Chapter 4

Messages from the Heart

Chapter 4


Present Time…


The clanging of the plates and silverware echoed through Seohyun’s eardrums as the busy waiters flew by. She felt her mind drifting as Kyuhyun’s incomprehensible words traveled through one ear and out the other.




Kyuhyun snapped his finger and caught Seohyun’s attention. She snapped out of her dreamy phase and looked over to her husband.


“Seohyun…you have been out of it all day…you alright?”


“Oh…honey…I’m sorry…there’s just a lot on mind…”


Kyuhyun gazed at her.


“You aren’t regretting what we set out to do…right?”


Seohyun was surprised.


“NO! I wasn’t…we will do what we plan to do…start our new life in New York…I’m ready…”






Kyuhyun stared at his wife.


“Seohyun…I’ve known you for awhile…we were only in middle school when we met…became best friends…then now you are my wife…I think I know when my wife and friend is preoccupied…”


Seohyun looked to Kyuhyun with painful eyes.


“Yes…you have always been there…the most considerate man alive…you were there when very few offered a hand…but this…thing…I’m going through has been the bane of my existence…”


Kyuhyun listened closely. He reached over and held her hands. Seohyun made a deep sigh.


“I’ve been slowly finding out…where I’m from…who I am…and who my parents were…not having the opportunity for my real father to walk me down the altar really affected me…Kyuhyun…I don’t mean to make you worried…”


“Honey…as long as you’re satisfied…I’m happy…but…our plans…”


“I haven’t forgotten about them…”


“We leave tomorrow afternoon for Seoul…I just want to know if you are stable enough to make that long flight…”


“I will…”




He tightened his grip on her hand then released when the food arrived. The seafood was known to be exquisite in this particular restaurant so Kyuhyun chose it. The smell of grilled fish and boiled crabs fueled the air around them. Seohyun smiled then look to the food. She was hungry. Suddenly, the sight of seafood took her back to her mother’s story earlier. Suddenly, Seohyun’s mind drifted off.


Tiffany, 19 Years Old, Santa Cruz, CA


The huge flow of students filled the campus as afternoon classes were dismissed. Tiffany walked out the art studio and unlocked the lock on her bike. Tiffany had been attending UC Santa Cruz for only one semester and yet she hadn’t gotten rid of her homesickness. During winter break when she was allowed to return home, she stayed for the holidays with Jessica and Jessica’s cousins in San Francisco. Since Jessica was attending college over at San Francisco State University, it gave her the opportunity to visit her and rekindle an old friendship that was ruined previously in high school. They were finally able to talk again and they shared lots of laughs over Christmas and New Year’s but, they weren’t the same like when they were in middle school.


Tiffany biked passed the staggering students and flew across the campus to reach her dorm. She could smell the saltiness of the sea which was a couple miles outside of the campus. The temperature was just right for swimming yet the forecast was predicting for showers later in the day so she decided to reserve swimming for another time. Yet, what really excited Tiffany was unexpected message from Siwon on her Facebook. While in class, her phone vibrated and she quickly checked. It was message from Siwon. She saved it for later when she returned her dorm.


Tiffany placed her bike in the bike space outside the dorm and locked it. She dashed through the doors and quickly made a stop by her mailbox. She had several letters inside which were bills and bank statements but what caught her eye was a white envelope with Korean characters written on it. She knew exactly who that was from. She shivered with excitement and shut her mailbox loudly. She ran up the steps and unlocked her door. Her roommate had recently moved out with her boyfriend so Tiffany had the room to herself for the remainder of the semester.




She placed her bag beside her desk and sat on her bed. Before she read her letter, she saw her reflection in her dresser mirror. She slowly stood up and examined her body.


“I wonder how he thinks of me right now…he should have seen my recent photos on Facebook…look at me now, Oppa…not a little whiny high school girl anymore…I’m a woman now…”


She giggled then fell back on her bed. She opened her cell phone to check her message. She clicked the webpage and accessed her private messages. She saw a title reading, “To My Dear Friend…”, and opened it up.


*The message read*


Fany, I hope you received my letter…I sent it priority…please read through it and message me back…I had to write you a letter…it’s very important and personal…




Tiffany was a bit confused and looked over to the unopened letter.


