Departures and Arrivals

The ABK ♥

"Hello.. hello... helloo... yea, Chanyeol here from the pilots area. Yea, um.. please prepare to descend out of the air. Please put your seatbelt on and do not remove them until you are told to do so."

I open my eyes and rubbed them. Was that Chanyeol on the intercom. Did he just say we are descending? We are finally getting off the plane?! OH THANK GOD. I put the seat in the upright position as I told Sulli to wake up. She only moved closer to me. So, I wacked her with a pillow. I looked around. Mostly everyone was asleep. Xiumin and Chen were playing some hand games. D.O. fell asleep on Kai and Kai was listening to music. Tao was looking through Kris's phone and Kris was playing on his Nintendo DS. Amber was on her IPear,  playing Candy Crush. Only Chanyeol seemed to be missing but we all knew he was being friendly with the pilot.

"C-Chanyeol- g-g-give me the mic!"



"Yes, Mr. Pilot sir. I love you Mr. Pilot sir. I believe in you. No pressure!"


"I'm going I'm going!" Chanyeol sits down in his seat and pouts. Amber reassures him everything will be alright. The plane goes down. Lower and lower. Surprise, no kind of remarks or loud anything from anyone. But, being up for the whole 17 hours, I'd be asleep too. I looked behind me, Luhan and Sehun were sleeping too.. yea it was about that time.

We have now reached Seoul, Korea. Thank you for flying with AirKorea. Please come again. And please, if you have a kid name Chanyeol. Leave him with your pet.

"SEE I TOLD YOU" Kris yelled. We all shrugged our shoulders and exited the aircraft.

**This part will be in script form to avoid confusion of whose talking to who.

Sehun: OK Head count!! LUHAN, Chen!

Chen: Getting my Korean boy mode on, hello!

Luhan: Here!

Sehun: Xiumin!

Xiumin: Here!

Sehun: Taemin!

Taemin: unfortunately.

Sehun: Kris, Tao, Amber?

Kris: SuP~

Amber: Hi Sehun.

Tao: Ohhh what's that?! -goes off to a little concession stand-up

Sehun: Kai, D.O., Sulli?

Sulli: Sehun oppa, I'm tired.

Sehun: soon.

Kai; Yo. And D.O is here. He's sleeping. On my back.

Sehun: OK, and lastly... Chanyeol? Chanyeol..? ....n

Chanyeol: (with another juice box) Hi.

Security Guard: is this yours?

Group: unfortunately.

**ends of script reading

Fortunately, we all go our separate ways after we get our suitcases and goes through immigration. We made a plan that Me, Luhan, Kai and Xiumin would get the suitcase and the others would stand in immigration because immigration lines take really long, like there's only one person who works there. After the master plan worked, we'd all get a new sim card for our phone and exchange numbers so we can meet up tomorrow.

"Will you bring your boyfriend tomorrow?" Sulli asked.

"He has practice after class, so I don't really know whether or not he can, Sulli but... I'll ask."

"Be safe OK?"

"Yes Luhan."

"Bye Taeminnnnnnn" we all hugged each other. And went our separate ways. Kris had to call for a town car to get to his home. And my mom was waiting for me.

"Taemin, you are getting so handsome each and every moment I see you."

"Mom, stop. Hehe."

"Fine, I will. How does your momma.look?"


"I know right?! I've been on a new diet and let me tell you baby, its been working like a charm."

"Is that so?" Mom and I walked to her car and talked about her new dieting. The diet I know she'd probably forget about in the next.. day or so. I'm home so, I expect her to cook a lot. Somethings only a mom would do.

"So did dad take care of you right? Did he feed you?"

"Yea umma, he says he misses you."

"Ill give him a call later." I put the suitcase in the trunk of the car. My phone vibrated. It was a text message from Minho.

Look to your.. left. -TheFroggyPrince

I looked to my left.. I couldn't see anything. My phone vibrated again.

