Long Hours

Boys vs. Girls


“That was the longest class ever,” Steph sighed exasperated.

“You say that every day,” Ray rolled her eyes eventhough her friends antics amused her.

“Not true,” Steph denied. “It’s every other day.” She laughed while Ray smiled a little.

To their left Junsu and Junno were fooling around with a soccer ball. They dribbled it and threw it back and forth between them as they walked to meet up with Changmin at the gate.

“Go long,” Su shouted at Junno as he kicked the ball. “Watch out!” he cringed not long after as Junno ran into two girls who were walking and landed on top of one.

Junno lifted himself up a little and stared into the eyes of none other than the ice princess of the school. From this close up he noticed that the eyes that usually looked cold and empty from far away didn’t look like that from so close up.

“Will you get off me,” she told him.

“Sorry,” he apologized and got up. Once up he extended his hand so he could help her up but was beat to it by someone else.

“You alright?” the person who helped her asked.

“Yeah, thanks Steph,” the ice princess said.

“You should watch where you’re going,” the girl, Steph, threw the soccer ball at Junno and he caught it before it could hit him.

“Junno you ok?” Su rushed to his friend’s side. “You ran into the ice princess,” he whispered when he thought the girls weren’t paying attention or listening.

“What did you say,” Steph asked having heard the comment. She whirled around, glaring at them.

“Nothing,” Su was quick to answer. “We should go.”

Su grabbed Junno and dragged him away before Steph could do any damage to the boy that had just insulted her friend by calling her that stupid nickname.

“,” she muttered instead before she asked Ray if she was alright again.

“Why do you keep asking me?” she sighed. “I already said I’m fine.”

“I don’t know, maybe cuz your face it tomato red,” Steph informed her with a chuckle.

Ray touched her face with her hands trying to see if what Steph said was true.

Steph shook her head amused by her friend’s antics and grabbed one of the hands she had on her face. “Let’s go. I’ll drop you off at home before I head to work.”

Ray allowed Steph to pull her all the way to her car. She wasn’t really paying attention to the drive so she was surprised when they arrived at her house so quickly.

“I’ll see you at school tomorrow,” Steph told her before she left.

“Bye,” Ray called at the receding car and Steph waved back.


Steph parked her car in the parking lot and went into the café through the back. The moment she stepped into the kitchen she could smell the fresh bread that had been cooked there moments before. She was hoping to see BoA and Roz’s new master piece before her shift started in one minute.

“Hey you’re early,” Roz came into the kitchen.

“Yeah one whole minute,” she chuckled. “So can I see what you guys baked?”

“Sure it’s already on display though,” Roz replied. “So I don’t think it’ll be whole anymore.”

“Who cares, I just want to see it,” Steph left the kitchen and looked at the new masterpiece her friends had created. She stared at the cake in awe wishing that she had the knowledge of baking to be able to describe the way it looked.

“Close your mouth or flies will get in,” BoA chuckled.

“It looks awesome,” was all Steph could say.

“Thanks,” Roz and BoA said at the same time.

“I’m surprised to see you here so early,” BoA commented.

“Yeah well since I missed coming two days the boss decided to punish me and make me come to work today,” she replied.

“He’s ruthless,” Roz joked.

“Yeah,” Steph sighed. “Today was supposed to be my day off.”

“Well don’t miss work next time,” BoA told her.

“It was important,” Steph walked towards the back so she could change into her work uniform. “A friend needed me.”

“What for?” Roz asked, curious.

“Evil stepmother,” she managed to say before the door closed behind her.

“I hate those,” BoA commented before she went over to a table that had a new customer.

The Mirotic Café worked two ways. Customers could either go to the cash register and ask for an order wish usually meant they weren’t going to eat there or they could go sit at a table and wait for one of the waitresses to take their order. It wasn’t a hard job but sometimes they did get customers who thought they could touch the waitresses wherever they wanted, like the that was trying to touch BoA’s leg at the moment.

“Sorry sir, but we don’t do those kinds of services here,” Steph smiled sweetly at the man while she held onto his wrist. "And legs aren't on the menu." She could see him wince at the pressure she was using, not soon after the man left without ordering anything.

“Thanks, I didn’t even see you coming,” BoA thanked her. She was one second away from being in a very bad situation.

“I’m stealthy like that,” Steph grinned. “Next time smack the person. You won’t get in trouble because they deserved it.”

“I’ll remember that,” BoA left back to the kitchen where it was safe.

“You know, you should work here every day after school,” Roz said as she came near Steph.

“Why?” Steph asked as she headed behind the counter to make the hot chocolate she was craving.

“We get a lot of s like that guy,” Roz explained. “Having you here would help.”

“I’ll think about it,” she placed the information at the back of her mind so she could return to it later when she was home.

“Oh. Can I ask you something?” Roz exclaimed suddenly.

“Sure. Whats up?” Steph looked at Roz. Her multi-tasking skills coming in handy as she paid attention to her friend and finished making her drink.

