I Love You

Immortal Sarang

When IU, Key, and Taemin arrived at SHINee's dorm, IU was the first to arrive in front of the door. As she was about to knock, she suddenly stopped herself. What am I doing? she wondered, I'm supposed to be at Yoseob's house. All I have to do is just turn around and go to Yoseob. Okay, let's go back to Yoseob!

However, IU stood still. It was as if her heart tugged her to the door, and her legs refused to move until it saw Jonghyun. She upper waist turned with ease, but her legs stiffened. Key and Taemin approached her.

"What's wrong? No one's answering?" Key asked, knocking the door loudly and clearly. No! IU thought, nervously biting her lips, Don't open the door! Please, I beg of you people inside the dorm, don't–

"Oh, Key, Taemin, you're back? Ah, IU-ssi! Annyeonhaseyo!" Onew greeted generously. Not a drop of tear or anything, IU thought, It must hurt a lot to endure all the pain about Jonghyun dying.

"A-Anyeonghaseyo. May I see Jonghyun oppa please?" IU asked, a bit desperate. Onew nodded.

"Sure, but he's…"

"I know, he's going to die. You don't need to say anything. Onew-ssi. If you need to cry, it's fine for a man to cry at these times," IU said calmly, trying her best to comfort Onew. Onew raised an eyebrow.

"I–" he stopped when he saw Taemin about to giggle and Key cutting him off with hand gestures. Key mouthed, "Just go along with it. Taemin's fault." Onew nodded slowly and smiled warmly at IU.

"Come in," Onew welcomed, as IU entered the dorm. It was shockingly clean. As expected from Key umma, IU thought jokingly. She shook her head and heaved a sigh. Don't joke, IU. This is serious. Someone's going to die.

"Where is Jonghyun oppa?" IU asked.

"In his room, on his bed, dru–"

"Dying," Taemin interrupted. He cheerfully smiled as IU raised an eyebrow. Dru? Dying? Maybe I just heard it wrong, IU thought. She lightly smiled back at Taemin.

"So…Where is his room?" IU asked. Taemin grabbed IU's fragile hands and led her to Jonghyun's room. When they opened the door, Minho was sitting on the chair. Jonghyun groaned. IU noticed that Jonghyun seemed paler than before. Gosh, he really is going to pass away, IU thought. Minho looked up and lightly smiled at IU.

"Annyeonghaseyo, IU-ssi," Minho greeted. IU forced a smile.

"Neh, annyeonghaseyo…Is Jonghyun oppa okay?" IU asked. Minho sighed and got up.

"He's getting better, at least. He just threw up," Minho informed. IU widened her eyes.

"Throw up? Ah…I see," IU mumbled, "I'm just here to visit how Jonghyun was doing. I'm very sorry, Minho-ssi."

"Oh, it's fine! I mean, he's only drunk–"

"Drunk?" IU asked. There goes that word again! IU thought.

"Er, Minho hyung doesn't like death words, so he replaces them with weird words. Last time, he said…playground!" Taemin lied. IU nodded slowly and her cheeks. Gosh, all these guys must feel really heart broken, IU thought.

"Well, I'm going out. Can you look after him for a while?" Minho asked. IU bit her lower lips.


"Please?" Taemin pleaded, using his puppy eyes as an advantage. IU forced a weak smile. Darn it, IU thought, as she nodded.

"Er, sure. Just for a little, though," IU said. Taemin smiled.

"Great! While you take care of Jonghyun hyung, we'll go out and eat dinner!" Taemin cheered. IU widened her eyes.

"Wait, but I said–"

"Bye!" Taemin waved, pushing Minho out of the room. Just when Minho was about to protest, Taemin slammed the door closed. IU jumped and stared at the door. She glanced at Jonghyun, who was panting hard. She sat next to him, removing the warm towel.

"It's warm…Stay here, I'll get a colder one," IU said, getting up. When she turned around, Jonghyun reached and grabbed IU's wrist. IU's eyes rounded as she blushed furiously. Her cheeks began to feel hot as her heart began to race against her chest. 

