Daesung-When you meet him for the first time

Big Bang One Shots

You where in a rush. You had to get to school as fast as you could. You had exams for math and science today and you stayed up late studying all night last night. You ran into the train just in time. But on your way into the train you bumped into someone.

"Oh my gawd I'm so sorry!! Are you hurt or anything!?," you rushed out. As the person you ran into looked up you realized who it was. Dae-fricken-sung from bigbang. You kept your cool as you lend your hand out for him to grab.

"Oh don't worry I'm ok. But are you??," He asked. You smiled and nodded.

"Sorry I was in a rush. Late for school," You said with a embarresed expression. He laughed and nodded.

"I know what you mean. Uh by the way, You don't know who I am correct??," He asked looking like he was ready for a fan girl attack.

"Oh I know who you are, Daesung from Bigbang correct?," You asked with your poker face on.

"Yeeeees? I'm surprised that you haven't fangirled yet...," He trailed off looking confused and surprised and he scratched the back of his head.

"Keepin it inside. No need to freak out in public. I do that at home," You stated as you leaned on the door frame while crossing your arms and putting your foot over the other. The train began to hall to a stop you smiled at Daesung as the door opened.

"See you around I guess. It was nice meeting you," You waved but as you turned to leave the train you felt someone grab your wrist and pull you back.

"Did you think I would let you go so quickly? I wanna see you again, your intresting. Heres my number," He said as he handed you a piece of paper and quickly pushed you out the door. You stood there, shocked, You weren't expecting to get his number or to get pushed out the door of a train today. But you sqeauled and did your little funny dance as you fangirled. Your day just got a little bit better


http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lhcsi9tShl1qd8g0s.gif i LOVE THIS GIF OF DAESUNG-IE! XD



I just got back my computer. I've had it gone for like 6 months because it got 10 viruses all at the same time and just completly crashed on me one night :( But its all fixed so I decided "What better way to celebrate than to update meh storys!," I'm thinking of updating a lot tonight :D

~Kyra (the writer :3)


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silversky515 #1
Chapter 15: OMG I love markiplier! Nice instagram tag
topwife #2
Chapter 8: PEW DIE PIE! he's freakin hilarious! but i do like him!