The Last Week

The ABK ♥

The next four days were filled with lots of blood curdling screams of laughter, smiles and a lot of angry fangirls.


Tuesday: Minho’s Game

Minho had invited me to come to his game so I came. I had a hoodie over my head and dark sunglasses. No one noticed I was there. I was incognito and was funny. I sat down next to Jonghyun and one of his fangirls. Turns out, Jonghyun is some kind of playboy, rich kid in Korea but a regular teenager in America. He lives the double life and sometimes I envy him. Minho plotted this one out precisely. Today will be the day everyone knew we were together. WIth 2 minutes on the clock and our team in the lead, Minho was going to do something risky.


And the clock started, One guy had from the opposing team had the ball in which he passed the ball to his left, and his other team member got the ball and started dribbling it to the basket. I think one guy, his name was SeungRi, stole the ball and ran back to our basket, throwing it to Onew who scored the basket. Onew was amazingly good at shooting. It must take a lot of mathematical skills to shoot the way he did. I’ve never really value 2 minutes before. But two minutes seemed like an awfully long time in this game.


5 seconds left in the game. We were up by 10. There was no way we were going to lose. The other team called for a “one moment”Minho was shaking his leg nervous down below. He said not to come down until he said so, he was feeling kind of nervous about everything. So, I stayed up on the bleachers. Jonghyun said he’d be gone for a moment, but will be back to see everything. That was at least 20 minutes ago.  I put my headphones in my ear and looked at my phone. I got a message from America.  I ignored the message and got ready to watch the last couple seconds of game play.


At  5 seconds, there was a mad dash everywhere.

4: Onew passed the ball to Minho.

3: Minho caught the ball.

2: Minho throws the ball into the basket

1: The ball went into the basket.  


Our team won with 13 points ahead. Everyone was shouting and yelling, excited. Our team got into the finals. That’s great, that’s wonderful. Amazing. I went down to Minho, my head still covered, still incognito. He opened his arms and I ran to him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his shoulders. He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me tightly. The crowd went hushed for a second. He looked at me my eyes through the sunglasses and in the middle of the court, kissed me. There was a mixture of sounds, there was an “awwwh,” some ‘oh my goodness”, some ‘damn,” and some “who is that girl?” until the hoodie came off. Then it was a mixture of Oh my goodness, what the s and some more what the s. No, it was just so much of “what the ” Minho spinned me around and held me tightly. I hugged onto him tightly. He put me down as I pressed my lip against his cheek. I thought I heard someone cry as we ran out of the gym.


“So, how’d that turn out?” Jonghyun walked back. His hair was kind of messy and he had a mark on his collar bone that had been exposed. He had a smug “yea, you” look on face as he took his hands out his pocket.


“We’ll find out tomorrow now won’t we?” Minho said nonchalantly. Jonghyun and Minho exchanged glares. I just looked at the both of them. The tension between them was.. intense.  


Wednesday: Questions that Should Be Answered?


You go out with Minho?


So, did you and Minho...?


I can’t believe you are going out with him. You don’t deserve him!


Gosh you’re so ing lucky.


All through the hallways serenaded with remarks about yesterday’s “prank” as the teachers put it. I just looked at everyone and gave them a blank stare. I ignored everyone throughout the day and stuck around with Jonghyun. Jonghyun and I were in the basement during the usual “Yea, you. I’m going to skip class for a bit” time, coming up with ways to piss the students off.


“Jonghyun, everyone’s been talking to me.”

“They wanna steal you away from Minho of course.”

“You know what’s funny. I’m going to make a sign in Korean that says.’I don’t speak Korean” for everyone who wanted to yell at me in Korean before. “

“That’d show them, right?”


So, after the little talk with Jonghyun, I started carrying a sign that said


난 한국어할 줄 모르나.

(I don’t speak  Korean.)


Surely it pissed some people off, but I didn’t mind one bit. I like to think of it as revenge on everyone who made fun of me because I was part American.  guess things do backfire after all.


That night, I went into my locker and found a note.


Trying to learn english for you. How’s it looking there? -최 민호


I laughed inside my head. That’s cute. It came from Minho. I was kind of disappointed, I didn’t really get to see him today. However, on the contrary, my friends from America texted me. That was exciting.Now, I’m really excited to go back to America however, I’d be leaving Jonghyun and Minho. That was kind of saddening.


