

To say that everything was fine between you and Chen was an understatement. It`s true the both of you had reconciled and you actually got along with the others but things were awkward between the two of you. You had never cried like that before, let alone in front of someone, and he had never displayed that sort of comfort to anyone.

The others noticed as well but never brought it up in risk of getting yelled at or making the atmosphere even more awkward. Putting Chen aside, the others were very friendly with you. Compared to when you first met them, their behaviour was like a complete 360 turn. 

''So let me get this straight,'' you say, putting down your chopsticks. You were currently at the boys hang out place, considering it was a Sunday, and had ordered chicken. ''You guys put up this facade at school to keep the girls at bay?''

''We have no choice.'' Kai said, taking a bite from his piece of fried chicken.

''But why? It doesn't make sense.''

''Are you kidding? Imagine how the fangirls would react if they knew how cute, cuddly and sweet we actually were. We'd be all dead!'' spoke up Tao.

''I wouldn't call you guys sweet and cuddly but I'll give you the cute part.''

''Ohhh is this the start of your undying love for us?'' said a smirking Chanyeol.

''In your dreams buddy.'' you bonk your hand against his head before grabbing your piece of chicken.

You continued eating, chatting away with the boys over anything. You finished your meal and quickly glanced at your watch. ''Oh crap!'' you say standing up, startling the others. ''Look how late it is! I need to head home.'' you make way through the boys before grabbing your backpack from beside the couch, slinging it over your shoulder.

''Wait up! I'll walk you.'' Sehun got up and walked over to you.

''You guys don't have to keep walking me home you know. I'm a big girl!'' you say with a pout. It had become a sort of habit that one of them would walk you home at night when you stayed with them. Even though you would never say it out loud, you liked it. It made you feel safe.

''Yes, a big girl who easily gets kidnapped.'' mocked Sehun, quickly putting on a sweater.

''Hey, I was caught off guard! If it happens again, I'll whoop their asses!"

"If you say so. I'm still walking you home." he said, walking out the door.

You bid your goodbye's to the others and catch up to Sehun. The nights were starting to get a little colder as autumn came. The leaves started turning red and brown as they fell from the trees. A brisk wind passed, making you wrap your hands around your arms. You suddenly regretted not taking a sweater this morning.

In a matter of minutes you made it to your place. Sehun walked you to your door and stopped as you turn his way. "Thanks for walking me home again."

"No problem. It's become a habit to take a walk every night now." He said, crossing his arms.

You smile at him and turn around to unlock your door. From behind you, Sehun looked at the surrounding, making sure there was nothing suspicious or harmful. As you turn back towards him, he snaps his attention back to you.

"Well, thanks again." You say leaning foreward, and peck his cheek.

Sehun flushes at your action. He stares at you with wide eyes and flushed cheeks which makes you chuckle. "Good night Sehunnie~" you tease, walking into your home and closing the door behind you.

Sehun stood there a bit longer, just staring at your door in shock. *Did she...kiss me?* Even though he knew it was a simple kiss on the cheek. Something everyone does now and then but he couldn't help it. Suddenly, the image of your soft, plump lips came into his mind. He thought about what it would feel like to feel your lips against his as he wrapped his arms around your waist, bringing you closer to him. *Omg what am I doing!?*

Feeling shocked and appauled from his thoughts, he quickly ran away from your house. Maybe a run around the block would clear his mind of his thoughts.


Another day, another boring experience at school.

Other than hanging out with the Exo boys at lunch time and spending your free class time chatting with a few in class, it was boring as hell. Homework was given out, girls glared at you for being with their precious Exo boys, class lectures were boring. The list goes on. But finally you were free from the jail you call a school.

You step out the school doors and breath in the fresh air you unknowingly missed. You head towards the gates just as an arm wraps around your shoulder. You knew exactly who it was. "Chanyeol please get your arm off me."

"You never complained before." he said, ignoring you completely. "So what should we do today? Arcade? Another night of fried chicken?"

"I could go for more chicken" Kai said. It didn't surprise you much considering he was obsessed with chicken.

"Actually," you say taking Chanyeol's arm off you, "I kind of wanted to go home and relax for today."

"What? Why?" proclaimed Chanyeol.

"I just want to do my homework in peace."

"Who cares about homework! The teachers don't check it anyway!' protested Kai.

"But I care! I actually want to go to a decent university." You reposition your backpack on your shoulders. "Look, I promise we can hang out tomorrow."

Chanyeol frowned. "Fine. But you have to buy us hoddeok tomorrow!"


"And coins for the arcade!" Kai said.


"And do our homework for the next week!"

"Argh, fine! Now enough! I'll see you both tomorrow." you wave towards them and head home. Just as you were out of their preying eyes, you quickly hop onto the bus which was about to take off. You felt a little guilty lying to Chanyeol and Kai but it was a little white lie. You were honest, you did want to do homework and go home. But, you wanted to stop by the music store and pick up another CD. As much as you love the boy's company, you need alone time too.

After 15 minutes, you get off the bus and head straight for the music store. Bells ring as you open the door. You head over to a random section and start browsing the CD's. You look for a few minutes but find nothing that satisfied your needs. You lift your head and look around the store to see if maybe a worker could help you. Your gaze fizes on a certain dark haired boy. You smile and walk over to him, tapping his shoulder.

He turns around with a bright smile. "Hello how can I- Oh! You're back!"

"Hello to you too." you say with a chuckle.

"I'm guessing you finally came to spend some quality time with me." he says with a greasy smile.

"Haha very funny Woohyun. I came for a new CD but I can't seem to find anything that pleases me."

