
Big Bang One Shots

You sat on your couch at yours and seungri's house. He was supposed to be on some interview tonight but you being a foreigner, didnt know what the name was so you just stayed on the channel he told you to go to. You where from america, not korea, and you haven't been here that long. you meet seungri over the internet and  he spoke english, but not very good english. Though you still understood him. You moved here three months ago just for him and, yes, it was hard, but you would coope. You heard music begining to play on the TV so you turned your attention to it. You soon saw all the boys smiling and waving at the camera as they where introduced to the auidience. Your eyes lite up once you saw your handsome Seungri. Aagh the effect he had on you was crazy.

"Welcome boys! Its so great to see you all!," The host exclaimed with much enthusiasim.

"Well its great to be here and see you also!," Exclaimed Jiyong, getting laughs from the audiance and host.

"Well boys lets get right down to buisness, our topic today, relationships!," The host smiled. The cameras went directly to seungri. A smile lite up his face as he looked into the camera, almost as if he knew you were watching and alreayd getting a kick out of this, in which you were. You giggle knowing Seungri was the only one IN a relationship out of the 5 of them.

"Seungri-ah! we all know you have a wonderful girlfriend! please, tell us more about her! I think we would all like to know!!," The host laughed as the audiance began to agree with him.

"Well, she is from America, not Korea and we meet over the internet one day and just began to talk and video chat. I went down to visit her and asked her out than, like I told her I would," He said getting awws from the audiance.

"And why did you tell her that?," Asked the host who seemed to be cooeing over this whole love story.

"I told her one night while we were video chatting that I did like her, alot, and I would only ask her out in person, and I kept that promise," He said while looking into the camera and winking, fully aware and confident that you where watching. You blushed and your heart began to race.

"And then about 3 months later she moved here with me!," He exclaimed as he smiled. Your heart melted at his cuteness.

"Have you ever thought of tying down with her? Like starting a family??," Asked the host, who was showing complete intrest in this.

"All the time. Its still to soon since we haven't been dating THAT long but when the time feels right, it will happen," Seungri said with all seriousness. As the whole place awwed in effection at him he smiled softly and you where just so moved by him. The rest of the interview went by quickly after that with jokes and them talking about there up coming tour. After the interview you began to feel sleepy, so before you went to bed you decided to send Seungri a text

"Saw the interview, lets just say you couldn't have been any better ;)"





Well I tried xD Hope you guys like-ie!

btw anyone else know PewDiePie?? huge BRO here :D


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silversky515 #1
Chapter 15: OMG I love markiplier! Nice instagram tag
topwife #2
Chapter 8: PEW DIE PIE! he's freakin hilarious! but i do like him!