Game Over

Shots Off Taengent: Professor T

“Oh my God. Why are you in here, Tae?”

Professor Tae rolled over and grinned at Professor T. “Good morning, T!”


“I’m Tae and you’re T.”

“Are you drunk?” Professor T asked as she marched over to the music player and lowered the volume.

“Drunk on opus.”

“This is too much.”

“What’s too much?”

“This. You.”


“You’re coming in here too much.”

“But you said to come here anytime I feel like it.”

“I didn’t know you were going to come here every day like this. And now, you’re letting yourself in even when I’m not around.”

“I’m sorry. Does it bother you?”

“It doesn’t bother me, but it’s distracting. My productivity has decreased ever since you started coming in here. My students just asked me if anything is wrong with me lately.” Professor T shook her head. “Tae, this has to stop.”

Professor Tae pouted. “Can I come in when you’re not around then? I’ll only come in after you’ve left.”

“No, no, no. I want to be here if you’re here.”

“But why? You’ll be distracted.”

“It gives me pleasure to see you revelling in pleasure on my massage bed.”

“It does?”

“Very much.”

“Oh . . .”

“I have to see you every day.”

“But you just said this has to stop.”

“Did I?”

“You said specifically, ‘Tae, this has to stop’, don’t you remember?”

“Oh, I didn’t mean it like that.”

“What did you mean then?”

“I meant this.”

“Huh—” Professor Tae’s eyes widened as Professor T stepped towards her, jacket slipping down her arms.

“I’m going to join you.”


“This way, I don’t have to do it all over again after you leave.”





“B-But there’s only one towel.”

“I don’t need one.”

“That means you’ll be n-.”

There was a shine in Professor T’s eyes as she stepped out of her pants and stood before Professor Tae in her lingerie. “What are you afraid of? We’re all when we’re born. And in the bathhouse.”

“Y-Yes, you’re right, b-but . . .”

“Hm? But?”

“Oh my God.”

“Have you never seen s before?”

“Yes, but . . .n-not yours.”

“Are mine any different?”

“Uh . . . they’re very nice.”

Professor T giggled. “Thanks for the compliment. Yours are hidden under the towel so I can’t tell but I’m sure yours are nice too.”

“Mine are ordinary.”

“You’re too modest. Get on the bed.” Professor T chuckled as Professor Tae clambered up as she was told and scuttled to the other side. “I don’t need that much space.”

“Are you sure this massage bed can take two?”

“It’s meant for two.”

Professor Tae’s eyebrows shot up. “Really?”


“But it’s not that big.”

“The closer we are, the more the pleasure we’ll feel.”

“Does it work that way?”

Professor T smiled. “Lie down.” She joined Professor Tae after the woman had settled down and reached for the buttons. “Let’s start with full body relaxation, shall we?”

“Whatever you say.”

With a grin, Professor T configured the settings and took Professor T’s hand as she pressed the button to start.

“Do we have to hold hands?”

“Yes, it will enhance our pleasure.”

“The opus though. It’s a little too soft.”

“No problem.” Professor T pressed the volume button and the lush, romantic opus swept over them like hot spring water on a cold winter day. “How’s this?”


Professor T smiled as she closed her eyes. Professor Tae was in for the time of her life. And so was she.


“Oh my God.”

Professor T grinned. After several minutes of groaning and from pleasure released by the relaxation of pressure points, Professor Tae was first to be swept under the wave of pleasure. Hers was soon to follow, she could feel it coming. Meanwhile, Professor Tae was oblivious to everything else, including her hand that was squeezing the life out of Professor T’s hand.

When the massage bed finally stilled, Professor T turned to Professor Tae and smiled. “Was I right, or was I right? Doesn’t it feel good to share this experience with someone?”

Professor Tae was nodding even as she took deep breaths. “Yes, it’s quite different to share it with you.”

Professor T released Professor Tae’s hand and patted it. “Pleasure is doubled when good things are shared.”

“It surely is.”

“Time to put our clothes back on.”

Professor Tae scrambled off the massage bed awkwardly and hobbled to her clothes sitting neatly in a pile on the shelf. Professor T was amused to observe how the shy professor didn’t turn around after donning her clothes.

“I have my clothes on, Tae.”

There was a sigh of relief as Professor Tae turned back around.

“What are you afraid of, Tae,” Professor T asked as she stepped towards her. “Are you afraid of me?”

Professor Tae shook her head.

“What is it then?” Professor T pressed on. The startling clear eyes of Professor Tae stared right into hers without warning and for a moment, she was stunned. Then, with a hesitant step, Professor Tae drew within an inch of her.

“I’m not stupid, you know. I know the game you’re playing.”

“Game? What game?”

“Game over.”

Professor T raised a brow. She was about to ask what Professor Tae meant when the shorter woman rose up on tip-toe and silenced her with a proper full-on lips-to-lips kiss.


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Soneisa #1
Chapter 3: That is soo sweet
Chapter 28: I need this long version
girlofeternity_ss #3
The stories are gems. I've read some of them on another writing platform.
girlofeternity_ss #4
Oh Professors T. The both of you are such both teases
Chapter 33: Did Tae played innocent all this time? That lil bast.
Chapter 33: Throwing my uwus all over. y yet adorable at the same time >///<
Chapter 6: This is so fluffy (and a lil bit y oomf)