The Fight

The heart of stone


“So class, from now till 8am tomorrow is your free time. All of you are allowed to walk around the shops that are located near our lodge. However, please be back in your rooms by 10pm latest. I will walk around to make sure none of you are missing. You’re dismissed.” Miss Cherry said.

“Cool! Let’s walk around and at the same time shop around!” Ya Tou exclaimed while holding my hand. I look at her and start walking towards a bracelet shop. The guys follow us as they have nothing better to do. Throughout the walk, Wang Zi keeps stealing glances at Ya Tou.

“Hey Wang Zi, Ya Tou’s interested in the pink lock-and-key bracelet in that shop which we walk past just now. Why not buy that for her? She will be real happy to get a gift from you.” I whispered. He looks at me with a pair of eyes that are b with appreciation. He takes out his wallet, counts the money he has and gesture Arron to follow him.

“Girls, we will see you later in the room alright? Wang Zi and I have something we need to do.” Arron said.

*in the room*

Wang Zi had just come back to the room. He rushes over to Ya Tou to give her the bracelet. Ya Tou blush a bright pink while accepting the gift. I look behind him, waiting for Arron to appear, but he is nowhere in sight. I stare hard at the door, hoping that a few seconds later Arron will just burst in with that silly smile of his. After what seems like hours, I gave up staring and ask Wang Zi instead.

“What!! You say he told you that his friend from his hometown is in town and he’s meeting his friend? Are you absolutely sure he said that this friend of his is from his hometown?” I asked.

“Yea I’m sure. What’s wrong with you? Are you alright?” Wang Zi asks me with concern written all over his face.

“I’m… I’m alright… I think I just need some fresh air…” I turn and walk out of the room. How can this be possible? I burnt down the whole village! Everyone I know wouldn’t be able to escape from the fire! Unless… unless it’s her. She definitely has the ability to escape unharmed. But how did she manage to find Arron? Or is she after me? Arron’s in danger! I need to find him now! 

“Hey Rainie! Haven’t seen you for quite some time! How did you manage to find me?” Arron voice could be heard distinctly. I hide in the bushes and peer through the small holes in between the bushes. I can feel the hatred deep within my heart gushing up. Rainie… She’s that who stole everything from me. She took away everything I had. Now she’s here to take away the only person who still remember me as whom I really am. No way! I will not let that happen! Not when I’m here!

“I’m not here to look for you. I’m here to look for Ying Jie, or should I call her, Gui Gui. Oh Arron, there’s no need to act surprise. I bet you know Gui Gui is Ying Jie since you saw her again. In fact, she has just arrived. Stop hiding. Your presence has long ago been detected, my best friend.” Rainie laughed. I walk out from the bushes, my body shaking with hatred.


“Why are you being loved by everyone we know?! Why are they giving you all the attention? I’m smarter than you, I’m prettier than you and I’m so much better than you! They’re all blinded by your acts!” Rainie screamed.

“You’re wrong! There’re many people out there who loves you more than they do to me.” I replied with tears flowing down my cheeks. I was hurt by Rainie’s sudden outburst of emotion.

“I’m going to spill your secrets. You wait and see. Let’s see whether the villagers will love more after they know what a freak you truly are?” Rainie threatened.

“No please do not say it out! You’re the only person, apart from my family, that knows about this! You’re the only one that understands me because you have them as well! Please!” I begged her.

*that night*

“I have an announcement to make. Wu Ying Jie has not been honest with all of you. She has abilities that are not normal. Basically, she’s a freak! If none of you choose to believe that your dear Ying Jie is a freak, test it out. Make her nervous or pressurize. She cracks under pressure and her abilities will just flow through her!” Rainie said.

"How can this be possible? We would have notice it if she is abnormal." the village chief said.

"Try pressurizing her then" Rainie taunted. The whole village started to look for me. Suddenly, the door to the room I was hiding in break open.

"She's here!" Rainie said. All the villagers started crowding around me, sending me unfriendly vibes and cold hard stares. I start to panic and the next thing I know, people started screaming and running out of the room. I open my eyes and I saw that things around were floating in mid-air. Chairs, tables and utensils, they're flying all around the room. 

"She's... She's a freak!"

"The devil must have sent her up to destroy our lives!"

"This explains why she always can hear what we are thinking!"

"She's the devil's daughter"

"Lock her up! Keep her somewhere that she will not be able to harm us!"

People around me are shouting and screaming simultaneously. I'm so afraid. I ran and ran into the forest. Why? The last person I've expected to blabber my secret is Rainie. She betrayed me!

*end of flashback*

"Best friend? You call me your best friend? I'm sorry, since the day you betrayed me, I no longer regard you even as my friend. You took away everything I had. You made my life a living nightmare while you bask in the villagers doting and love. Everywhere I go I was looked down on, people were afraid of me and every young kid that were once my friends started to bully me. I HATE YOU!" I screamed.