Your other left. -TheFroggyPrince

Well, that would've made sense. I looked to the right and I saw Jonghyun and Minho. They held a sign that I couldn't read. I ran up to Minho and hugged him tightly.





I hugged the both of them. I missed them so much. I felt tears coming out my eyes. Minho saw that in me and hugged me tightly. Knowing, I missed him so much. He wiped the tear from my eye and kissed my forehead. Jonghyun opened up his arms signifying he wanted some Taemin love as well. So I gave it too him.

"So how wwas your flight?"

"It was long, I'm tired and my friends were being so loud. "


"The American Invasion."

"Oh dear God." Jonghyun face palmed.

"I did that all throughout the trip too."

"You poor baby, its OK. Want us to take you home?"

"No, its fine. My mom is here."

"Oh, OK. Well, get home safely, and don't get hurt OK?"

"You too OK?"

"TAEEEEMIN!" I turned around. Kris ran into me and looked around.



"Amber is not a really good Chanyeol-sitter."

"No ones a really good Chanyeol sitter, the nanny stop coming to our house a long time ago. "

"Chanyeol?" Minho looked down at me. Seeing Kris and Minho together, made feel really short. So I stepped away from them.

"Yea, one of my closest friends."

"And who is this?" Kris stood up to Minho. They were like to giants.

"Kris, Minho and Jonghyun. Jonghyun, Minho, this is Krease."

"Don't call me that."

"But Krease!"


"Nice to meet you."

Chen goes running up to us with the real Chanyeol, about damn time.

"Guys, I found him. He was talking to a little kid."

"Hey! I was only sharing my juicebox."

"e." Jonghyun coughed.

Everyone else came running down too. Exhausted and kind of mad, everyone else came too. We all circled around Kris and sat down on the floor, tired as hell.

"Taemin, you found him, thank goodness."

"Chanyeol, I'm going to kick you so hard."

"But, Sehun, the baby was crying."

Luhan looked up at me. His eyes shifted to the two people standing behind me. My eyes wandered and became corresponding with D.O's eyes who was exhausted to the point he could break. He holds his Katana with him closely.

"Dare, I ask D.O.?"

"Kai, I'm tired... sh.."

Sulli held on to Minho, with realization, that wasn't Kris.

"Hey, you're not Kris."

"And you look like Taemin."

"Do I? Do I really?" She feels on her hair and blushes. Giving off a small smile. "Wait.. I know you, you're Choi Minho.. you're that famous soccer player I head everyone talk about."

Sehun blinked. "Taemin, isn't your boyfriend named Minho."

And everyone had an Epiphany. Well, everyone except Chanyeol. Who came into realization 2 minutes later.

"I didn't know you were going out with the Amazing Minho."

"I know everything about him."

"I read newspapers about him." D.O touches Jonghyuns face. Jonghyun eyes widen.

"Oh my goodness, its Kim Jonghyun, he's the son of a playboy millionaire. He gets all the es."

"Is that so?" Jonghyun asked. His phone rang so he excused himself.

"See," everyone laughed. Minho smiled a little and wrapped his arms around my waist. I blushed slightly. I felt someones eyes pierced into my neck and then I came into self realization.

"My mom is waiting for me."

"Will you text me when you get home?" Minho looked down at me and kissed my forehead. I tippy toed and wrapped my arms around him.

"Of course I will. "

"Will you text me when you get home too Minnie?" Luhan pouted. I hugged him tightly.

"Of course."

I hugged and kissed everyone. I even ran up to Jonghyun and hugged him as well. Chanyeol proposed we all get on the internet later and video chat. That sounded like a wonderful idea, the first idea Chanyeol had in weeks, that wasn't stupid.

I went into the car with my mom and she pulled off.

"You have a lot of friends there, Taemin."

"Yea.. I do."

"I didn't know you knew close to the son of a playboy millionaire and the son of a world renowned athlete. You're way popular aren't you."

"Well I would say popular, but they do care a lot about me."

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