“What is so significant about this letter?”


She closed her phone then began to open up the letter. Her heart began to pound loudly. It had been 2 months since Siwon wrote to her like this and every time he wrote, it was long, meaningful, and romantic. Yet, this letter felt different. It only carried a letter. Usually he placed pictures, drawings, and postcards but this one felt empty. She slowly pulled it out and saw his fancy handwriting. She narrowed her eyes to read then suddenly, she got choked up. Her tears started to pour out and she slowly placed the letter back inside. She began to weep.




Present Time…


Kyuhyun was sound asleep beside Seohyun yet she couldn’t sleep. She couldn’t stop thinking about that letter from Siwon that changed her mother.


“I need to read that letter again…”


She slowly rose out of bed and snuck down the hallway. She climbed the ladder to the attic and the light. She opened the chest full of letters and looked for that particular letter. She found it and saw the dried tear marks left by the younger version of her mother. She opened it and began to read it. The sound of waves began to crash as Seohyun read through the letter.


Tiffany, 19 Years Old, off the coast of Santa Cruz


She shivered as the cold wind blew through her and her flimsy coat. She stared at the letter one more time before tearing it and throwing it into the wind.


*The letter read*


Dear Tiffany,


                How are you, my dear friend? It’s been awhile since I’ve written to you. Ever since I got internet and a new phone, reaching you hasn’t been much of a problem. It’s been fun actually. Yet, I missed this style. But, I need to get to the point of why I wrote to you.


                Tiffany, do you remember that picture of that girl in my wallet that you saw a couple years back? Her name is, Lee Yeon Hee. We have been friends for awhile as well and I met her months before coming to the states and living with you and your family. We kept in contact through my years there. I remember telling you that she didn’t want to date because I was leaving but, things changed.


We finally ran into each other after I finished my officer training school. I was heading to pilot technical training and she was heading to nursing school. We were actually in the same base so we were surprised to see each other. She had gotten far more beautiful than I expected. We began to date as we went through training and now we are engaged to be married.


I know it was sudden but I had to let you know this since you’re one of my closest friends. My family doesn’t even know about this. Please message me about what I should do or if it’s all too sudden. I have no one else to really talk to about this. Yeon Hee has been great about this but it’s still a secret from the rest of our friends. Thanks Fany.


                                                                                Your Oppa,

                                                                                                Choi Siwon


Tiffany tore the letter into pieces and the wind scattered it all over. She slowly fell to her knees and began to breathe rapidly. She began to weep. All of her memories of Siwon came rushing back. The way he smiled at her when they first met.


“So you’re Fany!”


Then there was night he first made hot cocoa for her.


“Would you like to have some hot cocoa with me?”


And the moment they shared after her fight with Taecyeon after prom.


“He tried to kiss you?!”


Tiffany shouted into the air.


“OPPA! We were supposed to be together!!! I loved you…so much…so…very much…”


Tiffany wept harder.


“Don’t leave me…you promised you wouldn’t leave me…”


Present Time…


Seohyun quietly wept as Tiffany climbed up the ladder to the attic.


“Seohyun…honey…you need to sleep…you’re leaving tomorrow…”


Seohyun turned and Tiffany saw her weeping face.


“Hyunnie…you need to stop reading these…you’re making ME depressed now…”


Tiffany pulled the letter out of Seohyun’s hand and placed it back in to the envelope. Seohyun stood up as she watched her mother close the chest.


“Why do you keep them?”


Tiffany looked up confused.


“Why do you want to relive these painful moments without Dad?”


“They weren’t all painful…”


“Even so, they all end up with you not being with him!”


Tiffany could tell her daughter was in pain.


“Seohyun…there was a lot of turbulent times with Siwon…our relationship…it was something different…not many people could understand…my father…my group…Taecyeon…Yeon Hee…”


“So you met Lee Yeon Hee?”


Tiffany slowly nodded.


“I did…”




“Well…after THAT letter…we remained in contact through the internet…it would be awhile until he would write to me again…I would be in SM Training when he would send letters to me again but for that moment…we simply sent messages…he didn’t know that I was distraught over his sudden engagement…”


“I see…”


“Things got interesting when he returned here…”


“He came back?!”


