
The ABK ♥

Minho had an unbelievably tight grip on my hand but, no pain can subside the fact that everyone thinks I'm so kind of heartbreaker. Its hard enough everyone in school makes fun of me but to add on more emotional stress. On Friday, I'm not going to school for a month. I just want to stay with my dad. I hate it here so much.

We rushed down to the basement. Jonghyun was already downstairs with the tape. His hair was a little messed up and his shirt button loosed. Minho stopped right behind me. I couldn’t help but to laugh.

"I told you, finding the tape was easier than finding Minho."


"Oh hey, Minho." Jonghyun smiled softly. Minho had a dumbfounded look on his face and looked at me. I shrug my shoulders and turned to Jonghyun.

"Dude, what happened to you?"



Door knocks. . .

"Excuse me, hello? Is anybody in here?"

"Oh.. Master Jonghyun. What brings you here? "

"Key, I.. uh.. I came... I came for the uh.. tape of Minho and Taemin. Do you have it? "

"I do, but.. I'm not allowed to give to students. "

"But.. I'm not just any student." Jonghyun pushed Key onto the table of the school principal's office. Key wrapped his legs around Jonghyun's waist as Jonghyun pressed his lips against Key's. He couldn't keep his hands off his fellow classmate. Jonghyun slipped his hands underneath's Key's shirt as Key ran his fingers through Jonghyun's white hair. Key broke the kiss and looked away from Jonghyun.

"Jonghyun, please.. not here."

"Then when Key? When will I ever be able to be with you again. You work so long and hard in the office. I just want my time with you."

"I'm sorry, but you know I'm trying to get the extra money to put me through the next month or so."

"Key, babe. You know I could take care of you. You don't have to work so long anymore. Babe, I love you."

"Jonghyun.. I.. I love you too." Key placed his lips on Jonghyun's as Jonghyun embraces his secret lover. "Would you like the tape?"

"Thank you."


"I fell."

"You fell kind of hard there Jonghyun." I scratched my head and moved to the other side of the table. Minho sat on the other side and Jonghyun stepped directly into the middle. I put on the light and shined it to Minho's face.

"Minho, what's this about a rumour I hear about you being head over heels in love with me? And that I broke your heart?! One moment you wanted to slam my face into a wall and next thing you know I hear that you want to slam me into a bed and love me all over?"


"Isnt it bad enough, I get picked on because I'm American and Korean but, now I'm getting hurt by your stupid fan girls as well. Why me? "


"What do you have to say for yourself?!"


"Nothing, that's what! You have absolutely nothing to say. There's nothing to say. This is the video that's been leaked to everyone, the video where you kissed me that Friday night, who leaked the video Minho?! Who leaked it?!!"

"I DID TAEMIN. However, I didn't mean for it to have a negative affect. I just wanted to show everyone I wasn't into anybody else. And for them to leave me alone. I didn't mean for anyone to attack you. I didn't mean for you to get hurt and I definitely didn't mean to embarass you. Taemin, I'm sorry."


"And most of the things are true Taemin. I did miss you, I missed you alot. You were gone for a week and everyone thought you might’ve killed yourself. I know you hadn't but I still missed you. A lot. And people kept asking me out and proposing to me. I wanted them to stop too. So, I used you."

And suddenly that jerk from two Fridays ago wasn't a jerk anymore. He bowed his head to me and pouted a little. I felt more of the jerk now. He just wanted to be unbothered. I understand that feeling too. He was about to leave and I felt my conscious biting into me. My body moved closer to his and I wrapped my arms around him.

"Now, that this is all cleared up. Lets try to make the situation better. People think we are together now right? Let's keep it that way."

"You seriously mean it. There will be a lot of people bashing on you, hurting you. Some might try to kill you. I shouldn't put you through that."

"My mom said I needed to make new friends anyways." I laughed unconsciously. Minho wrapped his arms around my neck. I looked up to him all wide eyed and confused. He looked down at me, buggie eyes and awkward,

“I’m sorry, too soon?” He pouted.

“Oh, come on.. don’t pout.” He pouted a little more. “Oh please, Minho stop.. you’re like.. you’re like a decelerated puppy. . . . .Oh Minho.” Jonghyun laughed at us a little. He wiped a tear out of his eyes from all is laughter and stuck his hands in his pocket. He walked upstairs out of the basement.

“Minho, what goes on between Jonghyun and yourself? He says you don’t like him. What’s up with that?”

“I’ll explain over time. So... what do we do now? Do I just tell the whole school that we are together now?”

“I think, I’m going to do what I do best and cause a little trouble. Are you up to it?”

Minho cocked his head a little. Things just got 20% more interesting from here on out.

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