
The Crowd of Cho's
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babe... where are you?


where is this Yun.ho taking you?


aghhhh if anything .... STOP thinking nonsense SIWON!!


Time 4:35 am


Siwon's lost count at how many times he check the clock ticking, tacking its way.  Pacing back and forth its a miracle he hasn't woken up all the kids with his clumsy footing, bumping loudly a few times on the coffee table, and if Hyukki didn't get up to use the toilet and so evilly giving him those death stares.  Siwon wouldn't even have reluctantly sat on the floor while waiting for his baby's return. 


As Siwon changes his siting positions and angles every two second, he couldn't help the fidgetness inside of him.  The fact of knowing Kyuhyun is out there in the middle of the night with some rock is killing him.  Soon he thought he heard a faint whine from the door, bolting up comically from the floor he found himself eagerly body smudging right against the front door.  His nose digging right into the wood, as he tries to find the best angle to look through the peephole.  Yet the total darkness and errie quietness told him there's no way anyone is out there.  Sadly looking away, Siwon heard another whine, he his head to one side when he tries to figure out just where it comes from.  Before he knows it, Sullie's soft voice was calling out to his Kyuhyun already...




Siwon rushes into the room as soon as he recognize that tiny squeaky voice, he quickly kneel on the bedside as he tenderly patted his hand over his little baby girl's chest, calming her right away. 


"shhh...sullie...appa is here...what's wrong...?"


Sullie pouted the moment her vision clears up, she see's Siwon's face hovering above her. Didn't expect to see Siwon there, cause every time she wakes from this issue, its always Kyuhyun with her.  So while Sullies frowningly blink at Siwon's tender expression. The taller couldn't help the little kick he felt for unable to sooth Sullie with his presence. 


"umm...baby... did you have a bad dream?!" Siwon ask while Sullie could only purse her lips together, refuse to look at Siwon directly.  Her little fingers rubbing together as Siwon could tell the baby was trying to think of the correct words.  He was gonna give her all the time in the world, but then her little mouth turn into an enormous pout that got him chuckling at the site, cos it reminded him too much of another bigger baby.  And that wasn't something Sullie liked.  It cue her tears and sniffing from that moment. 


*sniff..."...wuu...I want kyuni..." *sniff... Siwon quickly cover his chuckling mouth as he notice the weeping mess he was laughing at.  Swiftly he swoop up the baby into his arm before she wakes up the other three.  Sullie gasp as her little warm body was quickly lifted into the cold air and out the room she so wanting to stay. 


"aww....Sullie...baby i'm sorry. I wasn't laughing at you..." Siwon tries to calm her as he place her on his lap while they sat on the floor. 


"y-yes y-yes you were..."


"NO~ baby...I mean...yes... but its only becos you look sooo cute just then... I can't help myself.." Siwon coo as he wipe the fallen tears off the stained cheeks with his thumbs as gently as possible. 


"r-really?!" Sullie pouted as she narrow her eyes on Siwon, a little habit that got Siwon all aww-ing in mind.  She's like a direct mini copy of Kyuhyun, just by looking at Sullie, Siwon wonder how Kyuhyun would have look and behave when he was her age. 


"ah-huh!... i'm sorry appa laughed...but really you were really really cute just then" Siwon cuddle and rock her back and forth softly, as her sniffles dial down and started relaxing upon his lap. 


The two decided to just sit there in the dimly lit room, while Siwon  Sullie on his lap.  He hope to get the baby girl sleeping again.  Little did he know that Sullie woke up due to her little issue.  So when Sullie fidget on his lap, Siwon tilted his head to have a better look at his baby girl. 


"What is it sweetie?"






"...I want kyuu...." Sullie started weeping as soon as Siwon intensive eyes boring down on her, although Siwon swear he wasn't showing nothing but gentle smiles, something gotten the baby crying again. 


"aigoo...baby...why are you crying again... tell Wonnie appe what's wrong?" Sullie seem to be thinking about the suggest as she soften her whine and actually look up with her big teary brown eyes. 


Siwon encouragingly nodded when he realise the baby was so on the edge of telling him whats actually brothering her.  He notice how one of her hand reach over to the other to play with the selves.  perhaps she isn't feeling comforty enough.


"Is it your pj's baby?"


A nod came back as a reply, which Siwon smile to himself, knowing he'll have to start fishing for the right answer. 


"You had a bad dream baby?"


A nod again.


"You scare of the dark?"


Another nod, Siwon you should know all of these already... she's 5! Siwon mental facepalm himself when he thought how useless he is as a father, then a light pull of his selves and a mumble making him strain to hear what his baby girl just said...


"....pant....ssii...mu...." Sullie was acting more like she's talking to herself with her babytalk.  Having straining his ear to hear what she's saying Siwon pursed his lip as he tilt his head further down. "......mu...siii..." Siwon  was sudden taken aback when a tiny hand pinches his pursed lips together.  Rising his brows to his hairline and the shockingly popping of his eyes, Siwon was giving Sullie the most comical expression she yet to see.  The expression was so hilarious that got the baby giggle louder and louder as she held onto those lips with her tiny hand. 


Siwon wasn't a bit upset for being laugh at, in fact hearing those sweet laughter kinda was the point to his existence he noted himself.  When Sullie was about to stop, Siwon move his br

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Sweetxsiwon #1
Chapter 15: Please, I hope you update the story. I love it.
Sweetxsiwon #2
Chapter 15: Please, I hope you update the story. I love it.
Luhma1817 #3
Chapter 16: I miss your stories and your Wonkyu. Reading again and wanting to know where this would end: Siwon already has his memory back? Or is he never lost? It's just a little honesty to have a happy ending, pls, pls.
Chapter 16: awww why is it only now that I came across this bunch of cuteness???

hopefully we can see the end of this cute family story

knitapple #5
Chapter 16: I really love this story! I hope you can finish it :)
Chapter 16: It's not that I'm complaining of the abundance of wonkyu we have on table. It's just that I'm wondering and getting kinda scared why no one reacts of siwon's absence? Maybe because he planned it all and he doesn't really have amnesia or is he dead? Hahaha well. Thanks for the story.
Dreamer3201 #7
Ah...I miss the sibling interaction and the wonkyu couple here :(
Kyuteuksung #8
Chapter 16: please update.. want to see what happens. overload of cuteness from wonkyu couple and the babies.. aw.
Kyuteuksung #9
Chapter 12: this story is cute.. exciting.. funny.. love the wonkyu moments.. but what would happen when he knows about everything.? well I'll keep reading.. thanks for this story
Chapter 16: please updateeee for us...