“He did…it was close to two years since I saw him…I was confused if I should be happy or angry…but we saw each other and things were different between us…”


“Yeon Hee was with him?”




Seohyun stared as her mother stood up and went towards the window.


“She was…so…beautiful…and kind…she had the qualities of a wife…nurturing…loving…I couldn’t compete…”


Seohyun stood up as Tiffany ran her finger down the dusty glass of the window. Tiffany turned.


“Seeing her…it made me…scared…scared that I was thinking about ruining something special between her and Siwon…”


Seohyun stared at her teary-eyed mother.


“I loved him so much though…so much…”


Tiffany, 20 Years Old, Pasadena, CA


Tiffany boarded off the train and opened up her cell phone. She read through Siwon’s message one more time. Her body was aching with anxiety.


“He actually came back…he came back to see me…why? Is it about his engagement? I can’t believe it…”


Tiffany was planning to start her second year in UC Santa Cruz but she was beginning to lose interest in her studies. The classes weren’t as motivating as she thought they would be and the loneliness was driving her insane. She rarely saw her family and working two jobs to sustain her was slowly killing her spirit. With the addition of Siwon’s engagement, Tiffany was losing her drive to continue. Yet, things were beginning to develop on her singing talent side.


During a short weekend excursion with Jessica in San Francisco, they ran into a Korean pop music scout in the nearby mall. The flamboyant man wore dark sunglasses and had wavy blonde hair. His name was “Kim Heechul” and he wanted to know if Tiffany and Jessica were interested in being entertainers for the SM Company. Jessica, being the loud-mouth she was, outright rejected his offer and pulled Tiffany along with her.


“This guy is shady Fany…he might sell us into slavery!”


“Wait, Sica…I know about SM…they’re freaking BIG…K-Pop big!”


“Wha?! No…K-pop?”


Tiffany sat down with Heechul and they decided to schedule a few singing sessions to display her talent. She also persuaded Jessica to come along. Heechul was nuts for the girls and knew they would be a great addition to a girl group that was slowly being developed in Korea. They were supposed to be “BIG” in his definition. Tiffany and Jessica would later see that they made the right decision.


Tiffany pulled her backpack tighter onto her back and walked out the station to find a taxi. Suddenly, she heard a horn honk. She turned to her right and saw a blue corvette. It was her old friend.




Taecyeon got out his car and stood by his door. His smile was big and happy.


“I’ve met missed you, Fany!”


Tiffany walked over and gave him a hug. His muscles had grown tighter and larger. He smelled of rich cologne. She could tell that Taecyeon had slowly become a ladies’ man.


“My goodness…what a hunk…you been killing the girls in USC?”


Taecyeon giggled and let out a familiar snort that Tiffany missed from her childhood.


“No…of course not, Fany…”


“How did you know I was coming?”


“Your father told me to pick you up…I couldn’t refuse the offer…it’s been at least two years…since we last saw each other…”


“I know…I’m sorry, Taec…”


Taecyeon sighed.


“No worries…let’s go!”


Tiffany touched his arm and smiled. She turned, went around the car and got in the passenger’s seat. Taecyeon smiled and was relieved to see the girl of his dreams back in town. He did meet a lot of girls in college and he dated many of them but they couldn’t compare to the gentleness of Tiffany.


Taecyeon pulled into the driveway. Tiffany stared straight at her house. It was still big yet it lacked that once glamour it carried. Her father had slowly put an end to the “bed and breakfast” and made it a regular home. It was fully paid off so there was no need to carry on with the business. Taecyeon spoke up.


“It’s not a hotel anymore but…people still come to visit and say hi…they’ve been looking for you…”


“I see…”


“I come by to say hi once and awhile…Your father has gotten older ever since you and your sister left…”


Tiffany turned to Taecyeon.


“Thank you, old friend…”


Tiffany got out and closed the door. Taecyeon remained inside.


“Are you not coming Taecyeon?”


“Maybe later…I have to finish something…”


“Oh…I hear a lot people inside…come on!”


Taecyeon didn’t want to see who the special guest was.


“It’s fine, Fany…I call you so we can go out later…”


“I’m here for just three days…I’ll heading back to Santa Cruz on Monday…”


“I’ll call you…I promise…”


Tiffany frowned as Taecyeon back out the driveway. He waved to her and drove off. They wouldn’t see each other again until they become pop idols in Korea.




