
The ABK ♥


"Sulli!!!!" My best friend in the whole entire world ran up to me and hugged me tightly when I got out the airport. It was nice to be back in America. I squeezed Sulli tightly as she grabbed one of my bags. I fished through my back pocket for my phone.

I'm in New York now. -Taeminnie

I helped Sulli with the bag as we go to the car. We put the stuff in the trunk. As we closed the trunk door, I felt a hug from behind. And then the 2 person hug became a hug of 6 as more of my friends come to greet me.

"Welcome home, Minnie!"

"Thank you, I'm so happy to see you guys, Sulli, Amber, Luhan, Sehun and Chanyeol. Oh my god just take me home."

"Hunny, you are home". Amber kissed my cheek.

"Oh man, it's cuddling time, come on bring it here." Chanyeol opened up his arms but Sulli pushed Chanyeol away causing him to pout.

"Ain't nobody got time for that. Come on let's go home. Bet you haven't had pizza in a while."

"You're right. I have not. So lets go!"

The ride from JFK airport to my home isn't far. We live right by Queens so the ride was at least, 10-15 minutes at least. But when we arrived. It was the most dearest thing. I didn't even want to unpack the car because I was too anxious to be in my bed. But of course, dad wouldn't allow that. I opened the door to my house and I see everyone. Just everyone. Suho, Kyungsoo, Jongin, Baekhyun, Lay, Tao, Kris, Xiumin and Chen sitting around chilling like they always do because no one ever seems to like to go home and stay in their own room.

"Guys! Hey!!"

"Taemin! You're safe and you're home and oh my goodness I missed you terribly." Kai wrapped his arms around my shoulder and hugged me tightly.

"Oh Kaiii~ I missed you as well. I get so lonely without you. And you don't even text me! You have a phone, you don't even use it."

"You have a phone too, do you even use it?"

"All the time!" I pulled out my phone. "See?!"

"Looks like 1 message from home." Xiumin added, "made friends over there already." I checked my phone. It was a text message from Minho.

Missing you already- TheFroggyPrince

I blushed softly. Amber took my phone and ran to the other side near D.O and Kris. I chased after Amber but realize, I'm too tired to run around and play.

"Talk about lovers. You're friends with Minho. The Minho."

"Talk about Public Enemy # 1, Amber. He bullied me a lot. And he called me really mean names because I'm American."

"But he says here, he misses you."

"Only because I kissed him." The whole room 'ooohed' and became shushed. The best thing I love about this bunch is that, they love gossip. A bunch of gossip girls they were. Especially Lay and Baekhyun geez.

"A kiss?" Lay questions.

"What kind of kiss was it?" Chanyeol asked, "was it like a simple peck or maybe a smooch or like a whole make out session?" Chanyeol, the only person who would ask a question like that.

"Says the ,"Kris muttered softly.

"Wow, look at that a woman who doesn't know any better."

"You mutt!"

" face!"


"Guys guys please, settle down. I just came home. Lets be happy, ok?" I sat dead in the middle of the two and popped my feet up on the table. "So when do you guys all decide that you want to leave my house?"

After some more drama, pizza from Dominos and talking around the table. They finally left my home. Dad was on the night shift so I was home alone. The only person who stayed with me was Luhan. He was half asleep. So I sat on my computer and video chatted with Jonghyun.


"Hey American Boy. Missed South Korea?"

"Barely, however I do miss you."

"Oh. Hehe. I missed you too Minnie.  I can't believe it's only 17 hours. Your presence is needed here."

"Yea well.. It's the weekend now. Just 21 more days. You'll suffice without me."

"Oh but this week has gotten so much more interesting."

"How so?"

"Minho's father found out."

"Wow, really? Is he mad?"

"Steaming. It was really awkward. But Minho is in much trouble."

"Damn it's all my fault. I should of known something like that would happen."

"The funny thing is, he wants to keep it going no matter what. He quotes 'it was the most exhilirating thing he has ever done' so when you come back, prepare more of your ."

"Haha, he actually said that. So I get the feeling that you and him talk now, right"

"Kinda, when we talk its mostly about you."

