Seungri-This hate that cannot be tamed

Big Bang One Shots

The door slammed and she looked up from her chair. His hands in his pockets at he watched her intenstly. His back against the door now, as if he knew she would try to escape, which she knew she had to, but didn't want to. She couldn't be with him. He was a dangerous man and everyone knew his name. His face was everywhere because of his little gang, trying to take this land for themselfs. They where becoming successful. And she knew what she had to do. She stood up and stared him down, waiting for him to make a move. He raised an eyebrow and shook his head while looking down. He made his way over to her, long and slow strides as if trying not to seem so eager. When he was finally inches from her face he looked down, Like king kong against the beautiful taken lady.

"Your not my prisoner, and im not the prison gaurd, So everytime I find you why must you make me do this?" Dissapointment laced his voice with various hints of saddness towards the end. He was lonely and so was she.

"Because of the things you do, and the decision you make," She spat as she watched his face, taking in every feature and memorizing them like the answers to a test in math the night before. Her heart sped and swelled with hate and saddness. Love was sucha silly cover up for a new found hate.

"I thought I told you this isn't for me, or the others, or for you, why can't you see that. I promised to protect you didn't I?," He asked. His hands slowly moved to her shoulders. They where warm and comforting but burning and deciving.

"Yeah and look at how we've turned out. You think your the only one in pain? Honey, don't be so selfish," She replied. Gently gripping his wrist, but not moving his hands away. She couldn't, now that they where holding her steady.

"You always thought that I didn't love you, but I'm still here. Chasing you," He softly whispered as his face drew closer to hers. She didn't move. As much as she wanted to she couldn't. She left everything for him and in the end he still left.

"I want to, but you and I both know we are going to hate each other," She choked out. Her eyes getting watery. Telling herself not to cry, that she didn't care for him anymore, and didn't need him anylonger.

"Oh trust me, I hate you for so many reason its unbelievable. But just because there are things I hate doesn't mean I cant love them too," His face dangerously close now. So close you could smell the mint of his breath and the way he kept looking over her features. He had to study her to, She was to unpredictable. One of the many things he hated about her, but also loved.

"You had to choose, and you chose power. You chose fame. Money and the fear of others. That is not something I can give," She sighed as her hands moved to her sides and into her tiny nightgown pockets. He moved his hands to her neck and then her face and whispered

"I don't want those things, I only fight for the right of us because truly, All I want is you," And then his lips conected with hers. It was a heartbreaking moment for them both. Tears stained her face as she gripped onto his shirt. They stayed like this for awhile. No words being said. Just sweet kiss after kiss. And then she knew what she had to do.

She pushed off him and steped back. Tears welling up again in her eyes and now, in his. Shaking her head and wiping her never ending tears away, she walked past him. Stopping only when he called out to her.

"You don't have to do this," She knew he had turned around and was watching her. Probably crying to, but she didn't dare turn around. If she did she might just change her mind and that was a choice that would kill her in the end.

"But I do. I'm sorry," And with that she gripped the handle and turned it, opening the door and leaving him there. It was finally over. All the lonleness and saddness and hatred for each other. Love is such a silly expression, for a different kinda hate.






SORRY! I havent been doing much recently. Studying and stuff but winter break is coming up so I should have more on the way!


(btw follow my instagram @wilferd_warfstache c:)

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silversky515 #1
Chapter 15: OMG I love markiplier! Nice instagram tag
topwife #2
Chapter 8: PEW DIE PIE! he's freakin hilarious! but i do like him!