Class Outing

The heart of stone

I decided to continue posting this story. i wanted to finish writing before i start posting again but my friend ask me to post them. so here i am! hope you guys enjoy and hope i don't lose too much readers XD



“Class, please remember to bring the money for the school excursion next week latest by Wednesday. Anyone who fails to pay the money is not allowed to participate in this outing. For those who have financial problems, please look for me after class” Miss Cherry announced.

“Hey! Are you guys going?”Ya Tou asked.

“Hmm... Yea I guess so… By the way, where’s Arron?” Wang Zi replied, stealing a glance at Ya Tou.

I pointed to the doorway, where Arron stand, speaking to Miss Cherry.

“Oh… I expected it. It must be tough for him to go on this trip due to his financial status. Gosh I really hope he’s able to attend this class outing.” Ya Tou said.

*at home*

“What’s the matter?! You’ve been acting exceptionally annoying today!” I shouted at Arron. He just pouts and said nothing. “Oh come on. Spill it out” I said, softening my tone ever so little. He looks at me, shakes his head and walks to the kitchen. Even without him telling me the problem, I sort of guessed it. Arron pour himself a cup of lemonade and sits down in front of the television, looking at his own reflection. “Suit yourself. Just remember to do your homework. I’m going upstairs.” I said and walk up to my room.

~Arron’s POV~

Darn! Why am I venting my anger on Ying Jie? What’s wrong with me? Crap, I so desperately wish to go on this class outing so much that I’m getting frustrated over my lack of ability to do so.


“I know you have financial problems. The school is helping you by subsidizing 60% of the amount of money you are required to pay while others are required to pay the full amount for this trip. You have to think of ways to get the 40% by this Wednesday or else you will not be eligible for this trip.” Miss Cherry said.

“But Miss Cherry, I really do not have the means to get the money by Wednesday!” I said, with a tinge of desperation.

“You just have to find some way. I’m sorry Arron, but we had done the best that we can.” Miss Cherry said apologetically.

*end of flashback*

Why didn’t I save up for emergency use? Now I’m unable to enjoy a 3 days 2 nights trip with Ying Jie. Dammit! What’s the use of moping now? I might as well go to sleep and hopefully sleep through the whole trip. Eh, what’s that on my desk? Oh gosh it’s money! There’s a note!

“I know the reason of you being so cranky today. I know that you really wish to go on this outing with the rest of us yet you do not have the means to do so. Since I have some extra cash in hand, I’ll lend it to you first. Please take note; I’m lending this to you, not giving it to you. MAKE SURE YOU PAY ME BACK! Cheer up.

Ps. Hope that you will enjoy this outing with the class. Take it as a welcome party given to you by us. :)

Signing off

Gui Gui

Ying Jie! I love you so freaking much!!

~end of Arron’s POV~

*In the bus*

“It’s all about you~ It’s all about you baby~ It’s all about you~ It’s all about you~ Yesterday you asked me something I thought you knew~ So I told you with a smile~ It’s all about you~” Arron sang.

“Hey Wang Zi, doesn’t it seems as though someone’s in a really good mood today?” Ya Tou asked, while cueing Wang Zi to look at Arron.

“It’s quite obvious isn’t it? Judging by the emotion he’s showing on his face, he really is in a good mood. But I have to say, Arron, you have an awesome voice!” Wang Zi complimented.

“Thank you! *clears throat* I shall dedicate this next number to the reason why I’m here on this bus. Thank you Wu Gui Gui! You’re beautiful~ You’re beautiful~ You’re beautiful, it’s true~ I saw your face~ In a crowded place~ And I don’t know what to do~” Arron continued singing.

“One more sound from you and I swear I’m gonna pull out your tongue!” I snapped while blushing. He stops singing immediately and attempts to zip up his mouth. I drift off as the quietness settle in.

*at the lodge*

“So class, I will be allocating rooms for all of you to rest in. In each room there will be two guys and two girls. Even though I allow guys and girls to sleep together, please promise me that there will be no hanky-panky and mean it.” Miss Cherry informed as the whole class burst into conversations.