"I would have become the outcast if you were ever to spill on me." Rainie retaliate.

"You know I will never do that! You know that I'm not a freak! You have the same abilities as me! It's only that you have a better control over it." I said.

"Control? What's the use of having good control? I want power! You always have more power than me! You are always running in front of me!" Rainie screamed. "And I'm going to make you lose everything!"

"Gui Gui?" Ya Tou called.

"Now look at this. You made new friends?" Rainie said sarcastically. She pulls them towards her by an invisible force.

"Don't hurt them!" I screamed. Everything seems to happen at the same time. Dustbin and chairs float up and flew towards me. I wave my hand and they dropped down. Rocks and pebbles flew towards Rainie and she shields herself by throwing another chair towards them.

"Rocks and pebbles? You can do much better than that! Show them your true power! Show them what a freak you truly are!" she laughed.

"I'm scared!"

"What's this? Someone save us"

"YING JIE! Save us!"

Their thoughts flow into my head. I got angry. Something in me just snapped. "Remember something? I have an ability that you are never able to do" as I was talking, fire ignited all around me. My hands, body and legs are burning with fire. "Hand them back to me or else you will regret!"

"I'm... I'm not afraid!" Rainie said with a tinge of fear in her high-pitched voice. 

I threw my fire towards her and she blocks it with a force field. I put more power in it and her force field broke and as a result, she is force back. She fell and cannot get up. I look at her in disgust, gesture to the rest of them and bring them back.

My nightmare, it's starting all over again.

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Chapter 15: still no update yet :\
I'm so angry. So pressured because you haven't updated yet!!!<br />
Fires might also come out from me... Hahaha<br />
WHERE THE HECK HAVE YOU BEEEN? did you know that I miss you so much how can you leave me just like that? I miss this story so much, but anyways wow everything is happening so fast, Hebe and WangZi, I knew WangZi was part of it, wait is he? and hmm I wonder who the master is, so evil, and gosh GuiLun are just too cute, GuiLun protecting each other, awhs I think im going to cry, that is just too cute, their bound for each other is stronger as ever no one can replace that! :] but anyways update soooon!<3<br />
Support GuiLun always and ForeveR<33<br />
GuiLun #1 die-hard fan!♥ <br />
Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
Can't believe it =.= <br />
How could you?? why it took you so so long to update T___________T <br />
I almost forget the the plot o.o ahaha .... LOL^^ kidding XD how could I ever forget it ^___^<br />
I am waiting for update everyday XD <br />
Gosh! please update soon coz I wanna what will happen to GuiGui?? <br />
What does the Master want from GuiGui?? <br />
Ahh!! I am sad and happy at the same time ... well, I mean I like how Aaron & Gui love each other and try to protect each other but I am sad coz both of them are in a danger -.- <br />
Hope thew will be OK^^
ceeceechia #5
Oh my gosh!! Its so exciting! I can't believe Wang Zi was the bad guy.. He seemed so nice and sweet... How is Ya Tou gonna react? And what happened to their powers? The part where Gui and Aaron tried to protect one another was so sweet.. Update soon! XD
ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
so exciting!!!!<br />
So WangZi was the guy? Hmm he dont seem like a bad guy though, something seems really really wrong, but anyways GuiLun and YaTou has been kidnapped, but what will that master guy do now? will they get hurt? well I cant wait for more, I miss you tons!<3<br />
Support GuiLun always and ForeveR<33<br />
GuiLun #1 die-hard fan!♥
Dropping #8
Wangzi is so supicious , i think wangzi was just being used up by somebody . I don't thinks he is bad guy .<br />
I'm so excited for the next chap!!<br />
<br />
OMG....I thought so...I was suspicious to Wangzi, even in the previous chapter...<br />
SO he's the bad guy...I wonder why he's doing it...And I guess, he also have powers like Guigui..<br />
Hmmm...but I feel that Wangzi trully loves Yatou...or he might have just used her...<br />
No..I think now. Anyway, I'm starting to have the feelings that Aaron might have some<br />
sort or "power" with him too...I mean, he was protecting Guigui and the guy couldn't use the power..<br />
I guess, that's why the ring doesn't affect him...He has some nullity power...or something..<br />
By the way, awwwwwwwwwwww..Guilun sleeping together..Ayieee..Aaron might be suffering a lot, hahaha.<br />
But it's so cute when they are still so shy just holding each other's hand...I love it..sweet.<br />
Thanks for the updates..I wonder what's their next step now..hmmm.
Yeah!! don't tell me Wang Zi is a bad guy here >.<|| <br />
Or if he is hope he has a reason behind it .... I don't want to see Ya Tou upset xD <br />
And why that Master guy wants to see all of them? why he didn't just tell his men to kill Ying Jie?? <br />
Gosh!! update soon