IU Rejects Jonghyun

Immortal Sarang

"Gomawo, Jonghyun oppa! I love strawberry ice cream," IU exclaimed with a grin. To be truthful, she really loved chocolate ice cream instead, but just to make Jonghyun happy, she lied. Jonghyun sighed in relief. He had left IU at the bench a minute ago to secretly buy ice cream for them. He totally forgot to ask IU about what flavor she liked, so he guessed and bought strawberry while he bought himself chocolate. 

"Oh, that's good," Jonghyun smiled, "I was afraid that you would dislike it and throw it away or something." IU laughed out loud, as she her ice cream. The weather was cool, so the ice cream wouldn't melt quickly or freeze to ice. IU inhaled the fresh air, as Jonghyun chomped the top of his ice cream. Silence filled the air.

"So… Why'd you call me out here before?" IU asked politely with a tight smile. It was so awkward, IU didn't know weather to blush or to share a comfortable smile. She did both. Her cheeks turned quite red, like an apple. Jonghyun tried to hold back his laugh, but then he couldn't help it. It was quite funny to see IU trying her best to smile. IU, embarrassed, looked away quickly and her ice cream in a faster pace.

"M-Mian… I must've looked like a fool," IU said, knocking her head with her fist lightly.

"You don't need to force yourself to smile or anything. If you are going to smile, though, smile naturally. You look the prettiest when you smile comfortably. When you force a smile, you look silly," Jonghyun said sweetly, as IU blushed furiously. Is that supposed to be a compliment or something? IU thought, her thoughts roaming around her head. 

Oh shoot, Jonghyun! You're going a bit far with this. Remember, you don't really want to give IU any ideas that you love her, right? Jonghyun reminded. He widened his eyes and quickly shook his head physically. MWOH?!?! I… I don't like IU, do I? I don't love IU as in a girlfriend and boyfriend relationship, right? Though… I have been feeling a bit different when I'm with IU. I feel more special next to IU instead of Se Kyung. Aish! Forget that!

"So how are you and Yoseob? I heard you were dating on the news," Jonghyun lied. IU widened her eyes.

"N-N-Neh?" IU stuttered, "Excuse me? Me and Yoseob?" Now you've done it! You didn't even need to lie such a thing! Aigoo, babo Jjong! BABO BABO BABO! Jonghyun thought, frustrated. 

"I-I mean that ice skating guy! Sorry, Yoseob just popped into my head," Jonghyun lied again. IU smiled.

"Jonghyun oppa, no need to nervous. Remember, you have a girlfriend," IU reminded. Jonghyun nodded quickly, as his saliva slowly made its way down Jonghyun's esophagus, making a big lump appear on his neck. IU, noticing this, giggled cutely as if Jonghyun had done something funny. Jonghyun smiled lightly. This is surely an interesting girl, he thought.

"Mwoh?! Are you sure he's cheating on me?" Se Kyung asked through the phone. Yoseob smirked, as he held the phone close between his ear and shoulder. He was washing the dishes since Doojoon forced him to, which was totally unfair for him.

"Yeah. Now, I would go spy at the two new couple, but then I'm stuck in this dorm cause of Doojoon hyung," Yoseob said out loud, making sure that Doojoon heard what he was saying. Doojoon gripped tighter onto the newspaper, as he quickly flipped a page. Yoseob sighed and went back to washing the dishes.

"I… I don't believe you," Se Kyung stated, "Jonghyun oppa isn't the guy who cheats on people. He is definitely not a player."

"Oh really? I remember him doing that dance with Jessica from SNSD. Boy, were fans going crazy. I mean, did you see Jonghyun touch her legs?" Yoseob said, being very descriptive of how Jonghyun touched Jessica. Se Kyung scrunched her nose and eyebrows.

"Yang Yoseob, that was, like, a year ago! Look, if you wanted to spy on IU or something, you do that. I'm sure there is nothing going on with the two," Se Kyung assured with a calm voice. Yoseob sighed.

"Well, if you find out anything about the two, make sure you tell me," Yoseob said with a long sigh as he hung up. When he hung up, he accidentally dropped his phone into the sink, which was filled with water and soap. Yoseob widened his eyes, as he picked up the wet phone out of the sink. He bit his lips, irritated, as he dropped his phone next to the counter. Yoseob turned to face Doojoon and glared at him.

"This is your fault that your not making my day!" Yoseob accused, pointing at the leader.

"Well, next time, learn not to use the phone while washing the dishes!" Doojoon shouted, as he rolled his eyes. Yoseob pouted angrily, as he scrubbed the plate even harder. 

Meanwhile, Se Kyung shrugged off whatever Yoseob said. I'm sure Jonghyun oppa isn't cheating on me. He's not the kind that cheats on people or anything, Se Kyung assured herself, as she sighed deeply. For a minute, she became quiet. She chewed on her finger nails lightly so that her nails wouldn't be ruined. She glanced at the clock, as the ticking suddenly grew louder. She threw her hands up and sighed as she got off the couch. It wouldn't hurt to check, she thought.