"Wow. That makes me feel like some kinda special."

"Psh, you're everything special." Then in the background there was murmuring. It sounded like "Jjong, please get back into the bed." With a closer look, there was another person in Jonghyun's bed. It was the guy from the office. He worked part time and he's a student as well. I cocked my head a little to the screen as Jonghyun, wide eyed and smuggled about his little dirty deed.

"Taemin, I'll talk to you later ok? Text me in the morning."

"My morning, your morning?"

"Your morning of course."

"Ok, have fun Jonghyun. Use a cond-"

"Shhh... Night bud." And we disconnected. To think Jonghyun.. He's truly amazing. He's how you say the " es, get money type." I closed my computer off for a moment and went to my phone. My feelings that technology is deadening human experiences continued to flow within the veins of my body as I ball myself next to Luhan reading my text message.

I miss you too, Minho. I heard you got into trouble with your dad off our little stunt. I'm sorry. I didn't know. -Taeminnie

No, it's not problem at all, really. He was just a little pissed off. But I told him my reasoning. He says he understands. -TheFroggyPrince


Yea. -TheFroggyPrince

I'm truly sorry however. -Taeminnie

No, really it's fine. I'm going to the gym soon so, I'll text you in the morning.-TheFroggyPrince

My morning, your morning?-Taeminnie

Yours of course. Xoxo -TheFroggyPrince

"He doesn't tell you that he loves you?"

"Oh Luhan, you're awake."

"You've been going out with him for a week, but he hasn't told you he loved you yet?"

"It's only been 5 days. Lets not rush into things. It's not even a real relationship. I'm using him and he's using me and we are using each other. No harm no foul, everyone gets what they want-"

"-until the other person starts falling in love Taemin. Playing that, is a risky game."

"Surely, I'll tell you. I don't believe Minho has real feelings for me."

"And what if he does?"

"And so what if he does, if he says he loves me. I'll tell him, I love him too."

"And if he wants you to stay in South Korea forever."

"Are you... I'm hinting a bit of concern, Luhan, are you.. Are you jealous?"

"Me, jealous! Pshhh nah! I just worried about you. Don't want some kind of charlatan come marching up into your life and stealing you away from us."

"Sure.. Ok, whatever Lulu." I tackled Luhan onto the couch and rolled up with him into a ball. He latched on to my shoulders and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back as well. I the television to watch something more American, like the house husbands of Hollywood.

Luhan and I have been friends since diapers. We've always been together causing havoc amoungst others. Putting pedofiles in jail and making a lot of noise wherever we go. Because of my parent's decision to live in different places, I go back and forth from North America to Asia every month, so they both don't feel like they are missing out on much in my life. I'm almost 17 though. It doesn't seem like much now but, in the long run I feel some psychological issue coming along. But everyone had been so supportive of me. Well everyone in America though. So many people who loved and cared about me. I reconsider ever going back. But I think of my mom. She was born and raised in South Korea. I doubt she'd ever want to move, and I  don't want to be split from my mommy. And now, I have Jonghyun, my batman. The school kid who gets along with everyone and gets anything he wants for being so cute and Minho, my "boyfriend" the cute, athletic, rich kid everyone wants. I'm like stuck in a movie, except no awkward and its actually really good. I enjoy living this double life.

Luhan snuggled close to my chest and I hugged him tightly. I guess his parents were fighting again, that's why he's getting very comfortable. It's a thing between us. His light breathing tells me he's asleep and I lowered down the volume of the television. I tried to close my eyes a bit. It feels like a long time since I've came home. I missed this feeling. I felt my eyes getting heavier when my phone vibrated. I opened the text message box.

I just, I kind of wanted to tell you. And ... Man it's so nerve wrecking to tell you this but... I .. I love you -TheFroggyPrince

I looked at the message and smiled a little. Then I looked at the message once more to see if I read right. I love you. Minho loved me. I looked down at Luhan and sighed at the fact he slept so peacefully. I picked up my phone and did exactly what I said I was going to do.

Minho, I.. I love you as well. -Taeminnie.


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