Tiffany knocked on the door. She could feel her heart beating loudly as the door slowly opened. It was her old nanny and maid, Rosa.






“Honey! I’ve missed you!”


They both hugged tightly.


“It’s been close to two years since you’ve return!”


“I know…I had to work…”


“Poor baby…well…you are home now! Let me take your things! Your father wants to see you!”




“My, my…you have grown up to be beautiful woman, my dear…”


“Thank you, Rosa…”


“A pity…my son is married now…”


Tiffany and Rosa both laughed.


“Now go see your father, y lady!”


Tiffany smiled and walked through the living room. There was music playing and she could hear laughter and chatter from the backyard. She entered the kitchen and felt a sting of nostalgia when she saw the hallway where Siwon used to stand. She reached the sliding door and slid it open. The cool night air touched her skin as she entered the crowd.




An old male guest stood up and hugged her.


“Mr. Wong? How are you?”


“Still old! My goodness you have gotten so beautiful! If I were only 50 years younger!”


Tiffany blushed.


“Mr. Wong! Where’s Daddy?”


“Your father? Oh, he’s down by the fountain speaking with Siwon…Siwon is back by the way! With a beautiful bride! You have to meet them!”


Tiffany froze.




She turned and saw the rest of guest congested by the center of the backyard near the fountain. Tiffany nodded to Mr. Wong and made her way through. It felt like her feet had iron shackles on them. She was moving so slow that she began to drag herself. She could feel that something was over the horizon. She caught sight of her father. He turned and smiled.


“My Tiffany…”


He slowly walked up to her and hugged her. He kissed her forehead and spoke up.


“Did you just come in, honey?”


“I did, Dad…Taec drove me…”


“It’s been at least two years…you have gotten slimmer…have you been eating?”


“I have…but…work as been tiring…”


“You told me you have been working two jobs…why?”


“School…it has gotten expensive…”


“You should have told me…I’m here to help…”


“I wanted to be independent for once…”


“Honey…that why I’m here…to help…everyone needs help…I asked my father when I was down on my luck…your mother’s father was far kinder though…”


“But not like MY father right?”


Tiffany turned and her whole world began to shake. Siwon stood before her. His hair was shorter and combed back due to his military training, his body was leaner and toned, and his skin was tanner but his smile and eyes never changed. Tiffany’s breath was taken away. Siwon spoke up.


“Fany…how…how have you been?”


Tiffany was speechless.


Siwon smiled and slowly held her. Tiffany began to tear up as she wrapped her arms around him.


“Siwon-oppa…I’ve missed you…so…much…”


She began to weep as he held her. Tiffany’s father felt their bond and smiled. Suddenly, Tiffany heard another voice from behind Siwon. Her voice was sweet and angelic.


“Is this Fany?”


Siwon released her and stood back for Yeon Hee to greet her. Tiffany was amazed by her beauty.


“Hello…I’m Lee Yeon Hee…we haven’t met but I hope we could be good friends…”


She stuck her hand out and Tiffany stared at it. Tiffany began to think.


“I want to hate her with all my heart but…I can’t…I can’t do it…her eyes…her presence…she is innocent…all she did was fall in love with Siwon…and he did the same thing with her…I have no right…but…but…”


Tiffany smiled.


“It’s nice to meet you too…Yeon Hee-unnie…”


They shook hands and smiled at each other. Siwon was happy to see Tiffany. Yet, he couldn’t believe how much she had changed. She had surely blossomed into a woman and her body was unbelievable. He knew that if it wasn’t Yeon Hee, he would have attempted to pursue Tiffany. He felt a slight sting to his heart. Was there a feeling of love for Tiffany still lingering around? He looked over to the house and remembered their sweet moments together.


“No…I shouldn’t…”


Tiffany slowly looked over to Siwon and they both smiled at each other. They both knew their bond was strong and every message that they sent to each other made them closer but then Yeon Hee was added to the picture. Tiffany felt strange around Siwon at that moment.


“How do I approach him now with his fiancée around?”


Siwon also thought.


