The Start Of An Issue

The ABK ♥

Ducking and weaving has been the only thing I've done since I first got here. For certain, I felt today would be the day I'd get killed. I mean, I deserve it. I kissed a guy. There should be a place in Hell for people like me. I usually don't go home until late, hoping that no one is in the building when I leave. I'd lie to my mom that I'm just hanging with my friends to subdue the fact, I have no friends because I run away from them.

I went into my locker, got my bag and put some of my stuff into my bag. Thank god it was Friday, I wasn't going to come back to school in a week anyways. I closed my back and looked at myself in the mirror. Not bad, not bad.. I my index finger and fixed my eyebrows, unpin my hair letting it loose and put on my jacket. It was a bit cold tonight. I put on my glasses as well and closed my locker door. Slipped the music in my ears and started listening to Bruno Mars.

"I should gave you flowers and held your hand, should given you all my hours when I had the chance...."

"Hey American." I stopped in my tracks. Someone was here, at 6? The voice sounds vaguely familiar though being blocked out by the talented Bruno Mars. I turned and pair of hands grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. I looked up to the person and realized it was the same guy as before, what was his name..? Minho??

"Uh.. Umm... "

"I don't know whether I should kill you, or kiss you."


"I don't know whether I should kill you or kiss you."

"I'm sorry, what?" He took the music from out my ear.

"Can you hear me now?"

"What?" He gave me a stern look. "Hum I meant yes, I can. Hi there, what's your name." I smiled nonchalantly. He smiled for a quick second and went back to being mad. His smile was kind of cute. You know, for someone who seems to have anger issues.

"So what should I do? Should I return a favor, or bring you to your demise, do I let you go free or should I bother you until you kill yourself."

"Well, my mom always told me to do what my heart tells me. Assuming you have a heart, I'd say follow it, but if I were you I'd let me go home."

"American, you're more stupid than I thought."

"I have a name you know, it's Taemin, you call me American, you're addressing at least 1 billion people."

"Well, Taemin."

"Yes?" The next few moments were blurry. I was swept off my feet in one motion, confused with was going on. All I felt was lips on mine. Hehe, he liked my kiss from before. I guess he was conflicted about it. I wrapped my arms around his neck and return the kiss. It was warm and it was passionate. We leaned back against my locker, him holding me closely, arching my back just a bit. I shouldn't be enjoying this but, it was fun. It felt right, it felt.. Hot. Oh goodness, there is a spot in Hell for me indeed. I broke the kiss and fell to my knees.

"W-what was that?"

"Welllll you said follow your heart, and lets assume I have a heart. I did what was exactly right."

"So you kissed me. That's what your heart told you what to do."

"You sassing me son?"

"No, I'm experiencing some mixed emotion.. I'm going home now,"

"But Taemin, "

"No buts," I walked out of the school, well more like a run, leaving behind that guy. He stood there, confused and struggling to comprehend what was going on. Only to find out, I've caused more collateral than Superman in that Man of Steel movie.

Monday Morning of The Next Week, when I came back to Seoul after spending the week with my Dad, my name was all I heard of in the classrooms, hallways and even the bathroom. I figured, I was in more trouble for having the audacity to skip school for a week but, that wasn't the case.

The nerve of that kid, I swear. He kisses one of the richest and cutest kids at school and now they've completely fallen for them.

Poor Minho, head over heels for that American.

Taemin is so lucky. . .


"Jonghyun, what's going on?!"

"alae jihasile, jigeum."

"Cham Cham." He pulled me down stairs to the basement, being unheard, unnoticed and not found. We locked the door behind us and sat in the chair. It was silent for a moment, so somebody needed to break the ice.

"I leave for 11 days and I come back to-"

"There's video footage of what happened on your last day-"

"What happened on my-"

"Your kiss with Minho, it became viral-"

"Oh my Cristo. Who found out-"

"I don't know,"

"Oh my goodness."

"This is scandalous. Is Minho really head over heels like they said he is?"

"I'm not sure, but prepare for a lot of screaming girls throwing a tantrums at you."

"I need to find this tape quickly, Minho too."

"I'm not sure where it might be but, Minho would be in the gym right now, playing sports or something."

"Who do you think will be easier to get first."

"The tape."

"Can you find the tape for me, and I'll get Minho? And we'll bring it both down for a conference."

"Sure, I don't mind."

"Jonghyun, you're so kind. Thank you." I wrapped my arms around his neck and ran to the gym. It was going to be a long complicated uphill battle and I can feel it getting worst on the way. I'm just glad I have Jonghyun.


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