Chen's Anger


You spent the rest of the day with Taemin and the others. They're kind and very fun to be around. In a short amount of time, you were able to make out their characters.

Onew is the oldest but he was the silliest. He didn't care about the fact that he's the oldest. He does whatever he feels like and says whatever he wants without worrying about the others judging him. He did do it in a mature way but he still reminded you of a child. You found yourself to smile and laugh often at whatever he said or did.

Taemin is the youngest yet seemed like he could be the oldest. He was very gentle with you, making you believe he was older then you. You actually were both the same age. He had his silly side as well but he did it out of pure innocence.

Jonghyun is very out-going. His smile and laughter was contagious. He did have a temper, which surprised you whenever he got mad. But it was never anything negative. He would get mad over small things like height or tv shows.

Minho is quiet and probably the most mature out of all of them. You noticed that he liked teasing people more then he liked telling jokes. One of the reasons why Jonghyun probably had a temper. Even though he had a mature look to him, he was surprisingly competitive. Whenever the boys would mention something they were good in, he would say he was better and that he could prove it. It made you chuckle.

Key is very special. Unlike the others, he liked talking about fashion or hair colors or other things girls would talk or complain about. But you felt comfortable around him. He made it very easy to talk outloud. Although he had very sarcastic comments, he still managed to make you laugh at him. Next to Onew, you felt yourself smiling alot around him.

Spending most of your day inside, you all agreed it would be nice to go outside for a bit. Key was nice enough to lend you a some of his clothes. You decided on using some shorts and a simple t-shirt. They were a bit baggy but you didn't mind.

Once dressed, you all headed out the door. You didn't recongnize any of the buildings while you walked so you assumed you were in a section of the town you never saw before. The boys were nice enough to buy you some ice cream while you walked.

While eating, the boys brought you over to see their school. At the site of it, your jaw dropped in amazement. It was amazing compared to yours! The school was made of white and blue walls with beautiful plants surrounding it. It reminded you a lot of a college.

Afterwards, they promised to bring you home.

"Make sure to lock your door!" exclaimed Key while he took a of his ice cream.

"Yes mam." you teased which made the others chuckle.

"Yah! I'm just looking out for you!" he angrily yelled, pouting as he kept eating his ice cream.

You patted his back reassuringly. "I know."

"Hey, are you free after school during the week?" asked Taemin, peeking his head from Minho's side.

You look over to him and nod. "Ya, why?"

"Well maybe since you know us now, you can come hang with us! Wouldn't that be fun?"

"Good idea Taemin-a!" said Onew, placing a hand on Taemin's shoulder. "What do you think?" he said directing it to the rest of the gang.

Jonghyun yelled out a cheerful 'YA!" while Minho gave him a bright smile, nodding his head. Key also agreed, nodding his head while he kept eating his ice cream.

Joy spread through your body at the thought of making friends outside of your school. They were very kind people and you would love to become close friends with them. "Ya, that sounds like fun!"

"Then its settled! We'll pick you up on...." Onew says, pondering on which day. "How about Tuesday?" he asks.

You nod and the others cheer. "Already can't wait till Tuesday!" exclaimed Jonghyun, as he bumped Key away from you and softly slung his arm around your shoulder. You chuckle at his action but don't shrug him away.

All of a sudden, you hear a voice yell out, "YAH!"

Curious, you look in the direction that voice came from. Your eyes land on an angry looking boy. You raise an eyebrow as said boy, whom you don't recongnize, is looking straight at your group with an angry expression.

The boy started walking towards you, and then you recongnized him.

It was Chen!

Surprised, your eyes never leave him as he makes his way over to you. Once he got close enough, he pried Jonghyun's arm off of you and pulled you away making you drop your ice cream.

"H-hey!" you exclaim, shocked by Chen's actions.

"What the hell are you doing?!" he asked, his eyes meeting yours. You can see anger boil inside of Chen as he breathed heavily and stared at you.

