Freedom and Knock Outs


Hours have passed and you were still stuck in this room with this guy. Honestly, you didn't know how long it's been but it felt like hours. You were cold, considering you were still wearing your pyjama's, and hungry.

Your stomach growled and you sheeply lowered your head furthur into your knees. You can hear the boy chuckle, clearly indicating that he was not going to feed you. The blood on your knees and hands had dried up and your eyes felt tired.

At that moment, the door flung open, startling both you and the boy.

"Jesus, you scared the out of me!" said the boy, hitting the intruder on the arm.

"Sorry about that. It's about the girl, she can leave."

You looked up at them with a shocked expression. *F-free? I can leave?*

"They actually went through with it?" asked the boy with a smirk before laughing. "What losers, just for her?" He looked over to you making you feel intimidated. "She's not even THAT good looking."

"Who cares! We got what we wanted!" answered the other boy, who walked towards you. He grabbed your arm and lifted you up harshly. He started dragging you out of the door but the other boy stopped him.

The boy looked at you straight in the eye before smirking. "Don't forget this experience hun. And don't  with B.A.P. We will mess you up."

You shyly nodded. The boy nodded towards the other one. You were once again dragged out and out into the main area. Or at least you guessed.

You were pushed foreward, making you stand infront of a guy. He had blonde hair and wore a black wife-beater and black baggy pants. He looked at you straight in the eyes. "It was nice meeting you, miss. If we ever need anything else, we'll gladly bring you in." He smirked and the others around him laughed.

*Yeah right, like I'd let myself be taken away a second time by you guys.* you thought as you held in your anger.

"Your prince charmings are just in the other room. You're free to go." he mocked as his smirk grew.

You slowly walked away, being cautious in case they decided to do anything. You were half way across the room when a loud bang echoed throughout the room.

", what's going on?" you hear someone say out loud. In a matter of second, the room was filled with smoke. You coughed loudly and continued walking, hoping to get to the door to get some fresh air. Before you could reach the door, a hand grabs yours and spins you around.

You close your eyes, waiting for anything to happen, but nothing did. You open your eyes and look up into someone elses eyes. The boy stared at you, with wide eyes. Through the smoke, you were able to make out that he had short brown hair with soft, yet harsh eyes. Before you could react, you felt pain from the back of your head. The next thing you know, blackness engulfed your mind and vision.


You stir awake, opening your eyes before lifting your hands to stop the light from hurting you even more. You feel pain shoot from the back of your head and wince at the pain. You slowly sit up, confused and in pain. You look around the room to notice you were in a living room, laying on a couch. You place your feet on the floor and try standing up but the pain in your head got worse making you groan and wince.

You hear a door open to your right and you quickly look. Wrong move since pain shot through your spine and head forcing you to close your eyes.

"Be careful! That was a harsh blow you took to the head. I'm amazed you're even awake now." said a soft, soothing voice. You look up and your eyes meet with equally as soft eyes.

Removing your eyes from his, you glance at his entire face. He had blonde hair, slightly tossed to the side. He chuckled which made you focus your attention back to his eyes. "You're probably wondering who I am?" he asked, cleary amused.

You nod slightly, slightly embarrassed about being in a room with a stranger. "My name is Taemin, I'm from KyuJong Academy."

You remember reading on a very prestigious academy, quite the opposite from the little town it was situated in. You would have tried getting in but the asking price was ridiculous.

"You're Min Young right?"

Your eyes widen. *H-how does he know my name? Is he holding me hostage!?*

As if reading your mind, he says, "Don't worry, I'm not holding you hostage or anything."

Getting the courage to speak up, you weakly say, "H-how do you know then?"

"Well," he started, a soft smile appearing on his face. He looked like an angel. "With Chen's little outburst the other night, I'm surprised the whole town doesn't know your name by now."

*Makes sense. That babo, wait till I see him again!!* you think while a forming a frown. Chen could be a real pain in the without him even being in the same room.

"Since we know each others names, would you like something to drink or eat. You must be starving." he asked kindly.

At the exact moment, your stomach decided to growl. You flush out of embarrasement before shyly nodding. He chuckles before extending his hand. "I'll help you to the kitchen."

You place your hand in his as you stand up, quickly using his as a balance stool since the pain in the back of your head shoot throughout your whole back, making you wince at the pain.

You both slowly walk to the kitchen were four other boys are. A dark brown haired boy with a sharp jaw was leaning against the counter. Another blond hair boy was leaning against the fridge. A boy with brown and yellow hair was standing with his hands crossed onto his chest. The last one was standing next to the other blond. Your eyes widen when you noticed him. It was the boy you saw before you passed out!

As you both entered, their attention turned towards you and Taemin. You start feeling shy under their gaze. "You're awake!" the one with brown and yellow hair says, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay, just a bit painful in the back of my head." you honestly answer.

"Ya, that's to be expected," the other blond said as he glared at the boy with the sharp jawline, " since you got hit over the head with a pipe!"

The boy with the sharp jawline lifted himself off from the counter. "I'm sorry okay? I didn't see her through the smoke; I thought she was one of them."

The boy next to him patted him on the shoulder, calming him down. "It was an accident," he looked over to you, "we're just glad you're safe."

"Ya, why were you with B.A.P. anyways?" asked Taemin from your side.

You look at him and shrug. "I don't know. They forced me out of my house early this morning and brought me over to where you found me. I don't know the reason though."

The other blond boy laughs out loud. "Typical of them. They'll do anything to get what they want."

"Well at least you're away from them." the brown/yellow haired boy turns to you. "Since we know your name, we'll introduce ourselves. I'm Onew."

The boy with the sharp jawline spoke up next. "I'm Jonghyun, sorry about hitting you."

The other blond boy lifted his hand. "I'm Key."

The boy from before bowed a little before giving you a smile. "I'm Minho."

"And you already know my name!" Taemin grins from beside you. "Let's make some food now. How about kimbap?"

You nod. "Thanks for taking care of me."

"It's the least we could do." Key said. 

He walked over to your side while Taemin left yours to go make kimbap. "I have a question for you."

You look up at him. "Sure, what is it?"

"What hair color do you think I should get done?"

The others sighed at his question, making you giggle. They were interesting to say the least.



Sorry for taking like a month to update. I had an writer's block and school didn't help. But I actually have a sort of guide as to where this story is going.

Hope you guys enjoyed it! And shoutout to Fantasied-halos who pushed me to publish something today!


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ReenRieX #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 10 : OH MY GOD !! Does sehun like's her ?? Omgg !!!! Please update soon !! This is kinda sound great and cool .. Why is infite not shown in the story so much like shinee or exo ?? Even b1a4... Anyways why havent you update anymore ?? I really eagerly want to know the whole story to like OnnieChun.
Chapter 14: buuuuuuurn. i found this in my subscription list. why haven't you updated this? i really like how the story too
Chapter 14: please~~ update soon!!!
i love your story!
good work author-nim~ ^^
flyboytuan #4
Chapter 14: Looove the story please update ^^
SMentFan99 #5
Chapter 14: When will you update more, authornim? I will be wsiting for the next chapter!! ^^
SMentFan99 #6
Chapter 14: When will you update more, authornim? I will be wsiting for the next chapter!! ^^
Chapter 14: D'aww. When will she meet INFINITE? She already meet Woohyun tho o3o
Sakura_24 #8
Chapter 14: I want all of the gangs to meet up now!!,;) FIGHT ! FIGHT!!FIGHT!!
Please update :)
Chapter 12: Sehun started to have feeling towards Minyoung - Yuki