~Episode 3~

Training The Trainees (Variety Show)

Location : Living Room (No more hidden cams Just the crews filming)

Time : Thursday, 3:00 pm

They all went downstairs and gathered at the living room. Meanwhile Anna and Yie Jun made some teas and let the others served it. They all drink in awkward silence.

"So umm...we will start with our intro" Said Suho

"We are One, We are Exo" the 12 of them bowed

"I'm Kris the leader"

"Hello I'm Suho" He said with a warm smile

"Sup, I'm Chanyeol..heh heh" he waved

"I'm Chen"

"Hi. I'm Lay"

"Annyeong , I'm Xiumin"

"I'm Luhan"

"I'm D.O" he said while giving a straight look

"Hello I'm Baekhyun"

"Hi, I'm exo m Tao"

"Hi, i'm the dancing machine, Kai" he laughs

"Hi and i'm the maknae, Thehun" "hahah just kidding it's actually Sehun" 

"ya ya...we knew who u guys are" said Yie Jun.

"C.T.F, We are Cunique imnida"

"I'm the leader, Dallen"

"I'm Kun Hor"

"I'm Anna"

"And i'm the maknae, Yie Jun"

"So um we're going to take some rest for a while since we just got back from school and then yea practice..." Said Cunique's leader, Dallen.

"Sure, rest well then" said Kris

All the Cunique members went upstairs and Exo are just sitting in the living room with extra chairs from the dining room cause the sofa is not enough for all of them.

As Cunique goes upstairs, Dallen is signalling the rest ordering them to come inside to the boys room. "wah~ i never knew our stuffs are here hyung~" said Kun Hor looking surprise. "aaa my favorite booster is here too!" Dallen yelled as he saw his childhood stuff. The two girls are glancing at each other giving a 'what the hell' look. 

"Knock it off you two~" Anna disgusted. "What are we here for exactly?" She added.

"Well, that was awkward." Yie Jun suddenly talked out of nowhere

"what awkward?" Kun Hor asked

"that Exo are going to be our trainers..." She continued

"Sure it was" Anna agrees.

"We really need to get some rules down just incase.." Dallen suggested.

Then Kun Hor grabbed a paper and pen. "Yeap~" Kun Hor responds. 

After they were done, they all fall into a very deep sleep.

Time : Thursday, 7:20pm

Location : Cunique's room

"what time is it?" Kun Hor yawned. As he look on his watch, it's already 7:21 pm. "Yah! everyone wake up!!!" Everyone woke up feeling tired as if they've been running for 1000 miles except Anna who's still lying on the floor with her hand on her cheek. "yah..wake up already!" said Kun Hor while shaking her body slowly. "mmph~" Anna groanned. "Anna yah~" Yie Jun shake her body harder. "OKAY CHILL I"M UP!!" as Anna stood up. "God~ why do you have to punish  me this way!" She whined. "I'm going to clean myself up first kay?" Yie Jun asked permission from Anna. "oh..kay.." she answered without even looking at Yie Jun. Yie Jun then walk to the girl's room and took her towel and then bath herself in their own bathroom. (only girls room got bathroom)

Soon, after everyone of them cleaned themselves (including Exo) they all went back to the living room. "yah..hyung ah.. i'm hungry" Sehun grouched while touching his flat tummy. "Calm down i'm sure they will cook something for us"

Then all the Cunique members go downstairs. Anna and Yie Jun headed through the arch which leads to the kitchen. The rest are in the living room chit chatting.

Camera Focused : Kitchen

"soo what are we supposed to cook?" Yie Jun asked as she poked Anna's hip.

"God! don't just poke me like that!" 

"soorryy then... but WHAT are we suppose to COOK?!" Yie Jun keeps nagging.

"ugh..you'll see" said Anna who's annoyed by Yie Jun.

"how can we help you girls" said Kun Hor formally as he came in with Dallen.

"oh thank god! COME HELP US!" Anna begged

"Sure..what can we do?" Dallen asked.

"okay, Kun hor go get the utensils for cooking, Dallen u go get ready the plates,cups and spoons Chop Chop!" Anna ordered.

"Aiyai captain!" they both obeyed

"What  about me! i wanna help too!!" Yie Jun aegyo towards Anna.

"Like u ever cook before...even your mom helps u to turn on the stoves" =,= Anna said sarcastically.

Yie Jun keeps on aegyo-ing "me want to help *puppy eye* "

"Fine! u help me those vegetables it's in the refriegerator. I've seen it this morning." Anna approves

"yay! i love you so much!" Yie Jun happily cheered.

