
The Crowd of Cho's
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Like any normal standard morning picture.  There's a mom cooking eggs in the kitchen, while dad flipping through the daily newspaper.  Sibling's might be checking each others school bag just to make sure the other haven't left out anything or really just nosy in knowing what mom's special lunch box for today.  Icing to the cake will be the family dog sun baking on the floor, waging its tail side to side at the harmony of the morning clicking and clucking.   


Just when you thought this idea is simple enough. Kyuhyun's day started anything but.  Being the eldest might have some thinking its pretty awesome.  Cos you have all these siblings to 'boss' around.  Yet the truth are far from it.  Yes, it will be pretty handy if your siblings aren't 5,6,7 and 9 years of age.  Therefore to a 19years old Kyuhyun.  They are pretty much all 'useless'... but totally adoarble.


Perhaps his parents were a lot more clueless than he first realise.  Or why else would have they taken that unfaithful discounted train ride two years ago, from Busan and neither of them make it home.  Of cos no one actually pointed a finger at the kids, blaming them for the money issues and stress.  But some would suspect having five kids are actually a lot more hand's full than most people would think/like.  But then again who would have five kids these days in this economy. 


Whatever everyone spreads about Kyuhyun's parents, he utterly and completely believes his umma and appa truly loved them very much. Him and his four siblings are angels to them.  So when they found seven matching beanies in their suit case once the police have clear them.  These beanie have become Cho's family strength and power, it reminds everyone of their love and thoughts.  Whenever any of the Cho's kid feel a bit too tired from chaos, they could always put on their beanie and somehow the world would turned lovely again. Until.....


"Hae sweetie don't run, you'll hurt yourself..!!"


"Hyukkie! turn that off, no tv till you've finish the washing!"


"Amber, you can't go fighting every bully every single day...look at these stain.."


"Sullie, stop stealing lolly from the jar... you had enough!"


"B-but... Kyu-hyung~~"


"I didn't do it....Kyu-oppa"




"wuuuAHHHHHH~~~ hyunggg~~~"




Small whimpering sniffles can be heard while Kyuhyun massages his temple for the first time that day.  And he knew it won't be the last.  A little tug on his pant notify the small person blinking glossy black eyes at him.


"What is it Hae?"  Kyuhyun ask in a soft but hoarse voice, while crouching down to his six years old brother to see him eye to eye. 


Donghae being the most cutest of them all, have always been selected as the one to coax their Kyu-hyung/oppa whenever they knew they might have just cross that line. 


"We're s-sorry, don't be mad at us...please..." Donghae fidget with this tiny six years old baby fingers, melting Kyuhyuns heart, as if he could ever be really mad at them.  Sure they have their moments and more than once Kyuhyun thought of spanking wasn't actually a bad thing.  But in the end, when these rug-rats timidly apologies with those rosy cheeks and rain abandoned puppy eyes, Kyuhyun had no chance.


"I wasn't mad... silly..."  Kyuhyun ruffle the top of Hae's brown wavy curls which made the young giggle and bounces on the spot while the other three relaxes and could start breathing again. 


"Hyung, i found this in the draw over there.  Can i put it on you, can i, can i?"  Hae eagerly ask while bouncing even more frantically.


Kyuhyun took a single quick glance at the item in his brother's hand and can't help but frown in reflex.  Making the supposedly bouncing Hae stopped all together and turning his cheerful smile into a heart breaking pout.  Then those little shoulders of his started heaving up and down, dramatic much?!.... next thing those crocodile tears have already begins to gather around those two round eyes.  Kyuhyun should known better to disapprove the cry-baby of the clan.


"Hae... Its a

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Sweetxsiwon #1
Chapter 15: Please, I hope you update the story. I love it.
Sweetxsiwon #2
Chapter 15: Please, I hope you update the story. I love it.
Luhma1817 #3
Chapter 16: I miss your stories and your Wonkyu. Reading again and wanting to know where this would end: Siwon already has his memory back? Or is he never lost? It's just a little honesty to have a happy ending, pls, pls.
Chapter 16: awww why is it only now that I came across this bunch of cuteness???

hopefully we can see the end of this cute family story

knitapple #5
Chapter 16: I really love this story! I hope you can finish it :)
Chapter 16: It's not that I'm complaining of the abundance of wonkyu we have on table. It's just that I'm wondering and getting kinda scared why no one reacts of siwon's absence? Maybe because he planned it all and he doesn't really have amnesia or is he dead? Hahaha well. Thanks for the story.
Dreamer3201 #7
Ah...I miss the sibling interaction and the wonkyu couple here :(
Kyuteuksung #8
Chapter 16: please update.. want to see what happens. overload of cuteness from wonkyu couple and the babies.. aw.
Kyuteuksung #9
Chapter 12: this story is cute.. exciting.. funny.. love the wonkyu moments.. but what would happen when he knows about everything.? well I'll keep reading.. thanks for this story
Chapter 16: please updateeee for us...