The Truth

The heart of stone


*in the room*
“Erm… It’s kind of late. Shall we go… go to bed?” I stuttered. The three of them stare at me, each with different emotion written on their face. Wang Zi look puzzled, with his head tilting to one side, while Ya Tou look terrified. On the other hand, Ya Lun look ecstatic.
“I think you owe us an explanation.” Wang Zi said coldly.
It’s all gone. All that I’ve worked so hard on is gone. All the years of disguising myself as Gui Gui has gone down the drain. Is this it? Is my nightmare starting all over again? Flashes of my childhood seem to flood my mind. I have never felt so scared in my entire life. All that I hold dear, am I going to lose them all tonight?
“Give her a break. After all that has happened tonight, don’t you think all of us deserve a nice~ long rest?” Ya Lun said cheerfully. Wang Zi nudged him and Ya Tou stared at him. I wonder if I will still be able to look at his charming smile after I come clean with them.
“It’s alright. I think I do owe all of you a clear explanation.” I said, while preparing my heart for rejection. 
“And be honest this time. We nearly got killed!” Ya Tou scolded.
I sighed, and said,”I’m sorry for putting your lives in danger. First of all, I need all of you to NOT be afraid of me.” I paused for awhile, scanning their eager faces, hoping to find any sign that can put me out of this misery. When I realized that I’m looking for something that is non-existent, I continued,” I am not Gui Gui. My real name is… is… is…”
“Ying Jie! Wu Ying Jie!” Arron finished the sentence for me. I heard a gasp from both Wang Zi and Ya Tou.
“That’s impossible! That can’t be true! Gui Gui, please tell me you’re not that kid that burnt down the entire village!” Ya Tou pleaded. I kept quiet, not knowing how to react.
“She did not burn down the village! How can a little girl like her do that?” Arron defended.
“You saw what she did just now! Her whole body was on fire! She threw fire towards that girl as well! If I must say, I think it’s easy for her to burn down a whole village!” Wang Zi retaliated. 
“Can the both of you just keep quiet and let her talk?” Ya Tou said. Both of them quiet down and I continued with my story.
“I was from the same village as Arron. Since young, I have always been loved by the villagers there. I was good in everything I do as well. I had a best friend name Rainie, who is also the girl all of you saw just now. Loads of people love her as well, giving her attention from time to time. Like me, she has all these abilities. We are what you people call, in layman’s terms, psychic. In other words, we are ESP users. We can control objects using our sheer mind power. Because of this, she can relate to me very well and we got along great, until one day, she felt that the villagers are bias towards me. She spilled this secret that both of us try our best to conceal, only that she said only I have it. From then on, all the villagers start to treat me as a freak. They shun me, young kids that were once my friends starts to call me names and bully me. As a result, she basked in the villagers love and doting while I was locked away by my own mother. While I was inside the room that I was locked in, I was so afraid. I try to get out but I couldn’t. As a result, hatred starts to rise up in me and I… burnt the village down. This is my story.” I said in one breath. I lifted my head gradually and saw their expression. Wang Zi’s face is in shock, while Ya Tou looks terrified. This time round, Arron just stared at me.
I know that I will lose them all after I tell them the truth, but it’s something I must do. I can’t stand being in the room any longer so I did what my instincts told me. I ran. The next thing I know, I’m at the park. I walk around, hoping that I will be able to find a place where I can spend the night at. Suddenly, it starts to rain. My vision starts to blur. I’ve used up too much energy when I release my power, now, with the rain adding to it, I feel so dizzy. I tried to hold on to a chair and the next thing I know, I lost consciousness.
I woke up, not knowing where I’m at. Suddenly, I heard voices around me.
“Hey, you’ve woke up!” Ya Tou said.
“You nearly scare us to death yesterday when we found you lying on the ground in the rain!” Wang Zi reprimanded.
“Did you guys bring me back? Thanks.” I replied weakly. “Where’s Arron?”
“He went downstairs to get us some breakfast.” Wang Zi replied.
“Why did you guys bring me back?” I asked, puzzled.
“Well, we are still your friend right? (even though I’m STILL scared of you)” Wang Zi replied.
“haha! Thanks for still treating me as your friend, and you do not need to be afraid of me. I will never hurt any of you. You guys have no idea how much you guys mean to me.” I said.