"J-Jonghyun oppa, l-let go…" IU mumbled quietly, barely audible. Jonghyun started panting heavily.

"Wait…Don't leave me, IU," Jonghyun murmured, as IU sat down near Jonghyun. 

"Arraso…You can let go now," IU whispered. Jonghyun shook his head.

"If I let go, you're going to go…" Jonghyun mumbled, pulling IU on the bed. She yelped loudly, as Jonghyun started hugging her. He wrapped his arms and legs around IU. IU blushed and struggled to get out.

"Y-Ya…" IU thought. What if he me? What if what Yoseob was saying about Jonghyun being a player was true? Oh my gosh! IU thought, panicking. "Jonghyun, let go!"

"Andwe," Jonghyun said seriously, breathing on IU's neck. IU gulped nervously. Then, a sudden question popped up.

"IU, are you and Yoseob really dating? Do you hate me?" Jonghyun asked weakly. IU shyly looked down at Jonghyun's hand.

"Y-Yeah, we are. No, I don't hate you. You're like my oppa, so I can't hate you," IU said, as Jonghyun turned her around. He was now breathing on IU's lips. IU widened her eyes, shock. She stiffened immediately, as Jonghyun whimpered.

"Why? Why are you and Yoseob dating? Don't you know that I love you, too?" Jonghyun whined, leaning closer.

"J-Jonghyun oppa–"

"I love you, IU. I really do. Why are you avoiding me? I did nothing wrong. Why don't you believe me? I didn't break up with Se Kyung or anything yet."

"J-J-Jonghyun oppa! You're too close!" 

"Why?" Jonghyun whispered, now centimeters away from IU's lips, "I…love you." IU shut her eyes tightly as Jonghyun crashed his lips against IU's. Oh my gosh, I'm kissing him, IU thought, as she closed her eyes even tighter, I think it's wrong, but I feel that this is…right.

"YES!" Taemin cheered excitedly. Key, Onew, and Minho smacked Taemin's head. Taemin groaned and rubbed is head. "Aish…What? I did good, didn't I?"

"Yeah, nice going," Key said sarcastically, rolling his eyes, "Taemin, I didn't know you were planning for them to kiss each other!"

"Yeah, me too! I just wanted Jjong hyung to confess," Taemin said cheekily.

"Yeah, how about you confessing to Sulli," Onew joked. Taemin flushed in embarrassment and tackled his hyungs.

"MEANIES!" he shouted, frowning.

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@ourhoserp: Sorry, not interested. :) I would've preferred having you comment on my wall, though. My wall is used for advertisements and stuff.
ourhouserp #2
Hey, Author-nim! I'm admin Suho.
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
There will be games and events where you can earn RP currency. Check out our Tumblr for more info. http://ourhouserp.tumblr.com/
@clyne22: Wow, it's been a longggg time since I last opened up this story. O_O I feel like this story has a lot of awkward moments, though. XD I'm glad you enjoyed it. ^_^
clyne22 #4
Chapter 22: this is so good
@majin88: I started shipping them when... when... Honestly, I have no clue. ._. I just remember that there was a period of time when there were more JongU shippers. XD
majin88 #6
Chapter 4: well, i start to ship them since Immortal Song. I don't know if you know/have watch the clip. Remeber when IU sang Good Person, the way Jonghyun watch her perfomance felt like he has fallen, on IU <3
My very first and most beautiful OTP :')
Oh.. I'll continue read then :3
@eyescandy: Haha, thank you! :D I'm not good at making good stories, though. I still have so much to improve with my stories, especially with grammar and plot. :P
Chapter 22: Ommoooo *sobing*. It's really a good one . It's look like the real life of them. U're good at make a good story. Daebak! XD (y)
@DinoGirl420: Thank you! ^^
Chapter 22: OMO! I like this story. They're too cute! And the ending is cute. <3 <3 <3