First Kiss

The heart of stone


I look at the breath-taking scenery outside the window. Around me is a sight that I will never forget. My cozy arm chair sat at a small corner of my living room, and my cat is resting on it. My father sat on the sofa, reading newspaper. A fragrant aroma floats into my nostrils. I take a deep breath, enjoying the smell.

“Honey, Ying Jie, dinner’s ready!” my mother shouted. I took a last look at the scenery and walked towards the kitchen.

“After you finish eating, i want you to go straight to bed, alright?” my mother told me. I nodded my head and started eating. I could feel my parents gaze on me as I ate my food.

“Is there something on my face?” I asked. They shake their head and started to talk in whispers. I can catch some words like “do not let her know about it”, “contains great power” and “emerald ring is in her drawer”. I pushed away the thought of being curious by asking them what they were talking about as I know they wouldn’t tell me. I finished eating and went to my bedroom. I open my drawer and I saw a tiny red pouch. I was curious, so I took it up and open it. I saw something green reflecting light when my parents opened my door and snatched it away from me. I looked at them in astonishment as they walked away, leaving me clueless.

I was sitting in front of my computer when I suddenly heard gunshots outside. Terrified, yet curious, I stood up and opened my door. I saw a few people in black coats pointing their guns at my parents. My parents had their hands up in a surrender position.

“Give it to us, or the next bullet will be in your daughter’s brain.” One of them said. I was afraid and turn to make a run for it but before I could even move, someone carried me from behind. I was brought downstairs and forced to kneel in front of the guy that was talking just now. He pointed the gun to my head and threatened my parents again. After what seems like 15 minutes of threatening, he aimed his gun at my father and pulled the trigger. “NOOOOOOOO!!!”

“Gui Gui! Wake up Gui Gui!”

“NO!! NO!! DADDY! NO!”

“Gui! You’re having a bad dream! Wake up!”

“NO! DON’T KILL DADDY!” I woke up and push the person in front of me.

“Ouch! Eh Gui are you alright?” Arron asked. “You were screaming and shouting in your dream!”

I sit up, looks at Arron and then around me. I finally realized that I’m in my room. I touch my face and found out that it was drenched with tears. Arron sits in front of me with a bewildered look.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to push you so hard. I… I was just…” dammit why can’t I tell him that I had a bad dream? That dream, no it wasn’t a dream. It was a memory. A memory I had when I was young. A memory about an emerald ring. Hold on, an emerald ring?

“Arron! You’ve got to let me see the ring again!” I shouted and he jumped at my sudden action. He reaches forward and touches my forehead.

“Are you sick?” he asked with concern. I shake my head and stood up. I walk towards his room and starts searching frantically for the small red pouch. “Hey! What are you doing?” he asked, surprised.

“I’m sorry. I really need to look at the ring once again. I think I might know what it is.” I said, while searching for the ring. He reaches into his pocket and took it out, hands it to me. I open it and stare at the emerald ring. It is the exact same one my parents hid in my drawer. Were Arron’s parents those people in black? Were they responsible for my father’s death?

“OMG! It’s this ring! God! Arron! Where did you get it?” I screamed. He looks at me, not knowing how to reply. “Answer me!” I got angry and grab Arron by his collar.

“As I have told you, it was given to me by my mother before she died.” He replied in a gentle voice. I loose my grip on him and stare at him.

“Do you know where she got it?” I cool down and asked. He shakes his head and looks at the ring. “Then do you know what it can do?” I asked again. He shrugs his shoulder and looks down. “Why are you so quiet?”

“You frightened me. Why are you doing this? I’ve never seen you like this.” He replied. Then the situation hit me. I vented my anger on Arron, who is an innocent party. He looks as if he was on the verge of tears. I hug him and I can feel him relax in my embrace.

“I’m sorry”

“Apology accepted. Now can I know what’s wrong?” he asked. I told him about my dream and he looks at me in disbelief. “My parents will never do this kind of thing! It’s impossible! Rainie! She might know the truth! We need to find her! We need to get the truth from her! Let’s go now!” he exclaimed and pulls me out with him. I wanted to stop him but I know the anxiety he is feeling now so I go along with him. However, the sight of him looking everywhere hurts me so much.

“Stop it! You can’t find her like that! Please, you have to go home with me. We will think of something alright? There will be a way to find her.” I hug him from behind when he starts to ransack a rubbish bin in an alley. A teardrop landed on my hand. I turn him around and look at his face. He is crying. I hug him and said,” it’s alright, I believe you. I trust that you know your parents will never do this kind of thing. So stop crying alright?”