“Hey! You read my thought!” Wang Zi complained.
“Haha! Apart of this, do you think Arron will ever speak to me again? I DID cause him to have a bad childhood.” I said, sadly.
“You bet he will! You have no idea how worried he was for you. Yesterday after you told us the truth and ran away, he was in a dazed. However, as soon as he recovered from his shock, he rushed out of the room. Wang Zi and I follow him and caught up with him, asking him what’s wrong. He told us that once you use that fire power of yours, your energy will be greatly depleted. Thus he ran out to find you. He was searching so hard for you in the rain even though we have an umbrella. The smile that he gave when he found you was indescribable.” Ya Tou exclaimed.
At this time, Arron walk back in. He looks at me and turn around. He threw a bun to me and gesture to me to eat it. I look at Ya Tou and Wang Zi. They were smiling at me as if nothing has happen yesterday.
Maybe, the world might be a better place than I thought.
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Chapter 15: still no update yet :\
I'm so angry. So pressured because you haven't updated yet!!!<br />
Fires might also come out from me... Hahaha<br />
WHERE THE HECK HAVE YOU BEEEN? did you know that I miss you so much how can you leave me just like that? I miss this story so much, but anyways wow everything is happening so fast, Hebe and WangZi, I knew WangZi was part of it, wait is he? and hmm I wonder who the master is, so evil, and gosh GuiLun are just too cute, GuiLun protecting each other, awhs I think im going to cry, that is just too cute, their bound for each other is stronger as ever no one can replace that! :] but anyways update soooon!<3<br />
Support GuiLun always and ForeveR<33<br />
GuiLun #1 die-hard fan!♥ <br />
Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
Can't believe it =.= <br />
How could you?? why it took you so so long to update T___________T <br />
I almost forget the the plot o.o ahaha .... LOL^^ kidding XD how could I ever forget it ^___^<br />
I am waiting for update everyday XD <br />
Gosh! please update soon coz I wanna what will happen to GuiGui?? <br />
What does the Master want from GuiGui?? <br />
Ahh!! I am sad and happy at the same time ... well, I mean I like how Aaron & Gui love each other and try to protect each other but I am sad coz both of them are in a danger -.- <br />
Hope thew will be OK^^
ceeceechia #5
Oh my gosh!! Its so exciting! I can't believe Wang Zi was the bad guy.. He seemed so nice and sweet... How is Ya Tou gonna react? And what happened to their powers? The part where Gui and Aaron tried to protect one another was so sweet.. Update soon! XD
ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
so exciting!!!!<br />
So WangZi was the guy? Hmm he dont seem like a bad guy though, something seems really really wrong, but anyways GuiLun and YaTou has been kidnapped, but what will that master guy do now? will they get hurt? well I cant wait for more, I miss you tons!<3<br />
Support GuiLun always and ForeveR<33<br />
GuiLun #1 die-hard fan!♥
Dropping #8
Wangzi is so supicious , i think wangzi was just being used up by somebody . I don't thinks he is bad guy .<br />
I'm so excited for the next chap!!<br />
<br />
OMG....I thought so...I was suspicious to Wangzi, even in the previous chapter...<br />
SO he's the bad guy...I wonder why he's doing it...And I guess, he also have powers like Guigui..<br />
Hmmm...but I feel that Wangzi trully loves Yatou...or he might have just used her...<br />
No..I think now. Anyway, I'm starting to have the feelings that Aaron might have some<br />
sort or "power" with him too...I mean, he was protecting Guigui and the guy couldn't use the power..<br />
I guess, that's why the ring doesn't affect him...He has some nullity power...or something..<br />
By the way, awwwwwwwwwwww..Guilun sleeping together..Ayieee..Aaron might be suffering a lot, hahaha.<br />
But it's so cute when they are still so shy just holding each other's hand...I love it..sweet.<br />
Thanks for the updates..I wonder what's their next step now..hmmm.
Yeah!! don't tell me Wang Zi is a bad guy here >.<|| <br />
Or if he is hope he has a reason behind it .... I don't want to see Ya Tou upset xD <br />
And why that Master guy wants to see all of them? why he didn't just tell his men to kill Ying Jie?? <br />
Gosh!! update soon