

Dark, grey clouds covered the sky. Harsh winds made trees whip around and look like they would break off any second. Rain poured down so hard, it was hard to see a feet infront of you. This was the kind of day you were used to. Today, was the first day at your new school. Why? Because luck was never on your side.

Your other school was a disaster. People bullied you, you failed every course even if you studied. Even back at home, you had troubles with your family. But, you were used to it. Since you started high school a few years ago, only bad luck has happened. This was why you were here, in the little city of Gyeryong. You wanted to start over. You wanted a new beginning.

But, as luck may have it, your first day at your new school started off with horrible weather. You hoped this was the last you'd see of lady luck today.

Dragging yourself inside the building, you shake your soaking wet umbrella and close it up. Your bag, uniform and hair had gotten a little wet on the trip here since the wind sprayed rain everywhere. You walk over to your locker, shaking some water out of your hair. "My hair better dry before I get to class." you say out loud. You had a habit of speaking your mind. Another one of lady luck's wonderful gifts.

You open your locker and put your umbrella in. The school allowed for bags to be brought in class as long as it wasn't for bad use like bringing in weapons or whatever else. You close your locker and take out your schedule from your bag. Your first class was History. You make your way down the empty hallway, looking at the room numbers. "Why are the hallways empty? God, don't tell me I'm late!" you, once again, say out loud. You rush to find your classroom.

You arrive infront of a door with the room number B1-123 over it. This was your history class. You can hear voices from inside. You knock on the door and the voices dissapear. You gulp.

The door opens and a woman appears. She looks at you up and down before asking, "Who are you?"

"I'm a n-new student? My name is Park Min Young."

"Ah right, the new kid. Well, I'm your history teacher," she stops short and looks at your hair then your uniform. "You're late." she says with a harsh tone.

"S-sorry miss, the weather made the walk here longer."

"Don't let it happen again. Now introduce yourself and then sit down wherever you like." she walks back to her seat, leaving the door open.

You walk inside, closing the door, and you turn towards your class. All eyes are on you. 'Is it that weird to see a new student?' you think.

You bow. "Hello, my name is Park Min Young. I'm a new student so please take care of me." You lift your head and notice a few smirks and laughter coming from some of the students. You can hear a few whispers which were clearly about you.

"Look at her uniform? Didn't she bring an umbrella?"

"How can she come here with THAT hair?"

"New kid huh? Haven't seen those in a while."

You quietly make your way to an empty seat at the front. Just as your about to sit, a hand stops you from sitting. You look at the person who blocked you and see a girl. She had long blonde hair with a smirk plastered on her face. "Sorry, you can't sit there." she says mockingly.

"Why not?" you ask. Was this girl serious?

"I don't want to sit next to a loser like you." a few people around her laugh at her response. You sigh. 'I guess the bullying isn't going to stop.' you think moving away from the seat. You look around the class and notice one empty seat in the back. You walk over and sit down. This time, no one stopped you. Your seat was the second row from the window.

You wait for the teacher to start teaching but strangely, she doesn't. She was sitting at her desk, playing on her phone. You stare at your teacher. 'What's wrong with this school?' you couldn't help but think. At that second, the teacher looks up. "Read your textbooks. Or whatever, I don't care."

Shocked by the teachers behaviour, you couldn't help but whisper out loud, "Seriously, what have I gotten myself into?"

From beside you, you can hear someone laughing. You turn your head and see a boy. He has brown hair swepted to the right. He's staring right at you, letting a few chuckles from time to time. "What?" you ask.

"Nothing. Just laughing at you." he smirks and leans on his hand. You scoff and turn away from him. The nerve.

Since you had no textbook yet, you took out a notebook and decided to write. You like to write. Not like a story but write down your emotions. Ever since lady luck decided to befriend you, you wrote down any feelings you bottled up. It was like a liberation. It was the only way you could cope with it.

You were able to write down a paragraph before a hand landed infront of you. Surprised from the noise it made, you look up. Another boy, who also had brown hair, had leaned his chair back and used your desk as a support. "Hey new girl~" he said with a certain tone. You could only cringe.

You ignore him and go back to your notebook. In the middle of writing, your pencil gets taken from you. Of course, it was the boy infront of you. He held it near him. "Yah, it's not nice ignoring someone who's trying to be nice."

You actually felt a little guilty. Maybe you assumed he was going to be teasing you. Maybe he was nice.

You felt a hand grasp your chin and you notice the boy's face about a few inches away from yours. "You should make it up to me. How about a kiss~?" he says with that same tone as before and a smirk.

In disgust, you smack his hand away.He most certainly was not a nice guy. He only laughs. "You're fun to tease~"

'Seriously? Lady luck sure loves to see me suffer'

The boy is about to turn back to the front but not before saying, "My name is Chen by the way. You better remember it."

"Why would I want to remember it?" you had to learn not to speak your mind.