Before you can ask, Onew grabs Chen's hand that is grasping your arm and pulls him away from you. "Dude, calm down."

Chen turns to Onew and shoves him away. "Don't touch me."

Chen turns back towards you and gives you an even angrier look than before. "What are you doing with them?"

"What, I'm not allowed?" you ask, your mind speaking for you.

"HOW CAN YOU BE SO CALM AFTER JUST BEING KIDNAPPED?!" he yelled right in your face.

Being with the Taemin and the others, you actually completely forgot about before. But Chen, being the usual , he had to remind you. "Thanks for reminding me." you answer him, not looking directly at him.

Before Chen could yell at you again, Tao appears out of no where and hugs you from behind. As he places most of his weight on your back, pain shots through your spine and right into your head, making your head hurt.

"Mei-Mei! Your safe!!" Tao brightly says, not noticing that your in pain.

Jonghyun, boiling with anger, walks over to Tao and rips him off of you. "Watch out! Don't you see she's in pain!"

Tao looks at Jonghyun with a confused look before looking at you. He notices you wincing as you place a hand on your head. "I'm sorry Mei-Mei! I didn't know, I swear." he says, pouting slightly.

"I-It's alright." you meekly answer.

Chen softens a little at the sight of you in pain but anger still boils on the inside. "Can I know why you're with them?" he says pointing to Onew and the others.

"They saved me from the kidnappers." you answer honestly.

"They what? Saved you? WE WERE SAVING YOU WHEN THE WHOLE PLACE WENT INTO SMOKES!" Chen yelled once again, anger taking over.

A hand is suddenly placed onto Chen's head as a deep voice says, "Yo calm down hyung."

You raise your head as your eyes fall onto a smiling giant. Chanyeol.

He sees you looking at him and waves at you. "Hello Princess~"

Before you can say hi back, Chen whacks his hand away. "Whatever, just pisses me off that we gave up some of our territory to save her when she was already fine."

You look at Chen with a surprised look. "You what?"

He looks at you and scoffs. "Surprised?"

Thinking back to being with the kidnappers, you always wondering what they meant by "we got what we wanted". It makes sense now. So they gave up 'land' for you, which probably meant something to them, and you acted like nothing happened. Guilt washes over you as a frown forms onto your face.

Ignoring you, Chen looks towards Onew. "Well thanks for helping her SHINee, but we'll be taking her back now."

Chen turns away from Onew, grabs your arm and starts dragging you away. You didn't fight back, knowing you wouldn't win anyways. Before Taemin and the others were faw away, you turn around and wave at them.

Slightly confused, they wave back. Soon afterwards, you couldn't see them anymore.

You turn back towards Chen as Tao and Chanyeol follow beside him. You stayed silent as they kept dragging you away.


The end! For now!

Hope you like this update! I hope to update more since I found inspiration recently again!


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ReenRieX #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 10 : OH MY GOD !! Does sehun like's her ?? Omgg !!!! Please update soon !! This is kinda sound great and cool .. Why is infite not shown in the story so much like shinee or exo ?? Even b1a4... Anyways why havent you update anymore ?? I really eagerly want to know the whole story to like OnnieChun.
Chapter 14: buuuuuuurn. i found this in my subscription list. why haven't you updated this? i really like how the story too
Chapter 14: please~~ update soon!!!
i love your story!
good work author-nim~ ^^
flyboytuan #4
Chapter 14: Looove the story please update ^^
SMentFan99 #5
Chapter 14: When will you update more, authornim? I will be wsiting for the next chapter!! ^^
SMentFan99 #6
Chapter 14: When will you update more, authornim? I will be wsiting for the next chapter!! ^^
Chapter 14: D'aww. When will she meet INFINITE? She already meet Woohyun tho o3o
Sakura_24 #8
Chapter 14: I want all of the gangs to meet up now!!,;) FIGHT ! FIGHT!!FIGHT!!
Please update :)
Chapter 12: Sehun started to have feeling towards Minyoung - Yuki