TOP-How could you have left!?

Big Bang One Shots

The music played, and you swayed. The dance reutin you where doing wasn't that complicated. You where in a Korean girl band called A-plus, You where the now Ex-girlfriend of TOP from, well you know. Just saying his name made you want to cry and get mad. You where veeeeery emotional ut not to emotional and you never showed it, one of the reason why he left you. You wake up one day and suddenly your single again! and he didn't even have the balls to break up with you face-to-face. He only left a note that u barley even read. The music stopped and you went to go grab your ipod and everything else and head out.

As you entered your apartment you threw your stuff down and just broke down. Now nobody could hear or see you cry. Its what you wanted. All in all, you missed him. Terribley. He was your all! He kept you going! So what made him give up on you?? was it because you where so stubborn? or was it because you wanted to save yourself for marrige? You couldn't figure it out, And what seemed like hours, but only mer minutes of crying, there was a knock on your door. Hoping it was one of your girls, you dried your eyes the best you could and toke a deep breath while opening the door

And there he was, how convenient for this time HIM to come begging for you.

"It was a mistake and, I'm sorry," He mumbled while looking down to the floor in shame.


"Please ______, Just let me make it u-," You slapped him, not caring for what was about to be said.

"NO TOP, NO! YOU LEFT ME! I GAVE YOU ALL THE LOVE I COULD TO YOU BUT YOU RAN OFF! HOW CAN I JUST FORGIVE YOU AS YOU HALF-HEARTEDLY APOLIGIZE FOR HAVING THE PAST 8 MONTHS AGONY FOR ME!?!," you shrieked, not even having one care for if the whole aprtment buidling hear you. YOU, where mad.

"WELL IM HERE NOW ARENT I!?," top yelled back now having you pinned against the back of your door with one swift move.

"THATS NOT THE POINT TOP! SEE!? YOU NEVER LIS-," but you where cut off by him softly kissing your lips. Your tears ran down your face and stained his plaid shirt. Not like he cared though.

"I'm sorry ok? I left because I thought we would be better off without each other, I didn't want you in pain everytime a girl came up to me to try and flirt with me ok? I don't want them, I want you," He said softly while bringing his forhead to yours.

"So than, than why did you leave?," You cried through sobbs which, he quited with another soft kiss.

"Because you began pushing me away so I thought you didnt want to be with me anymore," He exclaimed with a sigh.

"Seung hyun....Don't be stupid, I love you more than anything!," You cried into his shoulder. You don't really ever call him by his real name, only when your serious about something so he knew you werent lying.

"Don't worry baby, I'm not going anywhere, not this time and not ever,"





(woohoo! first chapter done!)

(I feel so accomplished now :'3)

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silversky515 #1
Chapter 15: OMG I love markiplier! Nice instagram tag
topwife #2
Chapter 8: PEW DIE PIE! he's freakin hilarious! but i do like him!