
The Crowd of Cho's
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The sudden call out of his own name cut Kyuhyun from his day-dreams of none other than his Wonnie waiting patiently at home.  Recently he often finds himself thinking about the guy more and more, to be honest, ever since the kiss at the park, there wasn't a waking moment that Siwon didn't occupy his mind one way or another.  From the way those gorgeous dimples outshine every other surrounding to those ridiculous childish whines the ex-bully makes whenever Kyuhyun refuse something he request.  With that thought, it sent a blush wave charging over those chubby cheeks.     Kyuhyun's currently is waiting in the library afterschool for Mr Park(his homeroom teacher) for a long awaited discussion about his progress and his potential in advance mathematic.  Or else he would have been making his way home to the source of his affection already.    Finally able to snap out of his strings of thoughts, Kyuhyun's tries to locate the voice that called out to him earlier. Biting down on his lower lips while his eyes does the searching, that's when he finally realise the person calling to him was actually already seated right next to him with a question mark above his head.    "Y-yunho hyung?!" The younger reply with an even deeper blush that makes the older believe it couldn't be anything else besides a strong fever. Kyuhyun have always look rather too fragile to his liking.   
"Kyuhyun, you look somewhat fluster.  Are you ok? let's go to the nurses office" Yunho suggested while lifting his palm to touch the burning(?) forehead, with that ever so concerning look.  Kyuhyun could only duck a little while accepting the palm, he try to look directly at his ex-teacher to confirm his well being but he fail completely when he couldn't even hold the look for more then two seconds.  He couldn't actually tell the guy he was only thinking of a gorgeously bunny like person waiting for him at home, when his long term crush was sitting next to him.  Although the guy somehow, kinda oddly, just breeze in from out of no where, but Kyuhyun's mind was too busy to realise it yet. 

"no, no...i'm fine.  Guess i'm just wearing too much." Kyuhyun lamely suggest, but as if that was fooling anyone.
"Kyuhyun-ah, you've only have a thin sweater on, its minus 2 out there" Yunho frown while shaking his head, giving Kyuhyun a once look over, which made Kyuhyun turn away slightly from embarrassment.  "Here, wear this" Before Kyuhyun could work out what that means, he already seeing Yunho swiftly took off his brand new, limited edition, dark grey down jacket.  He didn't even manage to squeak out a single word of decline, when Yunho have already stood behind him and holding up the jacket for him to tuck his hands in.  "Come on Kyu... hyung doesn't have all day".  Knowing Yunho will not let the issue down, Kyuhyun pouted as he push his arms through the selves, instantly feeling cosy and a little silly for being taken care like this by his Yunho-hyung. 
Which thankfully brought him back to his sane processing mind,
"Hyung, why are you here? weren't you suppose to be teaching in Busan?" Kyuhyun blinked a few times while Yunho sat back down and slowly turn his signature gentle, handsome smile into a killer smirk, that Kyuhyun have never seen before. 
"wae?! can't hyung simply come back to check up on his favourite dongsaeng?" Kyuhyun didn't have anything to answer to that but just blink some more.  "What?! you didn't miss me?" Yunho pretend to be hurt by Kyuhyun's lack of words, while lean forward just to enjoy that blush a bit more for pure entertainment. 
"h-hyung..." Kyuhyun lower his head till nearly touching the table. 
"...Kyu-ah, you're so adorable" Kyuhyun snap his head right up and stare back with a slightly heavy frown, did he just hear what he think he's Yunho-hyung might have said? no way!
"w-what was that hyung?" Kyu
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Sweetxsiwon #1
Chapter 15: Please, I hope you update the story. I love it.
Sweetxsiwon #2
Chapter 15: Please, I hope you update the story. I love it.
Luhma1817 #3
Chapter 16: I miss your stories and your Wonkyu. Reading again and wanting to know where this would end: Siwon already has his memory back? Or is he never lost? It's just a little honesty to have a happy ending, pls, pls.
Chapter 16: awww why is it only now that I came across this bunch of cuteness???

hopefully we can see the end of this cute family story

knitapple #5
Chapter 16: I really love this story! I hope you can finish it :)
Chapter 16: It's not that I'm complaining of the abundance of wonkyu we have on table. It's just that I'm wondering and getting kinda scared why no one reacts of siwon's absence? Maybe because he planned it all and he doesn't really have amnesia or is he dead? Hahaha well. Thanks for the story.
Dreamer3201 #7
Ah...I miss the sibling interaction and the wonkyu couple here :(
Kyuteuksung #8
Chapter 16: please update.. want to see what happens. overload of cuteness from wonkyu couple and the babies.. aw.
Kyuteuksung #9
Chapter 12: this story is cute.. exciting.. funny.. love the wonkyu moments.. but what would happen when he knows about everything.? well I'll keep reading.. thanks for this story
Chapter 16: please updateeee for us...