
The Crowd of Cho's
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The day ended reasonably uneventfully for both Siwon and Kyuhyun.  Although the latter did completed its nineteenth temple massages when his friend Changmin came to him with three lunch boxed dinner from home.  No matter how many times Kyuhyun told his friend not to, the guy will always end up being forced to take home the food (prepared by MamaShim). 


Kyuhyun will always render speechless once Changmin told him the food were for his younger siblings and not him.  Well, if you put it that way how could he deny his brothers and sister's right to home cook meals.  This has become a habit for Changmin as well. Most three days out of the week, Kyuhyun would be tasting MamaShim's homemade dishes.  It often brings joys and tears to his heart while thinking of the food his own parents made for them, yet there's no way he'll taste them again. 


Back to Kyuhyun on this what should have been a normal day, he was kinda expecting the show up of some annoying pompous dimples dude.  Yet the guy somehow has disappear from the moment Kyuhyun turn furious against his flirtations at the school gate early the day.  He must be flirting at the teachers room again... that smart freak...


Contradicting to what he should be feeling, Kyuhyun couldn't help the little annoying jump in his heart and something flipping inside his tummy.  But looking at the bag's full of food for tonight's dinner, Kyuhyun wave off other non making sense virus.


Meanwhile, Siwon was indeed truly at the teachers room but for only a short period of time.  He was given a special task by the school.  To take a few days off in preparing for the school final ceremony run down.  The school trusted and loved most of his input so far.  Plus this special tas was to be noted in his reference (like the guy need anymore extra credit?!).  So after receiving the 'ok' to leave, Siwon couldn't think of any other places than the off limit roof top he often visit.  Going home would be boring and he didn't feel like calling any of his friends for drinks or k or hang out.  Besides school were the only place he could openly stalk and watch over his....kyunni.


While taking short day dreams, Siwon stare up the blue sky when a particularly cloud reminder him of a certain fluffy person (How the hell that 'fluffy' remind him of Kyu is unknown).  But it made him abruptly sat up and fish for something wayyyy too cute to really be in his pocket.  It's the red bow Kyuhyun had on that morning, he must have drop it in the car while exiting.  Siwon play around the little silly thing between his fingers.  A sweet smile plaster across his face as images of the too cute Kyuhyun runs through his mind.  The way he glare, the way he roll those eyes, the way he drives Siwon's world crazy.  Exhaling loudly and kinda frustrated, Siwon couldn't help the sad pout forming as he realise the drastic changes to their relationship.  After all Kyuhyun wasn't always this cold and angry at him.  Like wise, he wasn't always this arrogant and meanie beanie to Kyuhyun. 




The 12 years old Siwon had enough of his parents fighting.  Running away from home seem like the most logic thing to do.  No one cares for him anyway, he swear one day he'll come for his younger brother as well.   But little did Siwon know the world isn't that pleasant for a young boy. 


After 3 days of wandering around with limited food and shelter.  Siwon found himself fighting off a strange man one late evening.  He normally could take out a grown adult with his taekwondo but having basically no sleeps in the park.  The boy soon realise run-for-it might be better than fighting.   After all he's already shivering from the idea of simply touching that dirty bastard if he were to throw him down or something.


Hiding inside a dark alley Siwon keep watch at the panting man scanning eyes. Siwon should have kept quiet, but his feet gave up on him and he fell on the ground knocking down a tow trolley.  Alerting the dirty old bastard, before Siwon could work out what happen, the bastard was already hovering above him with the worst suggestive expression he ever saw.  A lot of fumbling, kicking and yelling, Siwon only pray someone to hear him.  Perhaps his voice has cracked, or maybe his loosing his mind, either way Siwon couldn't see the exit for this horrible night.  Till a loud thump and a few shattered pieces of glasses fell on the ground, that's when his breath's stilled and turning everything's slower than usual. 


Kyuhyun the even smaller, younger, skinnier, scared kid emerge from behind as the man slump to the side clenching his head in agony.  Those shinny round eyes locked on Siwon's.  The young launched forward and help Siwon up onto his feet.  Although he was shorter and weaker, however his body was trying to support Siwon's as best as he could.  They both heard the man yell out for help, but neither of them gave him a second look as they walk out the place. 

"I'm kyuhyun, lets pretend that never happened"

"thanx for saving me. I'm siwon."


Siwon refuse to go to the police as per his

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Sweetxsiwon #1
Chapter 15: Please, I hope you update the story. I love it.
Sweetxsiwon #2
Chapter 15: Please, I hope you update the story. I love it.
Luhma1817 #3
Chapter 16: I miss your stories and your Wonkyu. Reading again and wanting to know where this would end: Siwon already has his memory back? Or is he never lost? It's just a little honesty to have a happy ending, pls, pls.
Chapter 16: awww why is it only now that I came across this bunch of cuteness???

hopefully we can see the end of this cute family story

knitapple #5
Chapter 16: I really love this story! I hope you can finish it :)
Chapter 16: It's not that I'm complaining of the abundance of wonkyu we have on table. It's just that I'm wondering and getting kinda scared why no one reacts of siwon's absence? Maybe because he planned it all and he doesn't really have amnesia or is he dead? Hahaha well. Thanks for the story.
Dreamer3201 #7
Ah...I miss the sibling interaction and the wonkyu couple here :(
Kyuteuksung #8
Chapter 16: please update.. want to see what happens. overload of cuteness from wonkyu couple and the babies.. aw.
Kyuteuksung #9
Chapter 12: this story is cute.. exciting.. funny.. love the wonkyu moments.. but what would happen when he knows about everything.? well I'll keep reading.. thanks for this story
Chapter 16: please updateeee for us...