Chapter 02

Don't Go


Chapter Two: The First Meeting


           “Yah China man!!” Luhan heard familiar shouts. “Ai~sh!!” he groaned and looked behind his back to see the gang of guys running after him. “really?!” he shouted and started out with a jog before building up speed and breaking into a run.

            Luhan jumped over obstacles like trash cans and things that got in his way. They were in an abandoned building near a harbor. The whole area reeked of dead fist and salt water, Luhan didn’t care, right now he just wanted to get away from these guys. They had been chasing him all around town all day, and finally they ended up at this warehouse. 

           Luhan glanced behind him and frowned seeing the men following him. His shoes made clanking noises as he stomped down the metal stairs. Halfway through he thought he was taking to much time and ended up jumping over the railing. He tumbled over a bit but jumped back up and continued running. 

            One of the guys were exceptionally fast and caught Luhan’s collar spinning him around to face the other guy. Luhan ducked from a punch and jabbed his own fist into the other guys gut, the other guy let out a gasp and released his grip on Luhan , Luhan took the chance and ran away again.

            Of course Luhans punches would be stronger than a normal guys, Luhan wasn’t normal, Luhan wasn’t even human. “Catch him!!!” the leader of the gang shouted to his guys. Luhan wasn’t even close to out of breathe as he ran inside the building and through hallways. Finally he saw a place to hide and hurried to crawl inside a small space between two cement walls. It was pretty thin not a lot of people could probably fit back there, but Luhan was thankful for his small boned figure making it easier for him to squeeze through, he was also thankful that no light shown in through there, so they wouldn’t even be able to catch a glimpse of him.

            “Where’d he go?!?!” the leader shouted. Luhan quickly held his breathe as he watched one by one as they ran by the space. He closed his eyes and listened for their footsteps, hearing them disappear down the corridor. Luhan let out a sigh of relief and forced himself out of the tight space. When he was out he doubled over with his hands on his knees to support his weight and keep him up. He was breathing a bit hard and trying to calm it down.

            He turned around and started running the opposite way from the gang. When he got outside he noticed it was already night time. The cool air hit him hard and he closed his eyes sighing in relief from the relaxing feeling. He leaned against the cool concrete wall and just relaxed for a second.

            Suddenly he heard shoes scuffing against the ground. His eyes shot open and he straightened up thinking it was the gang again, but he only heard one pair of footsteps. Plus from the wind blowing his way he smelt a feminine perfume. The footsteps got closer but then he heard the thundering of at least 7 feet stomping on the ground and running. Without warning Luhan jumped out from his resting space and grabbed the person that had been walking towards him. He spun around and pulled her into the darkness to hide just as the group of guys ran by.

            She was about to scream but Luhan quickly covered with one hand and with the other he pointed to the gang, one guy was even carrying a gun, that defiantly shut the girl up. Luhan silently pulled her back even further into the darkness and waited for the guys to finally leave. He let go of her and she stumbled a bit but he helped her regain her balance.

            She looked up at him with slightly angered eyes but stopped when she looked at Luhan who wasn’t even paying much attention to her, he was watching the group of guys disappear back into the building. “Yah!” she snapped.

            He looked at her with wide innocent eyes, “What the hell do you think you’re doing here at night?!” she snapped.

           “Ssh!” he shushed her quickly pressing a finger to his lip. He gave her a light glare but she ignored it. “Go home before they come out again, I don’t know if they’ll hurt a girl…” he told her.

           Seyi stared at him long and hard. She had been to this warehouse countless times and never once encountered the gang of guys that were here today. “Why were those guys after you?” she asked.

           “I don’t even know you, its none of you’re business. I’m trying to help you so stop asking questions and leave!” he ordered.

           “tch, how rude!” she scoffed and started walking away. Luhan followed behind her at a distance. Seyi stopped and looked up, she let out a loud sigh. “Are you going to keep following me?!” she asked and looked over her shoulder.

           “Yah, don’t get so full of yourself.  I like chinese women” Luhan said the last sentence in Mandarin. “I’m making sure those guys don’t follow you” he muttered. “tch, how annoying” she mumbled and started walking away Luhan continued to follow until she was at a bus stop, then he continued walking past her since he knew she would be safe until the bus came.

           When Luhan got back to his apartment he went straight for his room and collapsed on the bed, “My third day in Korea and I get chased by a bunch of stupid kids” he grumbled sitting back up and stripping off his dirty shirt. He changed into a pair of clean sweats and crawled back onto his bed. He checked his phone for any messages, then set an alarm for 6:00 am. 


A/N: Short update, sorry but the next chapter will defiantly be longer :) so far what do you guys think??? Honestly it's pretty boring right? sorry I this is my first time writing about EXO and basing a story off an MV so im kind of skeptical...But tell me what you think and please subscribe if you like it^^

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anitamahaexo #1
Chapter 7: IT'S REALLY GOOD btw is KAI a werewolf
KpopLover415 #2
Chapter 8: lol should I start shipping jonglu? XD
KpopLover415 #3
Chapter 7: Hehehe same apartments -channies creeper face activate- lol
Krease, ur funny over da fone x^x
houtafifistories #4
Chapter 6: Hahaha I seriously laughed at Kai's part...I am loving this story..fighting
KpopLover415 #5
Anyways keep updating :D fighting!~
KpopLover415 #6
Chapter 5: Yay exo has been introduced! :DD
Soooooo now with Kai and seyi -wriggle eyebrows- //bricked
Vat will they do next?
Update soon!~ :D
houtafifistories #7
Chapter 4: I love this fic , like it gives us an idea of the drama ver , update soon , and you're welcome author-nim
KpopLover415 #8
Chapter 4: Xiumin the baozi!! XD wae you sao cute? ; - ; xD lulu has now officially met her! Yay :D
Keep updating!
Chapter 2: please update soon. I like it so much.<3
KpopLover415 #10
Just noe dat he's gonna be an awesome leader :3