Dance Battle


You hated essays. You had difficulty with them ever since you started high school and since then, your hatred for it only grew. Closing the browser on the school's computer, you sigh with relief at the feeling of completing one of your essays. Only one. 

You started working on it during lunch time but didn't have time to complete before classes started again. So here you were, after school, working on the topic of your never ending hate. But after an hour, you finally finished. Getting up, you pick up your bag and head out the door, bowing to the librarian on the way out.

Sadly, you didn't have a computer yet at home so you had to resort to using the school library's computer. *Maybe I should ask one of the boys next time.* you think going through the double doors to the outside. *Nah, they'd probably just distract me.*

The weather outside was getting colder, more leafs fell and scattered on the floor. Personally, you loved autumn time. Winter was too cold for you, Spring meants bugs were coming back, and Summer was too hot. Autumn was perfect weather, just enough to wear a hoodie, and had no bugs! Perfection in its own way.

You passed the school gates, your mind filled with the idea of passing out on your bed, when a voice yelled out from behind you, scaring you. "Minyoung-a~!!"

You turn around with wide eyes just as an arm slings itself around your shoulder. Oddly enough, it was Taemin. "Oh Taemin-sshi?" you say as he grins down at you, "What are you doing here?"

He looks at you with a confused look. "You don't remember?"

"Remember what?"

"It's Tuesday~"

You suddenly remember what he was talking about.


"Hey, are you free after school during the week?" asked Taemin, peeking his head from Minho's side.

You look over to him and nod. "Ya, why?"

"Well maybe since you know us now, you can come hang with us! Wouldn't that be fun?"

"Good idea Taemin-a!" said Onew, placing a hand on Taemin's shoulder. "What do you think?" he said directing it to the rest of the gang.

Jonghyun yelled out a cheerful 'YA!" while Minho gave him a bright smile, nodding his head. Key also agreed, nodding his head while he kept eating his ice cream.


"Oh right, we were suppose to hang out." You finally remember. Since you finished your essay, out of five but who's counting, you decided hanging out with them would do you some good. "So where are we going?"

Taemin brightens up, happy you'd be joining them. He was convinced you wouldn't want to join them. "We're going to an underground battle."

"I'm sorry, what?" you say with shock.

"Oh, not that kind of battle! We wouldn't bring you to those!"

"So you do fight..."

"Uhh.... It's a dance battle!" Taemin says directing the attention back to the main point. "I'll be competing against the others."

"Really?!" you say more interested in Taemin dancing then him getting into fights. "I've never been to a dance battle. Or underground for that matter."

He chuckles. "First time for everything."

With a nod, you follow Taemin with a bounce in your step.


Nighttime had arrived and the six of you walked into the underground battle area. Taemin had brought you back to his place where the others were waiting. The battle started at 7 and since it was 5 when Taemin came to get you, you all hung out for a bit.

You walked into the place and stared at your new surroundings. The place wasn't well light but enough that you could see the people around you with ease. A giant spot light was planted on an area on a medium sized stage where you assumed the dance battles took place. 

Someone taps your shoulder and you turn around to see Minho. "The battle is about to start. Let's get some good places." he said motionning to stage.

"Where's Taemin?" you ask noticing that he was missing.

"In the back getting ready. Don't worry." he said with a smile, guiding you to a spot near the stage. You were close to the stage but not too close as to strain your neck. You had a good view with no one too tall to block anything.

People around you talked loudly about mutliple things when a giant, booming voice appeared from the speakers. "Welcome to Blazing Hell's 10th dance battle~!"

You raise an eyebrow at Minho. "Blazing Hell?"

He shrugs. "It's the name of the place. We don't own it."

"Who does?" you ask turning your attention back to the stage as a boy walks in.

"Another gang. They're called Block B but they're good people." he said also keeping his eyes on stage.

You both stop talking as the announcer comes back on. "First up, we have Lee Hyunsoo!"

The boy had short, dark brown hair as he pulled his hoodie down. His eyes were concentrated on the floor. But once the music started, he snapped into motion. His style was B-Boy but you assumed the others would also. He was good, your eyes never leaving him, and as the music ended, he panted from exhaustion. The crowd cheered, as did you, and he left the stage with a wide grin.

More boys came on and danced just as good as the first boy. You were completely taken away by the dances they did.You never really thought about dancing but maybe this will trigger a new hobby. The way their bodies moved with the beat was just eye captivating. 

More than half a dozen boys went on stage but still no sign of Taemin. Minho told you there was only 15 minutes left before the battle ended. *Maybe he decided not to dance... but wouldn't he be back by now?

A boy with black hair and a single blonde streak in his hair comes onto the stage. He looks young; his chubby cheeks giving him away, but his stare and the stance he stood in made him look mature. Strangely enough, you found him attractive but it probably was because of all the excitement and joy you felt from your surroundings.

"Second to last contestant, we have Choi Jonghyun aka Changjo!" the announcer said. The crowd cheered when he introduced him. *He must be popular around here to get such a reaction.*

The music starts and the boy starts dancing. Unlike the other boys, he glided into his dance moves. You could not remove your eyes off of him. Compared to the others, he was amazing! No wonder the crowd cheered for him so much!