"Well then let me be of assistance!" he walks over to a section and starts naming CD's. They all seemed good but nothing stood out. You frown and sigh. Woohyun looks over to you. "What's wrong?" he asks.

"They all seem nice but none of them stick out, you know?"

Woohyun's eyes sparkle with happiness as his smile grows. You had peaked his interest for being the new girl in town but now, he wanted to know more about you. "I know exactly what you mean. I'm the same way!"

You look at him with widen eyes. "Really? What a relief, I thought I was the only person who thought that way." You sigh in relief and look down at the CD's. Your eyes quickly lock onto a name. SHINHWA. 

"Who are they?" you ask, picking one of the CD's up.

"Them? They're an idol group who've been in the business for quick some time now. They're really popular but I'm surprised they would peek your interest."

You chuckle. "I don't have a perticular taste in music. I listen to whatever I like."

You continue looking at the CD, admiring the handsome features of the singers as well as reading the title of the songs. "I think I'll take this one."

You walk over to the counter as Woohyun slides behind it. He scans the CD and you pay him the exact amount.

Although you were sad to leave the music store, you didn't have a reason to stay anymore. But you didn't want to go home right away. 

"Is there a cafe or something nearby?" you ask making Woohyun look into your eyes. "I have a craving for something sweet."

"Hmm, I don't know about a cafe but there is a candy store just a few stores away from here. It has a huge pink sign hanging outside. You can't miss it." he answers still looking into your eyes, not wanting to look away. Your eyes were a warm, chocolate color which made him melt under your gaze.

You blush as he keeps staring and bow your head. "T-thanks for helping me today. I'll see you around."

You smile at him one last time before heading out the door, making the bells ring again.

As you left, he gazed at you until he couldn't see you anymore. Leaning foreward onto the counter, he smiles and rubs his finger over his lips; an action he often did when in a daze. His mind was flooded with thoughts about you and who you were as a person. Though he was quickly snapped out of his thoughts as the bells rang, signaling someone walking in. He looked in their direction with a smile. "Hello, how may I help you?"


You walked further down the lane, reading every store name in your head. *Lilly's Library. Angel Haven. Bell Restaurant. Sunny's Candy Store! That must be the one Woohyun was talking about.*

You walk inside the store and look around at the colorful candies and chocolates surrounding you. They seem to have everything from lollipops to sour candy to gum! Although you weren't a fan of candies, you couldn't help but feel like a child in this store. Suddenly feeling very giddy, you walk over to the variety of candies. You didn't want to get too much but who were you kidding. You'd buy the entire store if you had to!

A soft and kind voice spoke up from behind you, "Welcome to Sunny's Candy Store, do you need any help?"

You turn around to kindly refuse their offer but you widen your eyes at the familiar boy infront of you. "Taemin! I didn't know you worked here."

"Minyoung! I didn't even recongnize you from behind."

You ponder of the fact that Taemin works a candy store but it made sense. His kind personality was perfect for a store like this.

"Was there anything you were looking for?" he asked, snapping you from your thoughts.

"I was just browsing but since you're here, what would you recommend for someone who has a sweet tooth but doesn't normally eat candy."

"Hmm," he raised his hand to his chin, rubbing it slightly in his thoughts, "This is the first time I meet someone who doesn't eat candy. But," he walks over to a tube of gummy bears. "From personal experience, I would recommend gummy bears. They're my favourite. Not too sweet, not too sour, just right."

You walk over to his right side and brighten at the site of the many colorful gummy bears."You certainly fit this job perfectly. This is perfect for what I was looking for."

He looks over and notices how bright your smile is and how your eyes shine with a certain joy. Although this is only his second encounter with you, he couldn't help but think you look radiant right now. 

He quickly snapped out of his thoughts when your eyes lock with his. "I'll take a bag full of these please."

Returning your smile, he quickly gets to work and bags the gummy bears you requested. You both head over to the counter and he puts the bag on the weighing machine."That will be 10,000 won."

You pay him the right amount. You took your bag of gummy bears, slung your backpack off your back and placed the gummy bears next to your CD. You place your bag back on and lock eyes with Taemin once more. "Thanks for the help! I'll see you around!" you wave and leave the store as Taemin waves back.

You make your way back to the bus stop and wait for the bus. The bus quickly arrives and you go in, slightly skipping at the thought of arriving home. You couldn't wait to start your homework as you listened to your new CD while enjoying your bag of deliciously sweet gummy bears.


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ReenRieX #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 10 : OH MY GOD !! Does sehun like's her ?? Omgg !!!! Please update soon !! This is kinda sound great and cool .. Why is infite not shown in the story so much like shinee or exo ?? Even b1a4... Anyways why havent you update anymore ?? I really eagerly want to know the whole story to like OnnieChun.
Chapter 14: buuuuuuurn. i found this in my subscription list. why haven't you updated this? i really like how the story too
Chapter 14: please~~ update soon!!!
i love your story!
good work author-nim~ ^^
flyboytuan #4
Chapter 14: Looove the story please update ^^
SMentFan99 #5
Chapter 14: When will you update more, authornim? I will be wsiting for the next chapter!! ^^
SMentFan99 #6
Chapter 14: When will you update more, authornim? I will be wsiting for the next chapter!! ^^
Chapter 14: D'aww. When will she meet INFINITE? She already meet Woohyun tho o3o
Sakura_24 #8
Chapter 14: I want all of the gangs to meet up now!!,;) FIGHT ! FIGHT!!FIGHT!!
Please update :)
Chapter 12: Sehun started to have feeling towards Minyoung - Yuki