“Well, I’m starting school tomorrow and I was wondering if I could hang out with you?” she fidgeted. Truthfully she knew it was kind of weird to be asking that, but she just didn't know how else to come about it.

“Sure,” Steph exclaimed. “Why are you barely starting school now though?” she was curious since Roz had been working at the café for weeks now.

“Oh, that’s because my parents decided to come earlier than scheduled,” she answered. “I wasn’t due to arrive to Seoul until today.”

“Wow, your parents were in a hurry,” Steph commented. “Anyway I’ll meet you by the school gate tomorrow.”

“Thanks,” Roz smiled, relieved that she wouldn't have to resort to being alone at school, before she went to the back.

The rest of the day was uneventful for the three girls. It didn’t seem like today would be a busy day so they were able to rest once in a while when they didn’t have any customers. Sometime around six though a guy came into the café and Steph recognized him as being Siwon from school.

“Can you get that?” BoA asked, she was busy in the kitchen at the moment.

“What will it be?” Steph took out her pad and pen so she could write down his order.

He thought for a minute before ordering a coffee with a small piece of cake.

Steph left him so she could get his order, a minute later she had everything ready and brought it to him.

“Thanks beautiful,” Siwon grinned at her, she couldn’t help but twitch a little at the remark. She wasn’t to found of guys hitting on her at work, especially guys who didn’t mean it like Siwon.

“I’ve been coming here often and I’ve never seen you before,” he leaned closer to her, not noticing her uninterested posture.

“I don’t usually work today,” she replied with a fake smile. “My hours are different too so it helps to keep me away from guys like you.” With that she left, returning behind the counter, leaving a shocked Siwon behind.

Every girl at school wanted him even though he was a known player. To have someone reject him was new to say the least. He didn’t let the rejection faze him though since he was a model and the next girl he hit on would not reject him. It wasn’t much of a loss though as he remembered that he’d seen this particualr girl at school once hanging out with the ice princess so she wouldn’t be any fun to hang around with he guessed.

As he ate and drank his coffee his phone began to buzz telling him that he had a text message.

Get to my house quick we’re going out.  Yunho sent.

Be there in 10. Siwon replied.

He paid for him order and left the café heading towards his car. He got on and drove towards Yunho’s house a little above the speed limit. Once he reached his friend’s house he went to the door and it opened before he could knock revealing Jessica, Yunho’s sister.

“Where you waiting for me?” he asked greasily.

“In your dreams,” Jessica scoffed in annoyance.

“Hey dude lets go,” Yunho maneuvered around his sister so he could get out since she was in the way.

“Where to?” Siwon asked as he followed Yunho.

“To Jae’s, then Micky’s,” he replied getting into the passenger seat of Siwon’s car.

They drove to Jae’s and then picked up Micky’s after that they headed towards the club in town. They dance the night away even though it was a school night. Siwon was actually surprised that Yunho would party on a school night since he usually didn’t. Yunho didn’t like to party on the weekdays because he always got cranky having to wake up early causing him to go to school in a bad mood. Not a pretty sight actually, Yunho in a bad mood was scary in contrast to his usual nice, calm self.

The four guys ended up getting home around one in the morning, Siwon around two since he had to drop them all off. He knew that he wouldn’t be going to school the next day, not because of work but because he’d be too tired to get out of bed.

I hope you guys liked the chapter and the interactions between the characters. The next one will revolve around the school and maybe the café again I’m not sure. Well later. ^^


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Chapter 33: Wow........ atfer 3 years, this fic finally came to an end XDDDDD loved the whole story a lot and really want to see more from u steph! Write more soon!!! :DDD
btobfiniteforever #2
Chapter 33: this is awesome, authornim! I enjoyed reading this ^^
lol...the suspense it kills lol...i was going to update this but i haven't had time to complete the chapter and i have two papers for school that i have to write...so once i'm done with my papers i'll have more free time and i'll be able to finish this so please wait until this weekend
Chapter 32: Finally! Steph you updated it!!!! Whoa..... didn't expect that twist in the story..... I wonder how sunny and woohyun know each other..... damn it steph!!! Now I feel like reading the next chapter immediately. Please update soon!
Chapter 31: Finally after a long time I am able to read this again!!!!!! I wonder what's gonna happen next. Poor junno though.... yay!! Junsu and boa ^_^

(This is ray. I'm commenting through my rp account ^_^)
Chapter 29: Ohmy..... *o* taeminnie woke up finally!!! Gosh... ima read the story from first all over again since I have lost track a bit. Steph!!!! Please update more chapters soon! I'm curious to how the girls are going to get their revenges. Poor roz..... damn tiffanny..... :'(
Steph!!! T__T 6 months since you updated this... T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T
Chapter 28: Noonaaaaaa!!! Update this fic soon!!! [It's ray btw if you are wondering who this is/ I changed my username ^^]
Chapter 28: Ooooohhhh.. Another teaser? You really are trying to kill me of curiosity aren't you? Well, you see if you can get some chapters on by december cause I think I can get on and read em. Commenting on the story after stealing my dad's mobile to see if any stories have been updated lol XDDD