The way he popped, locked, jumped, moved, everything was enchanting. You felt under a spell the entire time. Sadly, the dance ended quicker then you wished. The boy, breathing heavily, bowed to the crowd and left. Your eyes never left him even off stage. You saw him pass people quickly. Just then, he turned his head and locked eyes with you. You stared at each other before he started walking again and then dissapeared. 

"Changjo caught your attention?" says a voice beside you. You look over to Key. "Huh?"

He chuckles. "I'm not surprised. Changjo has that effect on people when he dances. It is one of the reasons why he's part of Teen Top."

"Teen Top? What's that?" you ask.

"Another gang around town. They're known for their dancing. They also attend the dance school nearby."

"Wah, no wonder he's good." you say in awe. 

"Don't let Taemin hear you. He'll get jealous." Key said with a grin, turning back to the stage. "Jealous? Why?" you ask but Key never answered. The announcer comes back on. "Our last contestant of the night! Lee Taemin~!"

The crowd cheered just as loud as when Changjo came up; maybe even louder. Taemin strode onto the stage, a giant smile on his face, confidence oozing out of him. His eyes roamed the crowd, looking for something, when his eyes found you. His eyes crinkled up in happiness as he waved. You waved back, with a smile on your face. Satisfied, he got into position and waited for the music to start.

Music started and just like Changjo, he started dancing with ease and grace. It was hard to say which was better but damn, they were amazing! Your eyes, again, never left Taemin as he danced. Unlike Changjo, his moves were cleaner and more crisp. *He must practice alot.*

Just like Changjo, the music stopped too fast and Taemin stood with the same smile while breathing heavily. Taemin left the stage and the announcer came back on. "That was our last contestant! Please vote for your favorite dancer and the winner will be announced next week! Thanks for coming everyone~"

The crowd started to disperse. You went to follow the crowd but Minho stopped you. "We're meeting Taemin here." You nod and wait. A few minutes passed and Taemin walked out from behind the stage. He rushed over to you. "So?" he asked not even greeting everyone.

"So?" you ask with a raised eyebrow.

"How did I do!" His eyes contained joy and hopefulness.

"You did amazing! I was blown away by your performance." you say giving him two thumbs up. He laughed. "I'm glad you liked it!"

Minho walked over and pat Taemin on his back. "You did better than last time. Good job."

Onew popped up behind you. "Taemin-a~ Your hardwork showed this time." Taemin rubbed his head. "Thanks hyung."

Key and Jonghyun also gave Taemin encouraging words which Taemin thanked them for. The six of you left the underground and started walking home. Onew and Jonghyun lived nearby the place so they went home first. Taemin was tired from his dance so Key suggested that Minho bring him home. They left which left you and Key alone.

He walked you home, even though you assured him it was fine. The way he kept argueing about bringing you home, the more it made you think of the Exo boys. *Even though I saw them a few hours ago at school, I miss them already.*

You finally made it to your apartement. "Remember to lock your doors!" Key warned as you unlocked your door.

"I know, I know."

"And your windows too! Just in case."

"Yes umma~" you tease. You turn back to Key. "Teasing aside, thanks for bringing me home."

"What kind of boy would I be if I didn't."

"You didn't have to-" He cut you off. "Yah don't start again! Plus, Taemin would kill me." he said passing a hand through his hair.

"Taemin's like a protective brother." you comment out loud. Key chuckles. "You haven't seen him at his worse yet."

You laugh and bid Key goodnight. You watch him walk down the street until he dissapears. You close your door, locking it like Key said. You walk over to your bed and lazily slump yourself on it. Too lazy to change, you drfit off too sleep with Changjo and Taemin's dance replaying in your head.


Yay update~

I'm finally getting inspiration to write again so hopefully I can update more :)

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ReenRieX #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 10 : OH MY GOD !! Does sehun like's her ?? Omgg !!!! Please update soon !! This is kinda sound great and cool .. Why is infite not shown in the story so much like shinee or exo ?? Even b1a4... Anyways why havent you update anymore ?? I really eagerly want to know the whole story to like OnnieChun.
Chapter 14: buuuuuuurn. i found this in my subscription list. why haven't you updated this? i really like how the story too
Chapter 14: please~~ update soon!!!
i love your story!
good work author-nim~ ^^
flyboytuan #4
Chapter 14: Looove the story please update ^^
SMentFan99 #5
Chapter 14: When will you update more, authornim? I will be wsiting for the next chapter!! ^^
SMentFan99 #6
Chapter 14: When will you update more, authornim? I will be wsiting for the next chapter!! ^^
Chapter 14: D'aww. When will she meet INFINITE? She already meet Woohyun tho o3o
Sakura_24 #8
Chapter 14: I want all of the gangs to meet up now!!,;) FIGHT ! FIGHT!!FIGHT!!
Please update :)
Chapter 12: Sehun started to have feeling towards Minyoung - Yuki