The American Invasion

The ABK ♥

My back is so sore, I'm tired and I think I have a headache. It was a Tuesday morning and I couldn't choose a worser day to be sick. School was in session and I was falling asleep.I kind of just want to go back home and sleep. After yesterday’s “chat session” I don’t wanna see another person for a while.


“No, baby your looks fine, I mean not that I’m looking, its kind of just.. there.”

“Awww Xiumin, Kris thinks I have a big .”

“Congrats Yeollie, want a cookie?”


“Guise shut the up! Class in session for these students.”

“I’m sorry Sehun.”

“Sorry, Hunnie~”

And the migrane continues. Praying to god and all its goodness, they’ll pass my class. I sighed heavily. Then someone nudge my shoulder and passed me a note. Probably another threat from the students, this doesn’t get old.


I looked around, who sent me the note? Then I looked back and saw one of the girls blink back at me. She had a little grin spread on her face. Not putting the blame of the note on her, but.. the saying itself, she pointed to the door, I shrugged my shoulder.

I don’t know them. I mouthed.

They are kind of loud.she mouthed

Ah.. yea. I’m sorry? i scratched my head. I looked away from the girl and raised my hand.

“Yes Taemin!”

“Can, I go to the bathroom?”

“Fine, Taemin go.” I got up and roamed the hallways, wondering where those nincompoops could have gone.

“Taemin-issi.” I turned around. Minho looked down at me. I stepped back.

“Ah, too close, Hi, Minho.. you couldn’t possibly be out here because~ you heard ..”Minho broke out laughing. I gave surprised look and threw my fist up. OK, OK where's Ashton Kutcher, I think I'm being punk'd. He wiped tear of laughter from his eye and put his hands on my shoulder.

"Taemin, your friends.. invaded my class."


"YES! Chanyeol started a flash mob and Amber, Chen and Tao joined in. They were dancing to “Party Rock Anthem” and Chanyeol was dancing on the desk. screamin everyday, I’m shuffling.”

“Oooooh dear god, it’s worst than I expect.”

“Everyone is blaming you and calling this the American Invasion. “

“Yea, I got this note with that title. Wait are they only ones there, did you see Kris, Sulli, Xiumin,  Luhan, Sehun Kai or D.O”

“I have not.” My hand slipped to my forehead. OH DEAR GOD! I was not sure what to expect. If I couldn’t get a hold of them, who knows what trouble they would cause? They were all little puppies and if we didn’t watch them.. things get broken. Speaking of which, Jonghyun ran out of the classroom. He noticed the both of us and shrugged his shoulders.

“Taemin, your friends need a leash.”

“I didn’t even know they would come to school today.. Are.. are they wearing the uniform?”

“Sulli man, cutest little thing in a plaid skirt.”


“Ooh, I kinda wanna see that?” We both glanced up at Minho and like what the ? Minho looked down and scratched his. “Too soon?”

“Well, Sherlock, where’d you get that idea. We need to round them up. and-”

“Whatchu mean, you want to see Sulli in a skirt.”

“Hm? Nothing.. nothing.. No, it’s not what you think... ah..I shut up now. “

“So anyways, I’ll find Luhan, Sehun, Sulli  and Kai. You’ll find Chanyeol, Xiumin and Chen and Amber. Minho, you find  Kris, Tao and D.O. If we can find them in less than 10 minutes, that means they haven’t caused too much collateral. “

“Great! Now, break.” We all split up in different directions, searching my friends. Letting the goose chase begin.

“LUHAN, SEHUN. SULLI, KAIIIIII? WHEREFORE ART THOU..” I stopped and thought. Them, coming by their names, fat chance.


“POLOOOOOO” Luhan and Sehun ran up to me, smiling. I gave them the look. I held them by the shoulders.

“Luhan, Sehun.. what are you doing here?”

“Didn’t you hear?” Luhan laughed. “It’s the American Invasion.. says most of your teachers. .”

“They are a creating a controversy, across the halls, says the janitor.” Sehun added.

Luhan laughed, “ Yea but they are cute though, said some of the girls.”

“Ooooh my goodness, you guys are just... where is everyone else?”

“Honestly, I don’t know! I lost Chanyeol ages ago but you know, he’s a wanderer. He’ll show up eventually. Then Tao, spotted this nice handbag in one of the classrooms and asked the teacher where he got in, in the middle of the class. I heard Sulli, Xiumin and D.O were looking for you to tell you this but I think I heard music coming from the library. Other than that, I don’t know where anyone else is. If we are lucky, they’ll find each other.” Luhan shrugged his shoulders.

“Taemin, your school is really pretty. I haven’t seen more neater hallways in my life.

“And talk about the students. All of them so, kawaii. “


“Cute. Yea, I was in some foreign language class. What was it.... er.... Japanese?”

Watashi wa sore ga nihonjindatta kanari kakushin e iru. Shikashi, Luhan wa bakadesu”Luhan and I looked at Sehun.


“So, can we find everyone before D.O decides to blow everyone up with things he finds on the internet?”

“Right, right.. Ok. Gotcha.” we all ran through the halls looking for everyone else. Looking through each classroom.


