
Chapter 16: It's not that I'm complaining of the abundance of wonkyu we have on table. It's just that I'm wondering and getting kinda scared why no one reacts of siwon's absence? Maybe because he planned it all and he doesn't really have amnesia or is he dead? Hahaha well. Thanks for the story.
Dreamer3201 #7
Ah...I miss the sibling interaction and the wonkyu couple here :(
Kyuteuksung #8
Chapter 16: please update.. want to see what happens. overload of cuteness from wonkyu couple and the babies.. aw.
Kyuteuksung #9
Chapter 12: this story is cute.. exciting.. funny.. love the wonkyu moments.. but what would happen when he knows about everything.? well I'll keep reading.. thanks for this story
Chapter 16: please updateeee for us...