“Will you hate me?”

“No I will never hate you.”

“I don’t want you to pity me”

“I do not pity you”


“I’m telling the truth.”

Before I know it, his lips close in on mine. I open my eyes in shock, digesting what is happening at that instant. I tried to push him away but he hugs me even tighter. I can’t close my eyes and continue to stare at him. After awhile, he pulls away. “Didn’t anyone tell you that it’s rude to stare at people when they are kissing you?” he looks at me with the pair of stunning brown eyes. “Now, you do it properly this time” he closes his eyes and lean in once again. I felt his lips touch mine and I close my eyes to enjoy this lovely kiss. As soon as he feels me responding to his kiss, he pushes me against the wall. He shares with me a kiss so intense that I couldn’t breathe. That is when I feel something wet running down my cheeks. I push Arron away and realize that he is crying again.


“Sorry, it’s just that I’ve loved you for my whole life. What’s happening now is something that I only dared dream about. I’m just so… so happy Ying Jie.” He said, wiping away the tears he left on my face. “I love you, I really do.”

I do too. But I can’t admit it.

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Chapter 15: still no update yet :\
I'm so angry. So pressured because you haven't updated yet!!!<br />
Fires might also come out from me... Hahaha<br />
WHERE THE HECK HAVE YOU BEEEN? did you know that I miss you so much how can you leave me just like that? I miss this story so much, but anyways wow everything is happening so fast, Hebe and WangZi, I knew WangZi was part of it, wait is he? and hmm I wonder who the master is, so evil, and gosh GuiLun are just too cute, GuiLun protecting each other, awhs I think im going to cry, that is just too cute, their bound for each other is stronger as ever no one can replace that! :] but anyways update soooon!<3<br />
Support GuiLun always and ForeveR<33<br />
GuiLun #1 die-hard fan!♥ <br />
Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
Can't believe it =.= <br />
How could you?? why it took you so so long to update T___________T <br />
I almost forget the the plot o.o ahaha .... LOL^^ kidding XD how could I ever forget it ^___^<br />
I am waiting for update everyday XD <br />
Gosh! please update soon coz I wanna what will happen to GuiGui?? <br />
What does the Master want from GuiGui?? <br />
Ahh!! I am sad and happy at the same time ... well, I mean I like how Aaron & Gui love each other and try to protect each other but I am sad coz both of them are in a danger -.- <br />
Hope thew will be OK^^
ceeceechia #5
Oh my gosh!! Its so exciting! I can't believe Wang Zi was the bad guy.. He seemed so nice and sweet... How is Ya Tou gonna react? And what happened to their powers? The part where Gui and Aaron tried to protect one another was so sweet.. Update soon! XD
ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
so exciting!!!!<br />
So WangZi was the guy? Hmm he dont seem like a bad guy though, something seems really really wrong, but anyways GuiLun and YaTou has been kidnapped, but what will that master guy do now? will they get hurt? well I cant wait for more, I miss you tons!<3<br />
Support GuiLun always and ForeveR<33<br />
GuiLun #1 die-hard fan!♥
Dropping #8
Wangzi is so supicious , i think wangzi was just being used up by somebody . I don't thinks he is bad guy .<br />
I'm so excited for the next chap!!<br />
<br />
OMG....I thought so...I was suspicious to Wangzi, even in the previous chapter...<br />
SO he's the bad guy...I wonder why he's doing it...And I guess, he also have powers like Guigui..<br />
Hmmm...but I feel that Wangzi trully loves Yatou...or he might have just used her...<br />
No..I think now. Anyway, I'm starting to have the feelings that Aaron might have some<br />
sort or "power" with him too...I mean, he was protecting Guigui and the guy couldn't use the power..<br />
I guess, that's why the ring doesn't affect him...He has some nullity power...or something..<br />
By the way, awwwwwwwwwwww..Guilun sleeping together..Ayieee..Aaron might be suffering a lot, hahaha.<br />
But it's so cute when they are still so shy just holding each other's hand...I love it..sweet.<br />
Thanks for the updates..I wonder what's their next step now..hmmm.
Yeah!! don't tell me Wang Zi is a bad guy here >.<|| <br />
Or if he is hope he has a reason behind it .... I don't want to see Ya Tou upset xD <br />
And why that Master guy wants to see all of them? why he didn't just tell his men to kill Ying Jie?? <br />
Gosh!! update soon