"You might be screaming it later babe~"

'He did not just say that.' You drop your jaw in shock and he smirks. He turns back around.

You grip your notebook and clench your jaw. This guy just makes you angry. He still had your pencil but he could burn it for all you cared. You don't want anything if that guy touched it.

You just wished for school to end quickly.


To your horror, you learned that it wasn't the students who changed classrooms but the teachers switched out instead. So you were stuck with this erse guy till the school year ended. He actually didn't bother you for the rest of the classes which you enjoyed. Maybe your luck had finally changed!

It was now lunch time and you headed towards the cafeteria. Like any school, groups had their own tables. The cheerleaders stuck together, the jocks stuck together and the list goes on. You grab some kimbap and a water bottle. Since you had no group, you looked around the cafeteria to see if an empty table was available. To your luck, there was!

You walk over to the empty table and settle down. Just as you unwrap your kimbap, you notice the cafeteria growing quietier. You look around the room and notice some students staring at you. Was it because you were the only one sitting alone? Probably.

Suddenly, you feel a presense beside you. You turn and see non other then Chen. "Well, well, what do we have here? Miss me already~?" he says with a sly smirk. You scoff. "If you wouldn't mind, I'm trying to eat." you say, scooting away from him.

Suddenly, you hit a hard yet soft wall with your side. You turn around to see another boy, one you didn't know, smirking down at you. He was tall! Like a friggin' giant!

"You know her Chen? Why didn't you tell me!" he says with a deep voice. You were not expecting that voice to come out of this guy. "I've never seen her before, is she new?" he asked Chen. 'They're talking like as if I'm not even there...'

"Yup~ A new student, we haven't had those in years!"

"Well, this will be fun." said the mystery boy with a chuckle. You look at him with confusion. What was he talking about?

Before you could ask, voices erupted from the entrance of the cafeteria. You look over and notice a gang of boys. There was 10 of them, being noisy and loud. "Hey guys, over here!" yells Chen waving to the group of boys. 'Oh hell no, I am not staying here.'

You grab your things and stand up but only to be stopped by a hand pushing on your shoulder, pulling you back down. You look up at the mystery boy who only grinned. "Wait, we want you to meet our friends! I'm sure they'll love to hear about you."

As you were about to stand up again, the group of boys had sat down around the table. You gulp.

All of them are staring at you. Some had no emotions, some had smirks, some had curiosity written all over their faces. One of them spoke up. "Who is she Chanyeol? Why she sitting here?"

"She's a new student Suho! Isn't that great?"

So the giant holding you down was Chanyeol. 'I could just smack him over the-'

Your thoughts were interrupted when a boy with jet black hair yelled out, "A new toy? Yay! This school was getting boring anyways!"

You stare at the boy. Toy? You certainly were no toy. His eyes met with yours. "Hello, my name is Tao~" he waved and smiled.

You blink. How can he act so normaly after just yelling out about using you as a toy!

"Yah, Tao! No flirting, I called first!" you felt an arm wrap itself around your shoulder. Chen smirked. "Right babe?"

That's it. You had enough. You smack his arm off of you and get up. You grab your things and stare at the group of boys. "Ok, first, I'm not a toy. I'm not here to cure your boredom. Second," you look at Chen, "Stop calling me babe. It's not happening." You look back towards the group. "It was nice meeting you but I'm leaving. Bye."

Without a second glance, you leave the cafeteria. You go to your locker and slide down till you're sitting on the floor. "Why me?" you whisper to no one. You close your eyes and try to relax.

Without you knowing, once you left the cafeteria, 12 boys were smirking. Boy, they were about to have some fun.


Done the first chapter! Hope you liked it! :)



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ReenRieX #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 10 : OH MY GOD !! Does sehun like's her ?? Omgg !!!! Please update soon !! This is kinda sound great and cool .. Why is infite not shown in the story so much like shinee or exo ?? Even b1a4... Anyways why havent you update anymore ?? I really eagerly want to know the whole story to like OnnieChun.
Chapter 14: buuuuuuurn. i found this in my subscription list. why haven't you updated this? i really like how the story too
Chapter 14: please~~ update soon!!!
i love your story!
good work author-nim~ ^^
flyboytuan #4
Chapter 14: Looove the story please update ^^
SMentFan99 #5
Chapter 14: When will you update more, authornim? I will be wsiting for the next chapter!! ^^
SMentFan99 #6
Chapter 14: When will you update more, authornim? I will be wsiting for the next chapter!! ^^
Chapter 14: D'aww. When will she meet INFINITE? She already meet Woohyun tho o3o
Sakura_24 #8
Chapter 14: I want all of the gangs to meet up now!!,;) FIGHT ! FIGHT!!FIGHT!!
Please update :)
Chapter 12: Sehun started to have feeling towards Minyoung - Yuki