"Ice cream was good," IU noted, still putting up a comfortable smile. Her smile sparkled the building as Jonghyun blushed lightly. He just nodded, smiling lightly.

"That's good. Next time, I'll make sure to get your favorite ice cream," Jonghyun said, as IU smiled even brighter.

"Okay! Gomawo, Jonghyun oppa," IU said, planting a kiss on Jonghyun's right cheek. Jonghyun widened his eyes, shocked. Then, his already-blushing cheeks turned as red as a bright cherry hanging on a cherry tree. Omo, omo, omo! Why did I kiss Jonghyun on the cheeks? Well, he does have a girlfriend, so I can't even kiss him on the lips… Although it would've been nice to kiss him on those soft lips– AIGOO! I'm going crazy! IU thought, her face turning red. Jonghyun stopped his tracks as his sneakers squeaked. They were somehow alone in the building. 

Here goes, Jonghyun, Jonghyun thought to himself, She kissed you on the cheeks, that must be that she loves you like how you love her! Jonghyun took a deep breath. 

"Jjong oppa!" a familiar voice called. Jonghyun caught his breath, as he turned around. 

"S-S-Sekyung!" he exclaimed, shocked as Se Kyung stopped right in front of him. Se Kyung panted quickly, as she placed her hands on her thigh.

"You're not cheating on me, are you?" Se Kyung asked. Jonghyun widened his eyes.

"Eh?!" IU and Jonghyun shouted, shocked. Jonghyun stared at Se Kyung worriedly and patted her back.

"Se Kyung, go get yourself some soda. It's not very far here. It's, like, to the left of us. It's pretty near, too. Let me just finish talking to IU-ssi and then we'll go get something to snack on, arraso?" Jonghyun planned, smiling. What Jonghyun said as true. The soda machine was very near. Se Kyung stared at Jonghyun with bright, shining eyes. She smiled and nodded, as she dashed off to find a soda machine. Jonghyun sighed in relief, as he turned to IU. 


"Yeah?" IU responded, turning around.

"S-S-Sarang… S-Sarang… S-Saranghae!" Jonghuyn confessed, looking away. His cheeks were as red as a rose, and his heart raced as fast as a wild horse. He thought that he just went nuts. I confessed to IU, even though I have Se Kyung? AHH!! Jonghyun thought, ashamed of confessing to someone else when he was still dating his girlfriend.

"M-Mwoh?" IU stuttered, blinking continuously. Her heart was beating even faster than Jonghyun's, as she slowly gulped her saliva. She wanted to be 100% clear that she heard the right thing. Did Jonghyun just confess to her? Or was it her imagination?

"Don't make this harder for me, IU! I said I love you!" Jonghyun said seriously, gripping on IU's shoulder. IU opened to speak, but instead, it quaked with excitement. Jonghyun loves me! He really loves me! But… is this right? Doesn't he have Se Kyung? Did he purposely tell Se Kyung to go get him a soda so that he can confess to me? No, this is wrong! I can't love him! But… why is it that my heart ignores me?

"Jonghyun!" Se Kyung called. Jonghyun bit his lips and whimpered.

"C'mon, IU! Tell me your answer! Do you love me or not?" Jonghyun asked in a hush tone, knowing that Se Kyung was going to be with them in any minute.

"I… I–"

"Jonghyun Oppa!" Se Kyung said cutely. Jonghyun tapped his foot impatiently.

"IU!" Jonghyun whined.

"I… I can't love you! It'll be… wrong!" IU answered, turning and running away off to the opposite direction. Jonghyun stood there, dumbfounded, as Se Kyung approached Jonghyun.

"Oppa! I called you twice and you didn't answer! What happened?" Se Kyung asked with a pout. Jonghyun looked pale and uneasy. She rejected me… She really rejected me, Jonghyun thought.

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@ourhoserp: Sorry, not interested. :) I would've preferred having you comment on my wall, though. My wall is used for advertisements and stuff.
ourhouserp #2
Hey, Author-nim! I'm admin Suho.
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
There will be games and events where you can earn RP currency. Check out our Tumblr for more info. http://ourhouserp.tumblr.com/
@clyne22: Wow, it's been a longggg time since I last opened up this story. O_O I feel like this story has a lot of awkward moments, though. XD I'm glad you enjoyed it. ^_^
clyne22 #4
Chapter 22: this is so good
@majin88: I started shipping them when... when... Honestly, I have no clue. ._. I just remember that there was a period of time when there were more JongU shippers. XD
majin88 #6
Chapter 4: well, i start to ship them since Immortal Song. I don't know if you know/have watch the clip. Remeber when IU sang Good Person, the way Jonghyun watch her perfomance felt like he has fallen, on IU <3
My very first and most beautiful OTP :')
Oh.. I'll continue read then :3
@eyescandy: Haha, thank you! :D I'm not good at making good stories, though. I still have so much to improve with my stories, especially with grammar and plot. :P
Chapter 22: Ommoooo *sobing*. It's really a good one . It's look like the real life of them. U're good at make a good story. Daebak! XD (y)
@DinoGirl420: Thank you! ^^
Chapter 22: OMO! I like this story. They're too cute! And the ending is cute. <3 <3 <3