
The Crowd of Cho's
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  (=^.^=)     "come on baby... come out please..." Siwon beg for the nth times but whimpery sobs was all he was getting from one stubborn little Hae.  He only wish his other bigger baby won't be as bad.
"hae... baby... appa will play horsey with you...just come out", Siwon both look and sound defeated as he sadly whine of his babyHae's resistance in his attempts.
Kyuhyun watches from the door as siwon coo and beg his little brother to come out from under the bed, which happens to be the babies safe spot.  Watching the fidgeting Sullie as she waits patiently for her 'pretend' appa to coax her brother, Kyuhyun knew although Sullie wasn't the one being yelled at.  But seeing her brother as such, he wouldn't be surprise to find the little girl climbing in soon. 
"oh...Sullie.. would you help appa... ahhhh no, no, no... not you too baby...." Siwon sigh as he sat on his knees, rubbing his temple helplessly as he watches the little wriggling feet disappear under the bed. 
Kyuhyun snigger softly although he wasn't that much happier himself.  But something about watching the bad bully Siwon so powerless in front of two kids is amusing to him.  Siwon didn't miss the light snicker, he turn to ask for Kyuhyun's help with this eyes.  Beggingly clasp both palms together as he beckon for his aids. 
Kyuhyun in his cheeks as he wonder how to coax his little ones.  He never was placed into this situation where he was the wrong do-er.  Every time he find the kids under the bed was due to something happen at school or gotten upset from another sibling, but Kyuhyun was never the one whom made them resort to bed hiding. 
Feeling guilty and a bit powerless to the situation, Kyuhyun didn't realise the depress taller body already crawl under his feet and tug the hem of his shirt lightly.  Suddenly Siwon look so small and cute(?) from this angle Kyuhyun thought to himself.  Rolling his eyes from the older attempts at aegyo, he sighed once before walking over to the bed and bent down so both his palm on the ground letting his  high the air.  Lucky for Siwon that he never got caught by Kyuhyun or gods know what kind of hell that'll let out when he's jaw kinda drop full the sudden full moon.   Kyuhyun bored his eye under the dark bed, trying to scan for his brother and sister among other toys.  Once locating them both, the two little ones look so gloomy and timid, biting their own nails Donghae dig himself even further away, while Sullie copy after seeing what Hae did. 
"Come on, that's enough... come on out now..." Kyuhyun gently hum as he offer his hand to them.  But neither of them took it, they simply just stare at it. 
Gulping, Kyuhyun notice Siwon have also made his way next to him and did exactly the same, bend down to their level and watch Kyuhyun's strategy intensively. 
With his hand still offering to pull the little one out.  Kyuhyun try again
"Come on, the park will get crowded soon."  That got the attention of both Hae and Sullie, although Sullie look way more excited than Hae, not that he wasn't interested by the idea but Cho's mans have a strong attachment to their pride. 
"Park?!" she even reconfirm after wiggling forward a little bit showing Kyuhyu her eager and very bright expression.  To which Kyuhyun nodded as he smile with his brow's hitch high. 
"Oppa... lets go... sullie wanna play in the park..." Sullie pushes Donghae a little as she tries to wiggle out from under the bed.  Kyuhyun offer his hand again and this time Sullie happily grab hold of. 
Kyuhyun swiftly pull/drag Sullie out and up into his arms, throwing the little bundle of giggling into the air as she smiles and yelps.  Well at lest that's one down Kyuhyun thought to himself.  Sullie held onto Kyuhyun's neck as soon as her brother stop throwing her up in the air.  She reach up and kiss him once on the cheek making Siwon budge his eyes at the affection.  Actively ringing all jealousy bells in the taller man.    "What about me?!" Siwon openly whine, Kyuhyun was about to hand Sullie over as the taller stood up.  But from the cross arms Siwon meant that sulking look for someone else and not Sullie.  No doubt Siwon was full force glaring at Kyuhyun, to which Sullie could only giggle while covering with both hands.    "WHAT?!" Kyuhyun didn't like the sudden anger or lewd energy glowing from Siwon as the man stare the crazy out of him, Sullie whine to get down as her brother held her even tighter in protection of his own. 
  "I haven't even kiss you since this morning, and Sullie just did!" Siwon pouted as he lean forward while closing his eyes, not taking a 'no' from his wifu.  Kyuhyun roll his eyes and just pass Sullie onto the man's without much thoughts.  Like a koala, Sullie latch on as soon as Siwon was within reach.  Siwon didn't like that at all, he was about to whine but Sullie stopped him just in time with a light peck on his cheek.    "Appa... lets go pack something for the park... Sullie wants juice, cookies, brownies, ice cream..." The little one continue excitedly as she list while Siwon could only smile fatherly down at the little one in his arms.  You're so cute my babySullie...  
Meanwhile Kyuhyun didn't pay much attention to the two, he was more concern about Donghae still fighting him than wanting to go to the park.  The park has been Hae's favourite stop, since they never have own pet dog.  Park was the only place Kyuhyun would let them even close to one, having pulling them away at every pet shop afraid they'll become attach. 
Dejectedly Kyuhyun bend down once again onto the floor with his strategy in mind, it'll be hard, but he still have to try. 
Donghae was still playing with his fingers when he hears all the giggling and chatting inside the room while he is sulking under the bed.  Before he realise, someone was shimmering from across and gruntingly trying to crawl in.  Budging his eyes open, he notice it was his Kyuhyun hyung attempt to squeeze his big pass the wooden frame. 
"haha... hyung you wont make it in..." Donghae couldn't hold off his chuckle as he tell Kyuhyun the far too obvious. 
"yes I can... if I slide over here... and...and.." Kyuhyun nudge and push but no matter what he still couldn't get his under the frame.  Given up he look up towards his brother with a cle
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Sweetxsiwon #1
Chapter 15: Please, I hope you update the story. I love it.
Sweetxsiwon #2
Chapter 15: Please, I hope you update the story. I love it.
Luhma1817 #3
Chapter 16: I miss your stories and your Wonkyu. Reading again and wanting to know where this would end: Siwon already has his memory back? Or is he never lost? It's just a little honesty to have a happy ending, pls, pls.
Chapter 16: awww why is it only now that I came across this bunch of cuteness???

hopefully we can see the end of this cute family story

knitapple #5
Chapter 16: I really love this story! I hope you can finish it :)
Chapter 16: It's not that I'm complaining of the abundance of wonkyu we have on table. It's just that I'm wondering and getting kinda scared why no one reacts of siwon's absence? Maybe because he planned it all and he doesn't really have amnesia or is he dead? Hahaha well. Thanks for the story.
Dreamer3201 #7
Ah...I miss the sibling interaction and the wonkyu couple here :(
Kyuteuksung #8
Chapter 16: please update.. want to see what happens. overload of cuteness from wonkyu couple and the babies.. aw.
Kyuteuksung #9
Chapter 12: this story is cute.. exciting.. funny.. love the wonkyu moments.. but what would happen when he knows about everything.? well I'll keep reading.. thanks for this story
Chapter 16: please updateeee for us...