“Could I still speak with Tiffany, personally, without offending Yeon Hee?”


Yeon Hee gave Siwon a cup of juice.


“Honey? You okay?”


Siwon woke up from his momentary silence and looked to his fiancée. Tiffany eased back and went to her father. Siwon watched Tiffany walk away.


“Oh I’m fine…must be the jet lag…”


Yeon Hee felt concerned.


“Are you sure?”


Tiffany looked to Siwon then avoided his stare.


“I’m sure…”


Yeon Hee was sound asleep but Siwon couldn’t relax. What was this aching feeling that was bothering him?”


“I can’t sleep…”


He slowly rose and tried to avoid waking up Yeon Hee. He put on his shirt and slowly crept down the hall towards the kitchen. He was using his old room from when he used to be a college student. It was a lot different now having his fiancée around. He had to be at his best behavior and he felt he couldn’t be his old self. He entered the kitchen to find some left over hot cocoa to make in the microwave. Right before he could check if the kitchen was deserted, there were was voice from the dining table. He quickly looked up.


“You’re up late, Oppa…”


It was Tiffany in her pajamas sipping on some tea.


“Fany…it’s you…I was wondering-“


“Hot cocoa? There should be some left in the pantry closet…”


Siwon nodded then opened the pantry. He found a small packet. He mixed it with water then heated it up in the microwave. As the microwave buzzed, he looked over to Tiffany who was staring right at him. He felt there was an awkward barrier slowly rising between them. The microwave rang and his beverage was finished. He took it out, sipped it, and then went over to sit across from Tiffany. He slowly placed his drink on the table and sat. He looked over to Tiffany who looked very gloomy.


“So…Fany…how is Santa Cruz?”




There was a hint of sarcasm in her tone. He could tell she was irritated. He decided to forego the formalities and questioned Tiffany right off.


“Are you mad at me?”


Tiffany lightly set her cup on the table and glared at Siwon.


“What do you think?”


“I don’t know why you would be mad at me…”


“Getting engaged out of nowhere…what’s up with that?”


“I thought I told you that Yeon Hee was the girl who was waiting for me back home…”


“You told me she saw you as a ‘friend’ only…”


“Things changed between us…”


“I thought…”


“Thought what?”


Tiffany struggled to fight her tears back. She stood up and turned her back.


“I thought things…would change…between us as well…”


Siwon was surprised.




Tiffany turned around and her smile was replaced with sadness and tears. Tiffany was slowly weeping.


“Why do you think I kept writing to you?”


Siwon was stunned.


“Why do you think I wasted my time coming back here? I left this home…because…because…it kept reminding me of…you…”




“No…don’t you dare…”


“Fany…I didn’t know…”


Siwon slowly stood up and tried to approach her.


“Siwon-oppa…don’t you dare touch me…”


Siwon was trying to fight his tears too.


“I thought…we would be…together…”


“I never meant to hurt you…”


Tiffany looked up to Siwon.




Tiffany slapped Siwon across the face. Siwon rubbed his jaw as Tiffany vanished up the steps to her room. Siwon stood quietly in the kitchen. He didn’t finish his hot cocoa that night.


Present Time…


Tiffany turned from the window and spoke up.


“I left the next day…I couldn’t stomach seeing Siwon and Yeon Hee…it…hurt too much…but of course…I was still young and foolish…I demanded too much of Siwon…I was selfish for love…it would take a while for me to get rid of my greed…”


Seohyun shook her head.


“But…when it comes to love…don’t you want all of it…and nothing else…it should be unconditional…”


“Yes…but…you must learn to understand as well…”


“Mom…I feel you aren’t telling me the whole truth…why not? You have been telling me these fascinating past events…but I feel we are avoiding the inevitable…Siwon is my father, yes?”


“He is…”


“Then how come you two didn’t get married?”


“We couldn’t…”




Tiffany sighed.


“It’s so complicated…”


“Just give me the main reason!”


Tiffany glared at her daughter.


“I understand you want to know…but…you don’t need to be so demanding…reliving these stories has opened a lot of wounds! I’m sorry for keeping this from you but…I was doing it because…I needed to protect you!”


Seohyun began to weep.


“You were protecting me through lies?!”


“You will understand when you have children…you would do everything to keep them safe!”


