
The heart of stone

“Hey Gui Gui! Wait up!”
Who’s that? I squint my eyes to look at the distant figure shouting and running towards me. oh no. it’s Arron. What does he wants now? I think I better pick up my speed. I have to avoid him at all cost.

“Gui Gui! Stop!” he shouted. Finally Arron catch up with Gui Gui. Though Arron tried to talk to her, she just wouldn’t answer him.

“Hey what’s up with you? Are you angry that I called you Ying Jie? Ok fine! I’m sorry k? You just really look similar to her and I really missed her a lot so I mistook you for her. See I’m calling you Gui Gui now aren’t i?” he look at me apologetic.

He missed me? He said that didn’t him? Did I hear him wrongly? Nah he just said it to gain my forgiveness. Why should I believe someone who know that i am the culprit that cause his whole childhood to be a living nightmare?

“Why did you say you miss Ying Jie? She’s that girl that burn down a whole village isn’t she? She’s a freak just like everyone else said. Why did you say you miss her? Are you kidding me?” I questioned.

“NO! don’t you dare speak ill of her! She’s someone important to me and definitely not a freak like what others said. Don’t you judge her if you don’t know her!” he snapped at me.

I was shocked at his reply. Me? Someone important to him? How can that be possible? No way. He must be saying that just to make me say out that I am Ying Jie. I’m not stupid alright. Stop acting all concerned about me. all of you are just fakers, liars and hypocrites. I’m definitely not gonna fall into your trap ever again. I turned around and walk away, leaving him standing there looking at me angrily.

~Arron POV~
I was so happy when I saw Ying Jie again! I knew that someday I would meet up with her once more. I’ve been looking forward to this day so much! But I just couldn’t understand why she didn’t want to admit that she is Ying Jie? Just because of the rumor that people call her a freak? I will never ever believe that she was the one who burnt up the whole village. She saved me! how can she be the culprit if she saved me? but why do I feel such cold vibes from her? What exactly happen during that small period of time when I lost contact with her? Ying Jie, I miss you.

*At home*

As I feel the cold wind from my air-conditioner blowing through my hair, I just have this familiar feeling. This coldness… it’s exactly like me. It dictates my life so much. Ever since that fateful day when I lost so much in one day, my heart kinda turn to stone.


WHY?! Why do everyone bullies me? the tears flowing down my cheeks indicates the hurt I have encounter for the past one week. What’s with all this objects moving by itself? Why can I hear what others are thinking? Why?! *fire appears on the hand*


Even though footsteps are heard, the door never opened.

“Mummy! Let me out! Why are you ignoring me? I promise to be a good girl! I promise never to say what others are thinking! I promise never ever to tell you that I see objects floating!” I cried out while banging my fist against the wooden door as the fire on my hand slowly extinguish. I gave up and sit against the wooden door. I looked at the pebble beside me and stare hard at it. Just like so many times before, it lifted a bit off the ground only to drop down again, causing sand and dust to fly. I look around the room, this cold dark room that I’ve been trapped in for two days. The only way I know its morning or night is through the small window at the right. This village, may it burn to the ground. I’m not a freak! I’m not a freak!!!

*end of flashback*

Ha! This is precisely the reason that causes my heart to harden. But, why am I tearing? This piercing feeling in my heart, I’ve long forgotten the cause of it. This quiet house, the long hallway, it just adds on to the void in my heart. Maybe I should invite someone to live here with me? At least it’s healthier.

At least, for me.

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Chapter 15: still no update yet :\
I'm so angry. So pressured because you haven't updated yet!!!<br />
Fires might also come out from me... Hahaha<br />
WHERE THE HECK HAVE YOU BEEEN? did you know that I miss you so much how can you leave me just like that? I miss this story so much, but anyways wow everything is happening so fast, Hebe and WangZi, I knew WangZi was part of it, wait is he? and hmm I wonder who the master is, so evil, and gosh GuiLun are just too cute, GuiLun protecting each other, awhs I think im going to cry, that is just too cute, their bound for each other is stronger as ever no one can replace that! :] but anyways update soooon!<3<br />
Support GuiLun always and ForeveR<33<br />
GuiLun #1 die-hard fan!♥ <br />
Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
Can't believe it =.= <br />
How could you?? why it took you so so long to update T___________T <br />
I almost forget the the plot o.o ahaha .... LOL^^ kidding XD how could I ever forget it ^___^<br />
I am waiting for update everyday XD <br />
Gosh! please update soon coz I wanna what will happen to GuiGui?? <br />
What does the Master want from GuiGui?? <br />
Ahh!! I am sad and happy at the same time ... well, I mean I like how Aaron & Gui love each other and try to protect each other but I am sad coz both of them are in a danger -.- <br />
Hope thew will be OK^^
ceeceechia #5
Oh my gosh!! Its so exciting! I can't believe Wang Zi was the bad guy.. He seemed so nice and sweet... How is Ya Tou gonna react? And what happened to their powers? The part where Gui and Aaron tried to protect one another was so sweet.. Update soon! XD
ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
so exciting!!!!<br />
So WangZi was the guy? Hmm he dont seem like a bad guy though, something seems really really wrong, but anyways GuiLun and YaTou has been kidnapped, but what will that master guy do now? will they get hurt? well I cant wait for more, I miss you tons!<3<br />
Support GuiLun always and ForeveR<33<br />
GuiLun #1 die-hard fan!♥
Dropping #8
Wangzi is so supicious , i think wangzi was just being used up by somebody . I don't thinks he is bad guy .<br />
I'm so excited for the next chap!!<br />
<br />
OMG....I thought so...I was suspicious to Wangzi, even in the previous chapter...<br />
SO he's the bad guy...I wonder why he's doing it...And I guess, he also have powers like Guigui..<br />
Hmmm...but I feel that Wangzi trully loves Yatou...or he might have just used her...<br />
No..I think now. Anyway, I'm starting to have the feelings that Aaron might have some<br />
sort or "power" with him too...I mean, he was protecting Guigui and the guy couldn't use the power..<br />
I guess, that's why the ring doesn't affect him...He has some nullity power...or something..<br />
By the way, awwwwwwwwwwww..Guilun sleeping together..Ayieee..Aaron might be suffering a lot, hahaha.<br />
But it's so cute when they are still so shy just holding each other's hand...I love it..sweet.<br />
Thanks for the updates..I wonder what's their next step now..hmmm.
Yeah!! don't tell me Wang Zi is a bad guy here >.<|| <br />
Or if he is hope he has a reason behind it .... I don't want to see Ya Tou upset xD <br />
And why that Master guy wants to see all of them? why he didn't just tell his men to kill Ying Jie?? <br />
Gosh!! update soon