Minho had no trouble trying to find the others. It all started with a fall. Sulli was running around trying to see of everyone was under control. She ran into Minho tripped and fell. Minho looked at her wide eyed.

“Taemin? Gah, again, you’re not Taemin. Sulli right?” He helped her up. She got up and dusted herself off. Minho smiled at her but she gave him her best poker face. He blinked and stopped smiling. “Sulli, are you ok?”

“No, no , no, no.. I had this fear I was going to run into you and you were going to smile at me and I was going to fall for you. And no no no no no . You are not getting to me to fall for your good looks Mr. Choi, not here, not now, not ever. BELIEVE IT.”

“What if I said, I’m falling for you.”

“PLOT TWIST! Ooooooooh I’m telling Taemin. “ D.O screamed from across the hall. He was on Kai’s back again, coming up the steps.

“Unexpected!” Kai pointed his finger up towards the ceiling. He laughed.

“Wait guys, I was just joking, I mean.. I don’t feel that way for her. I promise.” Minho put his hands up and denied everything. Everyone laughed. He was confused. “Why are you guys laughing?”

“Because we are joking, Minho. It’s a joke...” Minho blinked. :We are not telling Taemin because we love Taemin too much to break his heart.”

“But, I didn’t do anything..”

“What if I said, I have everything on tape?”

“PLOT TWIST!” Kai yelled.

“Unexpected!” D.O laughed. Minho gave off a nervous laugh as he finally got the gist it was all a joke. He was still kind of nervous and ashamed. His joke got played off by a better joke, by these guys. Minho looked around to see if he could find the others.

“Ok, have you seen, Kris or Tao anywhere?”

“Last time I checked they were in one of the classrooms on this floor.”

“Right, right... er... what was it.”


“You idiot. bees don’t take blood, they take hunny.”

“OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, KREASEEEE HE WANT’S MY BLUBBER!” Then there was a rain of laughter.Minho could tell which class they were in. Minho’s second favourite class actually... Acting class.

“I think I found them Minho,” Kai marched along to the theatre room.


Jonghyun didn’t find Chanyeol, Xiumin, Chen and Amber. They found him. Chanyeol was giving people the awkward stare. And he caught Jonghyun, in the right place, but at the wrong moment. Xiumin and Chen were playing Chinese poker, and Amber was sitting near the principal’s desk, listening to music on her phone.

“Beautiful~ Here we go again my love, you know it, I will never let you go, my love, beautiful, hereeee we go, He were go.”

“Amber, going to go all Jamaican on us now, with that Bob Marley beat and super cats!”




“YOU KNOW WHAT CHEN!” and Xiumin flipped over a table and ruined the card game. “NOW YOU DON’T GET A HOUSE...” Xiumin did the get at me bro gesture and chucked up the deuces. He sat back down in his chair and Chen looks at Xiumin like.. what? Jonghyun and his friend Key, walked out from outside the room that led into the storage room, in which there are a lot of school supplies like copy paper and printers and computers. Jonghyun had a cocky little smile on his face, like he’s just won something special. Everyone stared at him, he looked up and stared at all of them. Key on the other hand was blushing and avoiding eye contact with everyone else. He snuck into the principal’s office to continue working.

“Ohhhh hey guys...”

“Ohhhh hey... Jonghyun. “

“So waddup Jongie..”


“You scored a cutie. He live around here?” Chen stuck a lollipop in his mouth and shuffled his cards. They were playing I Declare War, hoping that when they actually do play,Xiumin won’t declare actual war and flip the table over again.

"What? Him.. uh.."

"So, what you have a crush on him, Jonghyun? You like him, think he's cute? I think he's cute. "

"What crush? Ah uh.. no no noo.. its not really like that."

"Ooooh a slave."

"What?! Its not even.. Xiumin.. its not.. no.. he's not a slave at all. He's just someone I'm close with."

"So.. do you love him?"

"What is love?" Chanyeol asked.

“Dude, you are soooo deep I can’t even see you!” Amber slapped his knee.

“Guys, why are you so loud?”

“Because we come. We up. We leave and that is our American way.”

“Well, stop that. You are not in America, you are in South Korea, where the air is fresh and the drama is real. Congratulations!”

“Did I win something? Chanyeol asked nonchalantly.

“You get all my love,” said Chen hugging him tightly.

“Yes, you win an all expense paid trip back to Taemin, where you will get a stern warnin-”

“YAAAY~ Taemin!”

“Where is he?”

“I don’t know.” Minho ran into the office with Kai, D.O, Sulli, Kris and Tao who had a new bruise on his arm.

“OH HAI GUISE~” Chanyeol tackled Kris.

“Chanyeol, chanyeol.. let me go.. “ Kris blushed. Everyone went aww at the sight Kris blushing.

“Oh..ok. “ Chanyeol let Kris go.

“So where were we supposed to meet up again?”

“Good question...”

“Sooooo.... where is Taemin?”

Authournim says, she is sorry for her weakness and wanted to update two chapters because 

Her writing is getting bad. She said she loves you subbies and readers. You guys make her smile. 

Brighter than Exo's new song Growl with a very sadistic english translation.


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