“Tell me!”


“Siwon was married to Yeon Hee! They had a family! What was I supposed to do?! Bring you in front of his home and parade you around?!”


Seohyun was stunned. Tiffany fell to her knees and wept.


“I…I…didn’t know what to do…”


“You had me though an affair?”


Tiffany looked up.


“Don’t you dare judge me…I was in love…”


Seohyun slowly stood up and began to make her way to the steps. Tiffany spoke up.


“Hyunnie…please…forgive me…”


“Mom…I’m leaving tomorrow…”


Tiffany stood up and hugged her weeping daughter.


“Whatever happens…I love you…your father loved you…”


“I’m sorry, Mom…for yelling…”


“Don’t apologize…it was your right to find out…”


Seohyun, Present Time, Seoul, Korea…


Seohyun and Kyuhyun arrived at Kyuhyun’s uncle’s home in the suburbs of Mapo-gu. They were several minutes away from the Seoul Football Stadium so the town was filled with soccer fans. Kyuhyun and Seohyun dropped their bags and he rang the gate bell. The door opened and middle-aged man stuck his head out and yelled.


“Is that my favorite nephew from the states?!”


Kyuhyun yelled back.


“Uncle Lee! It’s been years!”


Seohyun smiled as the two men reunited and hugged tightly. Kyuhyun turned and introduced her.


“Uncle…this is my wife…Seohyun…”


“My god…she is BEAUTIFUL! Ma’am…pleased to meet you!”


Seohyun gave a bow.


“Hello sir…”


Uncle Lee surprised her with a big hug.


“You are part of the family now! And guess what…you picked the right place to vacation! Kyuhyun…you didn’t tell your bride where I’ll be taking you, huh?”




Seohyun smiled and was suspicious.


“Wait…where are we going?”


“My Uncle here…is not only a crazy old soccer fan but…a retired rich fool as well!”


The two men laughed. Uncle Lee spoke up.


“After Kyuhyun’s father passed, my sister which is his mom depended on me to care for him. So before they left for the states, I guided him into music and sports…he preferred music of course but we became close…my wife passed and my daughters got married off so he was the closest to a son I ever had…so this honeymoon is definitely on me!”


Seohyun was amazed.


“My god…I don’t know what to say…”


“Don’t worry, ma’am, I have everything under control…Kyuhyun please tell her of the events that will be unfolding…”


Kyuhyun spoke up.


“Well…we will rest her for the night then…tomorrow…we will fly to Jeju Island…I think you know that place…well…Uncle Lee has a private hut on a special private part of the island…he will be lending to us for the next week…so…”


Seohyun leaped into Kyuhyun’s arms and began kissing him. Uncle Lee spoke up.


“I guess she’s down with it…”


Kyuhyun eased back.


“I think we’re good!”


Seohyun laughed.


“Oh we are more than good…”


Seohyun winked and Kyuhyun almost fainted. Uncle Lee spoke up.


“We leave tomorrow in the morning so now you two get some rest…I have a game to watch!”


Seohyun, Present Time, Jeju Island…


The sun was shining and the breeze was just perfect. Seohyun and Kyuhyun came out of the beach house after a long night of foolishness and debauchery. They both giggled as their taxi arrived. Seohyun whispered in Kyuhyun’s ear which made him laugh loudly. The driver looked back and smiled.


“So, where were you two heading to?”


Kyuhyun spoke up.


“Oh, to the airfield, sir, we were going to take a scenic tour of the island…”


“Wow that sounds like fun!”


“My uncle knows the pilot so we got the sweet connection!”


Seohyun giggled and whispered.




Kyuhyun turned to his flirty wife with his jaw dropped. She smacked his arm and they both continued to kiss. The driver knew they were newly-weds so he kept his eyes on the road.


They got out the taxi and made their way into the flight office. When they entered, they were met with a smile from a young man at the front desk. Kyuhyun spoke first.


“So, you must be…”


The tall, tanned gentleman gave a friendly nod.


“Choi Minho, sir, the son of Choi Siwon…he’ll be your pilot today…he’s running a little late…they’re busy refueling but if you take a seat right there, I’m sure my father will be right on his way…”


“Thank you, Minho!”