(Pauses Everything! This text message is important!!!!) 


LuLuBear: Taemin! Yooo


Taeminnie: Sup~


LuLuBear: Whatchu up to?


Taeminnie: Creating a controversy in School.


LuLuBear: Again? Didn’t we tell you not to? Btw, Sehun said hello and Kai said Hi,


Taeminnie: Psh,  I come, I up. I leave. That’s life.  And HI SEHUNNIE. HI KAI! How’s everyone else at home?


LuLuBear: They are ok. Krease is having a crisis. We have to keep him from killing Chanyeol. And Tao, well... he asks when you are coming back, he wants to go shopping with you. And he says maybe Kris hyung might buy us gucci.


Taeminnie: :P Tell Tao I said, soon. I’m coming back home on Friday, don’t worry. I’ll fix everything. And keep Chanyeol on a leash until I get there.


LuLuBear: Lols. Kk. You’re probably going home now right? Mr. Controversy. I’ll text you later.


Taeminnie: Bye buddeh!


Thursday Morning: Heartbroken Fangirl


Thursday Morning had to be most weirdest thing. I attended class and everyone looked at me weirdly. No, that wasn't the awkward part however because I get that on an everyday basis. The letters on my desk telling me to go kill myself, yes.. Not new either. I sat at my desk and fully analyzed each and every letter


Go back home.

We don't like you.

You're unwanted.

Would you like Fries with that? (I liked that one.)

Kill Yourself.

You don't deserve Minho.

What's a beautiful kid like him doing with a like you?


At least the handwriting has gotten better. There aren't a lot of these letters today surprisingly. I looked up and there were girls. Just so many girls around my desk. Holding teddy bears and flowers, pouting. I think one girl had cash in her hand. Without removing my eyes from them, I placed the angry letters in my book bag so my friends back in America can see. It was just awkward silence with me and those girls until someone spoke up.


"We are willing to bribe you, give us back our Minho."


Then another girl said, " Please, we just want our Minho back. He was suppose to marry me." Then a crowd of "no me"'s  came along that led into cat fights everywhere. I just watched having no intentions to talk to anyone. From the back, Minho slipped in and watched them all fight.


"Are they fighting over you, Taemin?"


"No, they are fighting over you. You have a lot of fangirls."


"Mhm. Yea well, they don't really matter to me anyways." One girl stopped fighting and rushed over to Minho. She held on to his arm and try to wipe away the blood on , staring at him, just gawking. One by a couple all the girls gathered around me and Minho, trying to get closer to him. However, we all know that wasn't ever going to happen. Minho leaned over and cupped my chin. I looked up at him and he kissed me once more before the teacher arrived. (Apparently, our first scandal got us in a bit of a mayhem.)  I kissed him back. The girls around us was sad and confused and started crying. Some of them went back to their seats and putting their heads down, most of them left. And I was here. Slipping my tongue down Minho's throat. We broke the kiss when the teacher came and class started.


Friday Afternoon: Missing You

"So you're leaving me? For a month."


"I promised my friends back home I'd go back to them. I'm sorry."


"It's fine. I just.. I'll miss you. A lot." Minho laced up his sneakers. We were in the locker rooms around 5:30. Minho has most of his practices around 3:30 on a Friday. I just wanted to let him know I was leaving for a month tonight. I didn't expect that he actually would kind of miss me. Well, technically.. I was his boyfriend now, right. Is it normal for him to miss me? Should I tell him I miss him too?


"I know the whole reason we are together is only because I wanted people to leave me alone, and you just wanted to start trouble at school, but Taemin.. I, I like you a lot. And the last week with you have been... Well, I've never been this close and intimate with a person before. So you're kind of my first.. And..." I shook my head and stood up. He looked up at me. I sat on his lap and cupped his chin. I can honestly say, that was kind of cute. And for a real mean person, he's so sweet and kind. I returned the kiss that belonged to him so long ago. He pulled me closer and kissed me back, wrapping his arms around my waist.


"Hey, Mr. South Korea. Even though we are using each other for our own selfish needs, you are still my boyfriend. Although, I don't know why you'd ever choose me. "


"Hey, Mr. America. You're prettier than any other girl." He pulled me in for another kiss and I fully accept. This month might be a bit hard without my Minho.


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