After minutes of cooking, "Okay dinner's ready!" Anna called out. "ah! finally!" the 12 of them said. Then they settled down to the dining room. Yie jun bring the foods out one by one. "Here's a chicken grilled with honey" "here are some fresh vegies" "here's rice" "and finally here are some desserts for you guys..it's yougurt " as Yie Jun finished everything, Anna came out with two jugs filled with orange juice and plain water. "okay, everything's ready let's eat"

"mmm emm it smells delicious, i wonder how this chicken will taste like" said Lay. "Yum! it's so tender and it's just too good to describe" as he took a bite on it. "who cooked this? is it you Yie Jun?" Lay asked. All eyes are on her. "yeap." Yie Jun lied. "really?" Suho asked. "Noo.. XD hahah just joking..it's actually Anna" Yie Jun admitted. "where do you learn to cook like this?" Sehun asked. "My mom" Anna gave a very direct answer. "owh great. then she must be a great cooker" Kai praised as everybody smiles. "yea whatever man"

Then later, they all finished their dinner except for Xiumin. "yah..why are you wasting such a nice yummy chicken ah?" Chanyeol annoyed him. "I'm full" Xiumin replied with a polite smile. "really? so..heh heh xiumin ah, you and i have been a very good friend.." Chanyeol's word are cut off by Xiumin. "save it ..just take the chicken" "Wah really? Thank you!" as Chanyeol finish the chicken's meat.

"Kun Hor!! Dallen!!" Yie Jun shout out thier names. They both returned to the kitchen. "What?" Kun Hor asked. "One of you needs to do the dishes tonight" said Anna happily. While Yie Jun let a wide smile. Both of them look at each other, "You do!" "no you" "no!" they argued. "Okay stop! let's solve this the traditional way" Anna ordered. "both of you now! do the scissor, paper,rock" she ordered. "Sccissor, Paper,Rock!" 


"Kun Hor noob!hahhaa" said Baekhyun as  he saw them playing S,P,R. 

Kun Hor showed his sincere smile and do the dishes all by himself.

It's almost 9pm. Kun Hor finished all the dishes. Sad, he had to wash 16 plates,spoons,forks,glasses plus 2 jugs. The rest are enjoying the view and some even went up to the balcony enjoying fresh air. "whoa it's almost 9 Cunique, let's go upstairs" Dallen clapped his hand. Later, the girls and boys went seperate ways to their rooms. "Eh wait" Dallen interupt. "you guys forgot something" he said. "oh" said Yie Jun. She then peck both of the boys cheek and Anna follows. The guys gave back with a soft peck on their cheeks as well. "Goodnight" they said to each other.


Girls' Room

"Anna yah, are you done yet" Yie Jun who's sitting on her bed called out Anna who's in the toilet. "Wait up! I'm almost done" Anna replied with the bathroom echo sound. "Okay~ I'm out" as Anna open the toilet door. Yie Jun walks in with her PJ and toothbrush. Anna packed her bag with books and she also helped Yie Jun to pack everything. After that, Yie jun came out from the bathroom. "What are you doing?" Yie Jun asked.

"Just helping you to pack your bag"

"Thank you! I love you so much!"

"LOL~ See i'm so good!" Anna rolled her tongue out.

Soon they turned off the lights and ran quickly to their beds and sleep.

Boys' Room

Kun Hor toss himself to his bed and let a long sigh. "What a day!" he complained. "hahaha is it because you have to do the dirty job?!" Dallen teased while changing his top. "Of course no!" Kun Hor throws a small pillow and it hit Dallen. "you ! what was that for?" Dallen tries to dodge but failed. "hahhaha that's for teasing me!" "oh really? come here you !" Dallen approach him and rub Kun hor's head with his fist. The room is filled with laughter. "okay stop..it's getting late. we've got school tomoro" Kun Hor asked. "I'm gonna have to brush my teeth" said Dallen. "yea me too." Kun Hor agrees. Then, they turn off the lights and settled on thier beds.

As the moon rises, Kun Hor who was already on his bed feels insecure. Well everyone can tell that because everytime he feels insecure, it's really obvious. Literally! Same goes to Dallen.

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Finally another update!! yay!


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update soon XDD
Chapter 1: Norelle~ , i am reading this and hahaha Dallen and Kun hor XDD
Chapter 1: I hope you can make long chapter in next update - Yuki
Nice story & keep it up! I'm looking forward from you - Yuki
ExOtIc43v4 #5
Chapter 8: Eh you update so quickly authornim!
And yeah I am spamming you with comments, sorry, just tell me if you want me to stop :)
ExOtIc43v4 #6
Chapter 5: Wahhh.
Exo sounds so protective >.<
I love the story authornim^^
Sorry if I'm spamming you with comments. Hehehe
Update soon~
ExOtIc43v4 #7
Chapter 4: Really good so far authornim^^
Please update again soon :3
Saranghae~ <3
ExOtIc43v4 #8
Chapter 2: looking forward to reading this ^^