“Certainly, sir-“


Seohyun interrupted.


“Wait, Choi Siwon?”


Kyuhyun and Minho looked to her strangely. Minho spoke up.


“Yes, ma’am…he’s been running this scenic flight route for awhile now…family business….I should be getting my pilot license very soon-“


“You’re his son?”


“Yes…is there a problem?”


“How old are you?”


“I’m 20 years old…what is this all about?”


Kyuhyun was confused. He whispered to her.


“Honey…you okay?”


Seohyun stood stunned as Minho stared right back at her. Suddenly, all the stories and memories came crashing back. Her mother’s tears, the years of letters, and the broken hearts all came colliding into her mind. She began to breathe heavily and she felt the room was closing in.


“Kyuhyun…I need to get some air…”


“Honey, wait…”


Kyuhyun tried to reach for her but she escaped his grasp and walked out the door. Kyuhyun looked to the confused Minho and shrugged. He went outside to follow her.


“I hope she’s ok, sir…”


“I’ll check…I’m sorry for the confusion…”


Seohyun felt the cool sea breeze touch her skin which slowly calmed her down.


“Choi Minho…Choi Siwon’s son? Then…he would be my…half-brother?”


“Honey…you okay?”


“Kyuhyun…oh…I’m just remembering something my mother told me…”


“I see…if you don’t want to fly…we could go swimming instead…”


“I want to fly…I’m okay…”


Suddenly, a blue pick-up truck pulled in. Seohyun and Kyuhyun stood quietly as the driver stepped out. He was middle-aged with streaks of white hair on the side but his body still resembled a college athlete. He wore dark aviator sunglasses and was chewing gum. He approached the couple and brought out a huge bright smile. He stuck his hand out to Kyuhyun.


“Hello…you must be Mr. Lee’s nephew...”


Kyuhyun nodded.


“Yes sir…that’s me…”


“Well, I’m sorry for the tardiness…I was back on the flight line helping refuel the plane…you are here for the tour, yes?”


“Yes, we are…”


“Well, I’ll be your pilot today…Choi Siwon is the name…pleased to meet you two newlyweds…”


Siwon stuck his hand out to Seohyun and she simply stared at him. Kyuhyun looked at his wife.




Siwon spoke up.


“Ma’am…is there a problem?”


Seohyun didn’t know how to respond. She gazed at him and tried her best to refrain from causing a scene. She slowly spoke up.




Siwon responded.


“That’s me…is there…a problem?”


Seohyun sighed deeply.


“Do you know…Tiffany Hwang?”


Suddenly, time froze around them. Siwon took his sunglasses off and gazed at her.


“How do you know that name?”


“Tiffany Hwang…she’s my mother…”


Siwon dropped his sunglasses and it shattered on the ground.




End of Chapter 4


After going through the archives of letters and numerous memories of Tiffany, Seohyun finally discovered the painful truth of her existence but was it enough to satisfy her? With her coincidental reunion with her real father, will there be more answers? What does Siwon have to say? We will see more in the upcoming chapter of “Messages from the Heart”

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Chapter 10: amazing, daebak.... love it. thats it!!!!
Chapter 10: I'm..speechless. This story was so beautiful and brilliant! One of the best fic I've read!! You really did a great job for writing this story :'')
I love this fanfic! Could you make a pdf for this please?
Libraangle #4
Chapter 10: thank you so much.
this fanfic is very good
sakura_yuri9 #5
this was<br />
<br />
WOW O_o<br />
<br />
i know SNSD are successful now, but i can't imagine what SNSD will be like in the future<br />
<br />
oh, and I seriously hope they don't get into scandals or worse, getting pregnant before marriage ><<br />
i hope they don't go to clubs either. clubs aren't good!
PeanutButterOreos #6
Omg.... I cried reading this. T.T This story will always be remembered. Thank you so much for sharing this. It is amazing.
This is. . .uhm,
Tzarista #8
awesome story
nerdscandy #9
Oh my gosh... I read this all in one day :'(<br />
Normally fanfics have similar plots but this one was so special and amazing :)<br />
But why didn't Tiffany say she was , because to me it sounded like she had an affair with Taecyeon :O But anyway, this story is going to remain in my heart for many years, I'm sure of that <3