“Hey! Let’s sleep together!” Arron said.

The three of them look at me for my reply. I nod my head, approving the idea. Ya Tou smile, while Arron and Wang Zi “hi-fived” each other. Miss Cherry gives Ya Tou the key to our room and we proceed to our room. The room is huge, with two double beds and a television. There’s a balcony where the view from it is breath-taking. The bathroom is huge, with one shower room and one bathtub. I lie on the bed, enjoying the comfortable feeling I feel from the mattress while Arron starts singing again and Wang Zi and Ya Tou stand at the balcony, admiring the view.

How I wish time will just stop right here, right now.

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Chapter 15: still no update yet :\
I'm so angry. So pressured because you haven't updated yet!!!<br />
Fires might also come out from me... Hahaha<br />
WHERE THE HECK HAVE YOU BEEEN? did you know that I miss you so much how can you leave me just like that? I miss this story so much, but anyways wow everything is happening so fast, Hebe and WangZi, I knew WangZi was part of it, wait is he? and hmm I wonder who the master is, so evil, and gosh GuiLun are just too cute, GuiLun protecting each other, awhs I think im going to cry, that is just too cute, their bound for each other is stronger as ever no one can replace that! :] but anyways update soooon!<3<br />
Support GuiLun always and ForeveR<33<br />
GuiLun #1 die-hard fan!♥ <br />
Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
Can't believe it =.= <br />
How could you?? why it took you so so long to update T___________T <br />
I almost forget the the plot o.o ahaha .... LOL^^ kidding XD how could I ever forget it ^___^<br />
I am waiting for update everyday XD <br />
Gosh! please update soon coz I wanna what will happen to GuiGui?? <br />
What does the Master want from GuiGui?? <br />
Ahh!! I am sad and happy at the same time ... well, I mean I like how Aaron & Gui love each other and try to protect each other but I am sad coz both of them are in a danger -.- <br />
Hope thew will be OK^^
ceeceechia #5
Oh my gosh!! Its so exciting! I can't believe Wang Zi was the bad guy.. He seemed so nice and sweet... How is Ya Tou gonna react? And what happened to their powers? The part where Gui and Aaron tried to protect one another was so sweet.. Update soon! XD
ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
so exciting!!!!<br />
So WangZi was the guy? Hmm he dont seem like a bad guy though, something seems really really wrong, but anyways GuiLun and YaTou has been kidnapped, but what will that master guy do now? will they get hurt? well I cant wait for more, I miss you tons!<3<br />
Support GuiLun always and ForeveR<33<br />
GuiLun #1 die-hard fan!♥
Dropping #8
Wangzi is so supicious , i think wangzi was just being used up by somebody . I don't thinks he is bad guy .<br />
I'm so excited for the next chap!!<br />
<br />
OMG....I thought so...I was suspicious to Wangzi, even in the previous chapter...<br />
SO he's the bad guy...I wonder why he's doing it...And I guess, he also have powers like Guigui..<br />
Hmmm...but I feel that Wangzi trully loves Yatou...or he might have just used her...<br />
No..I think now. Anyway, I'm starting to have the feelings that Aaron might have some<br />
sort or "power" with him too...I mean, he was protecting Guigui and the guy couldn't use the power..<br />
I guess, that's why the ring doesn't affect him...He has some nullity power...or something..<br />
By the way, awwwwwwwwwwww..Guilun sleeping together..Ayieee..Aaron might be suffering a lot, hahaha.<br />
But it's so cute when they are still so shy just holding each other's hand...I love it..sweet.<br />
Thanks for the updates..I wonder what's their next step now..hmmm.
Yeah!! don't tell me Wang Zi is a bad guy here >.<|| <br />
Or if he is hope he has a reason behind it .... I don't want to see Ya Tou upset xD <br />
And why that Master guy wants to see all of them? why he didn't just tell his men to kill Ying Jie?? <br />
Gosh!! update soon